
8/12/2024 - New Event!! Picnic Drive to Augusta, KY

Sunday, September 8th - Picnic Drive to Augusta, KY - see details in Event Schedule

7/15/2024 - New Event!

Sunday, July 21 - supper in Warsaw, KY - details on Event Schedule

5/21/2024 - Concours d'Elegance

All of our pre-sale discounted tickets have been sold.
You're still invited to join us in your Miata for the caravan from Hyde Park Plaza to our parking corral near the main entrance to the show in Ault Park.

4/22/2024 - Sad News

Greater Cincinnati Miata Club lost a friend today. Tom Draper's battle with life ended. He owned an original '92 yellow Miata until he could no longer drive it. He was an avid drive designer and leader. His tours through the National Museum of the US Air Force attracted other guests. And he knew all about "Doo Wop" music! He will be missed. There will be a memorial service on Saturday, May 18* and we're planning a Miata presence in his honor and memory.

*Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 2944 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati (Hyde Park/Mt. Lookout) - 11:00 - parking is creative on Paxton, Erie and Raymar.

12/11/2023 - Christmas Party

We had a fun evening with friends on Saturday, December 10.

The evening started with a buffet - ham (provided by GCMC), mac & cheese, green bean casserole, baked beans, mashed potatoes, corn bread, potato salad, chips with dip, cheese ball with crackers, 2 platters of devilled eggs - and a dessert buffet of fruit cake, chocolate chip cookies, cactus cookies, fruit, cake balls.

After dinner, we recognized and thanked members who took us on drives - Sue and Buddy Smith, Tom Hemsath, Scott Brown, and Tim Ross, and we thanked Mark Heinrich who attended almost all of our events! We posed for a group picture. You'll see that in the next newsletter.

The evening ended with a white elephant gift exchange. Buddy, I hope you're enjoying your cup of coffee! And where did the microfiber dusters end up? I'm looking forward to the installation of the horns on my car.

Thanks to all who came. If you missed it, we hope to see you next year!

Bobbi Ross, President

7/19/2023 - Website updates

New tab: Club Merchandise - you can now order items with the GCMC logo on them directly from the supplier! It'll be faster, I guarantee! And if you don't find exactly what you want from the link, contact me ([email protected]) and we'll try to make it happen.

Event Schedule: update to October 20-22 M&M Vacation Zanesville. Tentative/probable itinerary is posted as well as the link to our room block.

7/5/2023 - Website updates

Please keep watching this space.
Some events have been added, others updated.
Soon we'll also have a new link for merchandise with the GCMC logo.

12/14/2022 - End of 2022 and Beginning of 2023

On December 10, we had our Christmas party to end our calendar year 2022 activities. Delicious food with friends and fun White Elephant gifts. a nice way to end the year.

Calendar year 2023 starts with a planning meeting on January 19, supper with friends on February 25, and a walking rallye on March 12. Details on the Event Schedule. Hope to see YOU there.

9/3/2022 - Annual picnic

Thanks to Gary and Cindy Miller for hosting our annual picnic at their home - AND putting together a delightful drive - AND altering their plans to fit the rainy weather! 23 friends (including two guests) enjoyed a nice supper and evening after the drive. Gary replaced his previous "Show & Shine" awards with a trivia game testing our knowledge of the Miata/MX-5's history. We learned that the club has money, we have members, and we're losing the vendor of our nametags. SO - please wear the tags you have while we find a new, local purveyor. Again, thanks to the Millers (and Daisy) for a lovely evening.

1/20/2022 - Planning Meeting - Event Schedule Updates

No, we didn't solve all of the world's problems, but we did start to populate the Event Schedule for calendar year 2022. There's the return of some old things and the addition of some new ones. The 2022 edition of the M&M Vacation is in the planning stages. Stay tuned for further details!

1/17/2022 - Supper with Friends

Thursday, January 20 - Mellow Mushroom, West Chester.
Please sign in on the Event Schedule. Thank you!
Wear your nametag, please. And if you've joined relatively recently, I have a bunch of nametags that need homes!
And you're welcome to wear a mask - we'll see you smile beneath it.

12/31/2021 - Newsletter

The January 2022 edition has been posted. Check it out! Then go to the Event Schedule and plan to join us for "Supper With Friends" on January 20 at Mellow Mushroom in West Chester.

11/20/2021 - Christmas & New Year

Our Christmas Party is December 4 - hope to see YOU there!

We're starting to fill out our 2022 calendar. Please send suggestions to Bobbi Ross ([email protected]). We'd also love to hear your ideas or requests for a long-weekend M&M (Miata & MINI) Vacation - both dates and destination - again, send suggestions to Bobbi Ross ([email protected]).

8/17/2021 - Event Schedule Update

The link for tickets to the Florence Y'Alls game with Queen City Coopers is now on the Event Schedule page! Hope to see a string of Miatas driving with the string of MINIs.

5/12/2021 - Covered Bridges and Concours d'Elegance

On Saturday, May 8, we toured Brown and Adams Counties in search of covered bridges. We found six and crossed two. We enjoyed lunch at Miller's Amish bakery/bulk foods/furniture complex on a cool but brilliant day.

On Sunday, June 13, we will be going to Cincinnati's Concours d'Elegance in Ault Park. Tickets at the gate are $30, but we have pre-purchased a couple dozen tickets at $25. Meet us at Panera Bread at Hyde Park Plaza at 8:30 that morning to purchase your advance ticket and caravan to our prime parking spot. NOTE: You MUST have a Miata to park with us!

4/28/2021 - We're Back!

We had a successful event IN PERSON on March 20 - delicious soups, stews, chilis & chowders plus Chris Bogart's awesome carrot cake - and our annual meeting plus some planning for the 2021 driving season.

On April 17, we participated in the "Spring Classic Car Drive" in our "Classic" Miatas - a cloudy day of driving some wonderful back roads in Brown and Clermont Counties.

On May 8, we'll explore covered bridges in Brown and Adams counties including lunch at an Amish farm complex.

Our M&M (Miata & MINI) Vacation IS happening on Memorial Weekend - heading east to Athens, OH on Friday, May 28 to spend three days exploring the Windy 9.

In June, we have our prime parking corral at the Concours d'Elegance in Ault Park - and have pre-purchased tickets at $25 (vs. $30 at the gate) - please sign up and plan to meet us at Panera Bread in Hyde Park (and to pay for your discounted tickets) for our parade/caravan to the show.

Several members have offered drives for July and August - stay tuned!

And we'll be back at the home of Gary and Cindy Miller on September 4 for a car show possibly preceded by a drive.

So - keep checking our event schedule and sign up to join the fun!

11/25/2020 - Christmas Party Cancelled

In order not to run afoul of state and local mandates, we have cancelled the Christmas party.
We now plan to meet on February 20 for our "Soups/Stews/Chilis/Chowders" bash at the American Legion in Amelia.
If you had already signed up for the Christmas party, please log in, visit the February 20 entry, and update it.
Fingers crossed - see you in February!

11/4/2020 - NEWSFLASH

Topless Maneuvers for November is online.
Christmas party details have been updated including change of venue.
An event has been added for November 18.

9/10/2020 - New event added

Check the Event Schedule - We have been invited to join the British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati and the Tri-State Triumphs on a drive from CVG through Rabbit Hash to lunch in Burlington.

9/5/2020 - Minutes from September meeting

25 members in 15 cars met at the home of Gary and Cindy Miller in Fairfield for a drive followed by a picnic. As we were starting our picnic, Denny Loman, who had purchased Gary�s blue NA, �crashed� our event � and joined on the spot! Welcome Denny!

The President called the meeting to order with a �thank you� to our hosts for hosting the event, for creating the drive, and for ordering the beautiful weather.

The first item was a review of past activities since the last meeting in February. More recent events in August were also reviewed: a group went to Deal�s Gap, a group joined a Miata Meet Up, and Theo Hardesty went to UC�s Cars & Coffee. Details of the trip to Deal�s Gap and the Miata Meet Up were in the last newsletter � thanks, Editor Sue!

Next on the calendar was a review of future events. We have two listed for October 10. The annual Classic Car Drive has been rescheduled from the Spring. Because The Days of Wonder School has not re-opened, a casualty of Covid-19, we had to choose a new charity. We will support the Dragonfly Foundation. The other event on October 10 is the Fall �Spirits� Drive with Queen City Coopers � and an update will be made after their meeting on September 12. Finally, the President reviewed the current plan for the Christmas Party scheduled for December 5. We have reserved the clubhouse at Village of Tall Trees in Amelia but are looking for alternatives if the State won�t let us meet. The President also noted that there are some good drives on the website and that she and Tim and Scott and Eileen Brown tested the Covered Bridges Drive.

Officers reported � Scott Brown, Membership, reported that we had 55 memberships; Tim Ross, Treasurer, reported that we have money � and he also noted that he has the GCMC pins and magnets.

In new business, we discussed what Covid-19 restrictions have done to our schedule. Our fiscal year doesn�t end until March 31, 2021 � so do we consider this fiscal year a wasted one, charging no dues for the fiscal year that begins on April 1, 2021 with current officers to continue for another year? There was some discussion, but no decision will be made now as our fiscal year has another seven months.

The President pointed out the boxes of Mazda swag, then again thanked our hosts for being flexible in creating a good meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Bobbi Ross, President
Standing in for Secretary Tom Draper.

8/3/2020 - Sad News

When GCMC has participated in a charity event, ours has been Days of Wonder School in Batavia. Sadly, the school is a casualty of Covid-19 and will not re-open.

7/4/2020 - OVAHC Driver's Training

All sessions for 2020 have been cancelled.
This is not a "COVID-19" thing but an insurance thing.
We're hoping to be back in business in 2021.

6/14/2020 - More Changes...

The June 27 OVAHC Driver's Training/Gymkhana has been cancelled. The July 11, 18 and August 1 dates are tentative pending resolution of an insurance situation.

So - you're on your own to drive your car within your own limits, but we all hope you get out to enjoy some top-down driving.

4/8/2020 - June M&M Vacation CANCELLED

Although the basic groundwork was done for this trip, the organizers were unable to make final contacts thanks to THE virus. They were also concerned about some of the group settings planned for June - even if we could be out driving our cars on Athens County's twisties. So - the plans are on the back burner, with the thought that it could be revived at another time. Thanks to Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath for their work.

Bobbi Ross, President

3/31/2020 - April 23 Supper with Friends CANCELLED

To abide by continuing social distancing requests, we are cancelling the Aoril 23 meeting. LaRosa's in Fairfield would not reschedule us for a date in May until all such requests were lifted and they could reopen their dining room.

Stay tuned - and enjoy spring driving on your own!

Bobbi Ross, President

3/18/2020 - April 25 Spring Classic Car Drive POSTPONED

The organizer of this event has chosen to postpone this event to October 10.

3/17/2020 - March 28 meeting CANCELLED

The Corona Virus takes precedence over group meetings.
We're sad not to see you on March 28, but life happens. We're hoping that the April events on the calendar can remain in place - and we'll let you know if they're cancelled.
Stay tuned!

Bobbi Ross, President

2/22/2020 - Soups, Stews, Chilis, Chowders

Twenty members of the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club met at the home of Ken, Chris and Doug Bogart on Saturday, February 22, 2020 for a delicious supper of Soups, Stews, Chilis and Chowders. Enjoying the dishes were Tom Hemsath, Scott Brown, Linda Easter, Ken Kramer, Mark Heinrich, Jenelle Murray, Bobbi and Tim Ross, Gary and Cindy Miller, Trent Talmage, Jay Warner and Kim Forman, Ken and Mary Hopping, Pete and Patrick Macklin, and hosts Ken, Chris and Doug Bogart.

The meeting, which started about 7:20, focused on the calendar for the year. The next event will be a walking rallye in historic Lawrenceburg, IN, to which we have challenged the Queen City Coopers and for which we have commissioned a traveling �Rallye Challenge� trophy. Our March meeting is our annual meeting at the garage of Scott Brown for a tech session to which you may bring your car to address little things like an oil change or adding that gizmo you got for Christmas. In April, we are meeting at LaRosa�s in Fairfield and a poll was taken on the format of our supper order. After that, we are joining the Spring Classic Driving Tour VIII, an all-day tour that starts and ends in New Richmond and, for us, supports the Days of Wonder School in Batavia. Our calendar is empty for May, but we pick up again in June with a cookout on the Ross deck, the Concours d�Elegance with our prime parking spot thanks to Tom Arnold, and a weekend in Athens County being put together by Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath. We are sponsoring nothing in July and August but members are encouraged to join other clubs for events like Minis on the Dragon and Canada�s Capital Miata Meet or the local Ohio Valley Austin Healey Club Driver�s Training/Gymkhana sessions at Live Oaks School in Milford. September brings us to the picnic/luau/car show at the home of Gary and Cindy Miller followed by the October �Spirits� Drive sponsored by the Queen City Coopers.

We are looking for events and twisty-road drives. One possibility is a visit to the Verona Winery on July 11 for supper, wine and good music. Another is a Florence Y�Alls baseball game with the Queen City Coopers.

The meeting adjourned just after 8:00. Again, thanks to the Bogarts for hosting us � ordering wonderful weather and providing all of the outlets for the crockpots and providing the �dippers� and desserts!

Respectfully submitted,
Bobbi Ross, President
(Hopefully for the last time as our secretary gets back in the saddle!)

1/23/2020 - Supper with Friends

On Thursday, January 23, 2020, the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club met at Anderson Pub and Grill for supper with friends. Thanks to Tom Hemsath for finding this location when the venue we had used for the last several years priced us out of the market! Joining us for supper were Tom Hemsath, Tim and Bobbi Ross, Ken Kramer, Scott Brown who brought our secretary Tom Draper, Pattie Kovach, Linda Easter, Trent Talmage, Buddy and Sue Smith, Gary Miller, John and Tonya Hisle, Jay Warner and Kim Foreman, Tim Donnelly, and the Bogarts (Ken, Chris and Doug). We were also joined by three guests: Jim Carson from the British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati and the MG Club and Tom Foster and Ed Fenker of the Queen City Coopers.

Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we have a decent balance. Scott Brown, membership director, reported that he is receiving early membership renewals for the fiscal year that starts on April 1, 2020.

The rest of the evening was spent on the calendar. In addition to the meetings in February and March, a walking rallye in Lawrenceburg, IN was added on March 8. In June, we will have a picnic on the Ross deck, complete with the potato acceleration device on the evening before the Concours d�Elegance in Ault Park. The following weekend will be the annual M&M Vacation, this year being organized by Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath, who are taking us to Athens County, Ohio. In September, Gary and Cindy Miller will again host a luau-themed picnic. We have also been invited to join the Queen City Coopers at a Florence Y�All (formerly Freedom) baseball game on an evening to be determined, as well as their fall �Spirited� drive on October 10 to craft distilleries around Paris, Kentucky.

Again, thanks to Tom Hemsath for finding us a place to meet! We�ll see everyone next month at the home of Ken, Chris and Doug Bogart for our delicious Soups, Stews, Chilis and Chowders � and Mazda swag!

Respectfully submitted,
Bobbi Ross, President
(Acting Secretary until Tom Draper gets back to his computer!)

12/14/2019 - Minutes - Christmas Party

The 2019 Christmas party was held on Saturday, December 14 at the clubhouse of The Village of Tall Trees in Amelia, OH. This report is being submitted by your President because our Secretary is temporarily on the �unable to perform� list. Hang in there, Tom Draper � we�ll see you back when driving season begins in a few months!

In addition to Bobbi, guests included Tim Ross, our hosts Tom and Della Hemsath, Ken Kramer, Gary and Cindy Miller, Scott and Eileen Brown, Trent Talmage, Buddy and Sue Smith, Ken, Chris and Doug Bogart, John and Tonya Hisle, Pamela Mallory with her co-pilot Angie Bruce, Terri Mackey (Bob was fishing in Florida!) and Cindy Enderle. The club supplied the ham, sodas and venue while our guests brought delicious appetizers, sides and desserts.

After enjoying supper with friends, the White Elephant gift exchange began, with the gifts selected by Cindy Miller being stolen most often! In the end, Buddy ended up with the mystery gift, a red picnic blanket embroidered with the GCMC logo. Thanks, all, for the fun!

Our active members were recognized this evening. Tom Hemsath was our most active member, having attended 13 of our 16 GCMC events. Thank you, Tom, for serving as our Vice President, and especially for covering the September meeting when our van broke down in Iowa on our way home. Also recognized were drive leaders Tom Draper, Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath - thanked with gas cards for their efforts.

After a quick review of the upcoming calendar to be posted soon on the website, the boxes of Mazda goodies appeared! Everyone took a ballcap and other treasures, then we posed for a group photo. Again, thanks to the Hemsaths for finding us a delightful venue and keeping the winter weather away!

We�ll see you all on January 23 at the Anderson Pub and Grill to flesh out the 2020 driving calendar.

Respectfully submitted,
Bobbi Ross

9/28/2019 - Miata Club Drive to Madison

The review below was written by Arron Kuetz, President of the Tri-State Triumph Club. The drive was a successful experiment to see if we can join other clubs on our drives and theirs.

Tom Draper of the Cincinnati Miata club invited the BCCGC and Tri-State Triumph club to join them in a drive to Madison, IN. In all, we had a Spitfire, a Stag, an MGB, two TR6s and one later model BMW driven along with a collection of Miatas.

The drive started at the Florence rest stop and we proceeded along I-71 to the Kentucky Speedway exit where we quickly got over the river at the Markland Dam. From there the route took us along state highways and very twisty local roads. Lunch was in Madison at a restaurant that Tom had arranged for a buffet for us.

The heat for the day can best be described as brutal. About halfway in I was a little envious of the modern Miatas and their hoity-toity A/C. My feet were on fire and felt like they were soaking in the Okefenokee Swamp. Then the �Doh!� slap moment hit and I remembered to open the vents. Good Lord, man.

The only casualty on the route was poor Tom�s Miata which overheated in the Middle-of-Nowhere RFD. It turns out it was self-inflicted as he did not tighten his radiator cap after checking it the night before.
(There�s a lesson there, don�t make problems for yourself.) Luckily Julian had a gallon of water with him and we were soon on our way. I want to give a special shout out to Julian, who rode along with David, his 20-year-old son, in his restored Spitfire. Julian and his son redid the Spitfire as a father-son project on their own. Julian proudly told us that David did the wiring himself. It is wonderful to hear that the younger generation is
interested in our old cars and are learning the skills to maintain our beloved cars.

The return trip was along more highways and again over the Markland dam. We being the rebels we are, some of us separated from the Miatas and drove home along Kentucky 42, getting on 275 at Hebron.

9/14/2019 - GCMC's Car Show and Luau

On September 14th, helped by perfect evening weather, Gary and Cindy Miller put on one of their best traditional evenings, this time with a Hawaiian theme with great Hawaiian food, some great Miata transportation modules, great discussions, and of course, prizes for outstanding aforesaid transportation modules.

Led by VP Tom Hemsath, discussion centered around the shrinking participation that seems to be taking hold of the sports car hobby. This year we had fewer events than ever before and so far, this year, we have had only a total of 64 participants for all our driving events (including the M&M Florence Freedom Drive).
Tom Hemsath, Tom Draper, and Scott Brown, given that other single mark clubs were incurring the same situation, decided to see if, beyond the Mini Club, other clubs would be interested in adding their brands to our drives. We checked with three clubs and all clubs said they would indeed be undertested. We then checked with Bobbi and Tim, got the go-ahead, and Tom D invited the MG and Triumphs and received a yes, they were interested. We expect between 5 and 8 MGs and Triumphs added to our Madison drive on the 28th. We will gauge their response and their reciprocate invites after the event. If this plan works out, we will have the option to go on their drives as well as our own.

We also talked about getting photographs of drives taken by event participants to Sue for the newsletter, and adding more content to Facebook, including our newsletter.

The evening ended with our traditional car contest. Gary�s brother was a welcome head judge and (took no bribes, as far as we know). The following winners were:
Trent Talmage: Best in Show and Cleanest Engine
Jay Warner: Best Color Combination
Gary Miller: Best Looking Engine
Tom Hemsath: Least Mileage and Most Personable Owner
Tom Draper: Most Mileage and �Almost Best� in Show
Ken Kramer: Best Knob (shift knob that is)

8/5/2019 - A New Wild Idea Will Soon Increase Our Merrymaking

There are lots of Miatas out there, but today one rarely sees the cars that paved the way for our Miatas. So let's get into the Way-Back Machine. During the '80s (not counting my TR-3) there was a steep decline in Italian and British cars actually being driven on the road. The National Government was thinking of banning convertibles, creating as usual gloom over all the earth. Then came the Miata and once more happiness spread throughout the universe.

Recently those of us at the helm of our glorious club decided to bring back those thrilling days of yesteryear and invite the MG and Healey clubs to join us on some of our drives, the first one being the Third Annual Indiana Sports Car Drive which takes place on September 28. Already we have the owner of a brand new 1973 MGB just graduating from a complete restoration signed up for the drive as well as the Healy folks alerted. If this works out, we will add the Alfa Club and expand the Mini Club participation for next year.

7/22/2019 - Super Pretzel Report submitted by Tom Draper

Nineteen hardy travelers bundled up as best we could and braved the near-freezing weather for another curve-filled drive on the Super Pretzel. This time we had a bunch of first-time GCMC'ers joining us, including one who came after discovering us that day and just showed up. Given that his name was Tom, I let him in for free.

Another new member just finished her restoration (on the car, that is) just in time to participate. Pam Mallory met me at the Florence Mall road course by the ex-Sears building to make sure she was skilled enough to handle the raw power and manual shift of her newly purchased and restored white-colored NA. After a few laps, I gave her the GMMC seal of approval. She lives over two hours away beyond the curvature of the earth but wants to participate in all our activities.

Brent and Julia Newsom decided (correctly) that it might be more fun to go on their first drive than unpacking furniture. Brad Wittenbaum joined us and Jan and Larry Middendorf rejoined us.

We were not the only club on the road that day. We ran into (figurately speaking) a long line of Jeeps, resulting in much honking and waving. Another two and a half hours of sports car fun. Visuals are available on Facebook.

6/26/2019 - Indiana Backroads drive

On June 22 Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath braved the elements and put together a wonderful cruise through the heretofore uncharted wilderness of southern Indiana. Starting off in Lawrenceburg, they led twenty-six of us over 60 miles of beautiful Hill and Dale roads virtually empty of traffic or stop signs.

Great drama preceded the drive. Would it rain? How much? If it did, when would it start (or stop?). Finally, our heroes decided the hell with the Weather Channel and off we went. Emboldened by our drive leaders, down went most of the tops and off went 15 cars. Of course, the weather gods were enraged by our bold behavior and started a light rain within a minute or two of our start.

Off to the side of the road we went, our tops went up, and we proceeded undaunted. All of us that is except Bob Mackey, who took the he-man�s approach and refused to bow to the elements and kept his top down, knowing that if we kept going over 40 MPH, the design of our Miatas would not let the rain wet our interiors. In the event, the weather gods were taken aback, he did not have to put his top up, and the weather merely managed to keep a light drizzle going, allowing our wipers to remain on intermittent most of the time.

After about two hours of fabulously scenic countryside, we arrived at our destination: Rockies Bar and Grill in Rising Sun, a biker bar with no bikers attending due to the weather. After a very leisurely lunch, we drove down to the new Rising Sun Ferry, which we found was out of service; the mighty Ohio being more mighty than usual due to high water levels. Back we went to Rt. 275 as the rising sun finally broke through. In the event, no rain, sleet, or storm kept us from having a great time.

6/2/2019 - Drive to Ertel bistro and winery

Recently we found Ertel bistro and we enjoyed our meal. We would like to invite you to join us for a first Sunday dinner drive. We will meet at 4300 Springdale Rd at 2pm for a 2:30 start. We plan country roads to Indiana 46. For the return trip I-74 is convenient. See the Event schedule to RSVP. Hope to see you.

4/23/2019 - The Drive to Jewell's on Main is ON!

Jewell's on Main is one of the best eateries in driving distance in the Cincinnati area. They are so well known that it is getting hard to get a group reservation, but since we have gone there twice before they have given us a chance to go there again.

They have reserved their banquet room for us on Saturday, May 18th at 5:00. They are on the Ohio River in Warsaw Indiana, thus giving us a great meal after a fun river drive. Please go to our Event Schedule and sign up so we can give them an accurate attendance count.

The club is currently enjoying a pulse of new members and this is a perfect event for first timers to our events. The route is easy to follow so no one will get lost and provides a great opportunity to meet other new as well as veteran club members in a cordial setting, not to mention the great food at reasonable prices.

4/18/2019 - Supper with Friends at the Mackeys

A great time was had by all Bob and Terri Mackey combo dinner party and Miata Club update, even the weather cooperated.

Eighteen members attended, including two new couples. They were Linda Easter and David Hile, plus Steve and Mary Jane NeCamp. Attendees beside the Mackeys included Tom Draper, Tom and Della Hemsath, Trent Talmage, Ken Kramer, Scott and Eileen Brown, John and Tonya Hisle, Jay and Kim Warner, Rob Salvucci, and Buddy and Sue Smith.

The rustic sylvan setting was inviting and so was the food. The ham was delich as was the mack and cheese, salad, cole slaw, as well as excellent homemade cookies.

Tom Hemseth led a discussion re the upcoming events on our calendar for the first part of our driving events. For more information, see our website.

4/27: First up is the famous Spring Classic Car Drive. This is a truly a don�t miss it event put on by the Cincy Motoring Society. All sports cars are welcome for this all-day touring event, finishing at New Richmond car show. The tour supports various charities including Ken Kramer�s day care service for disadvantaged children.

4/28: The Sharonville Car Show brings cars from miles around to be shown on the streets of Sharonville.

5/18: A drive to the town of Warsaw on the river, then a great dinner with a great menu at Jewells On Main. Sign up on our web site. Specifics will be posted next week.

May 24-27: Don�t miss our 4-day trip with the Mini Club to the horse farms of Kentucky.

June 9: The Ault Part Classic Car Concours. As usual Tom Arnold will be handing us tickets a great discount price. Also don�t forget we will have our drive into the best parking place in front of the main gate. Slots are limits, so sign up early!

June 15: Cookout at the Ross�s, this time, steaks will be available for grilling and potatoes will be available for Tim�s anti-aircraft potato gun.

June 22: Tour the back roads of Indiana with Tom Hemsath and Scott Brown. The drive will be though Ripley and Dearborn IN counties. Lunch will be available in Rising Sun, followed by a ferry ride to Rabbit Hash.

Just the beginning of our wonderful Miata Summer.

4/11/2019 - Newsletter deadline

Looking for content for the newsletter. Please submit articles, photos and upcoming events by April 26. Expect a newsletter first week of May. Sue Smith

3/25/2019 - Garage Get Together

Following age old tradition, the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club�s annual meeting for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019 was held in the famously cool but inviting Scott and Eileen Brown garage on Saturday, March 23. Tom Hemsath, Matt Lawson, Buddy and Sue Smith, Trent Talmage, Ken Kramer, Bob Mackey, John Haas, Jay Werner and Kim Foreman, new member Ken Esterle, Bobbi and Tim Ross, plus Scott and Eileen Brown, our gracious hosts, who were busy providing tools, handing out lunch, and protecting the furniture.

Bobbi Ross, our non-collusioning President, called the meeting to something similar to order shortly after noon, starting off with a thank you to our hosts. Treasurer Tim Ross shared the financial statement for the fiscal year showing that we have plenty of money and somehow spent less than we took in. As usual, he reminded everyone that he has club pins and magnets for sale. Outgoing membership chairman John Haas reported that this fiscal year saw our highest number of members in about ten years. Incoming membership chairman Scott Brown reminded us that dues are due by April 1.

Bobbi reviewed the upcoming calendar, reminding everyone to check the website regularly. Scott Brown is putting together a Hocking Hills overnight for October, and he and Tom Hemsath are working on a drive in the Lawrenceburg, IN area.
Sunday Dinner Drives by Buddy and Sue are also in the works � stay tuned!

Several of our members have recently joined the Cincinnati Motoring Society. Everyone who likes cars (which means all of us) should check their web site and join in on their super-fun events. Their latest event was a bus trip to Sterling Heights, MI to see the fabulous General Motors Heritage Museum. Their next event will be lunch and a visit to the Tri-State Warbird Museum in Batavia. Contact them if you wish to be added to their mailing list.

The meeting ended shortly after 12:30 with a gentle reminder to all members to attend the April 18 meeting at Bob and Terri Mackey�s home. Sign up on the website � Terri�s cooking!

2/16/2019 - Soups, Stews,Chilis, & Chowders Event

Once again the Bogart residence filled with hungry Miata folks for another fun evening of food and laughter. The serving table was packed with delicious food while the chairs were packed with hungry club members, including Bobbi and Tim Ross, Tom Hemsath, Ken Kramer, Gary and Cindy Miller, Scott Brown, John and Tonya Hisle, Tom Draper and Pattie Kovach, Jimmy and Deanna Smith, Pete and Jen Macklin, Jay Warner and Kim Foreman, and Cindy Enderle.

After the food marathon, Tim Ross announced that we are hip deep in funds for the year, to the tune of $1650, which is a new high. Then Bobbi Ross went over all the events planned so far for 2019. This took a while because there are plenty of them coming up. To see what they are just go to the Event Planner on the website and sign up. Looks like another outstanding Miata year coming up!

1/21/2019 - 2019 Annual Planning Meeting

Our Annual Planning Meeting, held, as usual at Belterra, was a fun evening and a productive one. Twenty four and � members (Tom Arnold couldn�t stay), included Bobbi and Tim Ross, Tom and Della Hemsath, Sue and Buddy Smith, Kim Foreman and Jay Warner, Terri and Bob Mackey, Tonya and John Hisle, Mary Jane and Steve NeCamp, Lorrie and Tim Paulus, Heather and Rob Salvucci, Gary Miller, Tom Draper, Scott Brown, and Tim Donnelly filled the VIP Room with convivial chatter and we all filled ourselves with excellent dinners.

Once the vittles were stowed internally the conversation turned to the upcoming events for 2019. Austin Coop gave us a presentation on his Route 66 trips.

Tim reported that the kitty is well fed with dues ($1600 and counting). Events that will be added to those already on the list include:

A March Q&A Walking Rally, hosted by Tim Ross, as well as the Ross�s traditional June porch extravaganza

A July 4th event commemorating the launch of the Miata in the United States thirty years ago.

Sue and Buddy will host two dinner drive dates TBD.

Scott Brown and Tom Hemsath will host a two-overnight drive Ohio drive using the mucho curvy �Ohio Winding roads now used by motorcycle clubs.

Tom Draper will host at least two drives, by popular request, one the Super Pretzel and the other the Indiana Sports Car Drive.

Gary Miller will lead a wine country drive in June or July, and will again host another Picnic event on September 14th.

Other events may be added, so keep track of all our events on our website!

12/19/2018 - Mazdas Prove Their Worth

While the stock market sinks into the West, there is good news on the sports car market front. Hagerty, one of the leading companies that keep track of the value of four-wheel machinery, has just put out a list of the five best appreciating cars for 2018. Three Mazdas are on the list: the super fast 1992-2002 RX-7, the not so super fast 1979-1985 RX-7, and drum roll please, the incredibly fast 1990-1998 Mazda Miata. That's right kidos, NAs in "good" condition have increased in value by (hold on to your socks) 48.4% in one year, which puts the average of a class #3 condition NA at $6100! Many of our cars are in Class 1 or 2 which gives them a value of almost 8 million dollars (OK, so I'm stretching the term "almost"]. Not bad. Now you can buy those two 1956 Mercedes tail lights you always wanted and keep the leftover $387!
Tom Draper

12/11/2018 - Welcome to the Great Snow Tire Scam

For the past few months, I have been noticing articles and rumblings about the necessity of having four snow tires rather than two snow tires on the driving wheels. This is pure nonsense.

I have driven in many super heavy snowstorms (including 2 1/2 foot snowfalls) and steep hills in New England in various cars such as my'56 Oldsmobile 98, Fiat 124, Toyota Corolla SR5, original Mazda 626, Mini Cooper, NA Miata etc. On my Fiat 124 I even had studded snow tires on the rear and bias Firestone Wide Ovals on the front with never a problem. Meanwhile, we live in Cincinnati, which got a total of 2-5 inches all last year.

Here's the skinny:

1. If you have all season tires with reasonable tread on all four wheels you should not have a problem, even going up most moderate hills. I regularly went up steep snow covered hills with 4 all seasons in my Mini.
2. If you put snow tires on your driving wheels paired with all season tires with reasonable tread you should have no problem. IF you have a FWD car with snow tires on the driving wheels you should have no problem getting up most hills.
3. If you have summer tires on any axle you probably will have trouble. Avoid snow or ice days.

The latest program pitching 4 snow tires showed the driver locking up the wheels and doing nothing as the SUV equipped with front snows spun around at 15 MPH. What a con job to sell more tires! If we do have a snowstorm worth talking about, drive your car to the nearest empty parking lot and play with your car, stopping quickly, turning etc. so you get an idea how it handles in snow -- every car is different.

If you want to know more, I invite you to contact me and I will send you a detailed article on the subject. For example, if you put two old towels in the trunk, and get stuck, put one towel in front of the wheel that was spinning and drive over the towel, You'll come right out.
Tom Draper

12/6/2018 - Right Leg Pain? No longer a problem!

Yes, that's right, kids! No more tell-tale right leg scars and bruises from driving Miatas. Moss now has a custom pad that adheres to the center console (plus an arm rest) for about $35 dollars. I could tell you what page has it, but I can't find the flyer. Don't worry, we all have Moss Motors' telephone number on our phones don't we. Be the first kid on your block to get one! (Miata not included).

12/1/2018 - Christmas Party 2018

Happy Holidays to everyone! What a great way to kick off the Holiday season with wonderful friends. Twenty five GCMC members and family got together Saturday December 1st for the annual Christmas party and White Elephant gift exchange. Attending were: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Gary & Cindy Miller (fresh from a Hawaiian vacation!); Tom Hemsath; Ken Kramer; Jimmy & Deana Smith; John & Teri Haas; Scott & Eileen Brown; Bob & Wendy Askin; Michelle & Don Bereda; Tom Draper; Pete Macklin; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Buddy & Sue Smith; Jay Warner & Kim.

Thanks to John & Teri Haas for hosting our party again this year. The Paragon Mills clubhouse is a perfect venue and they always do a great job setting up and preparing the ham. The food offerings were varied and delicious and most pans and platters went home empty!

After dinner, Bobbi got the fun started with the always popular White Elephant gift exchange. She supplied a "mystery" gift that could be stolen as many times as we wanted until the last gift was gone. The only condition is that this mystery gift could not be opened until all the other gifts were taken and opened. The tire rim clock was the most stolen gift after the mystery gift. Ken Bogart was the eventual owner of the mystery gift which was several pieces of Mazda & Miata swag like a back pack, travel coffee mugs, lanyards, etc.

After the gift exchange Bobbi handed out gift cards to folks that had planned and led drives during the year. Tom Hemsath led us to Metamora. Scott Brown led a second group to Metamora as well as to Grimes Field for the B-17 fly in. Buddy and Sue Smith reprised their drive along a portion of the John Hunt Morgan trail and also the Halloween Pumpkin drive. Bob & Wendy Askin helped plan and/or led drives to find 4 Madonna of the Trail statues on 4 different states. Tom Draper took us in Pretzel Drive 1 & 2, Indiana Twisty drive and the Arts Festival drive.

The attendance challenge was won by Tom Draper. He attended 16 of the 22 club events on the calendar this season. Buddy and Sue Smith attended 2 regional events outside of our club area by going to Miatas at Tail of the Dragon and Miatas in Myrtle Beach.

In organizational news, Pete Macklin has taken over as administrator of the club FaceBook page. Page founder John Roberto has decided to pursue other car interests and Pete has stepped into the administrator role with a bang. Thanks, Pete! Also, Bob & Wendy have sold their Miata and are stepping down as club Secretary and newsletter editors for the past 6 years. Tom Draper has volunteered to take the Secretary position and Sue Smith is now editing the newsletter. Thanks to both of these folks for stepping into these positions.

I would like to thank the club for several years of fun events, great drives and fellowship. It has been wonderful meeting new club members and sharing knowledge and experiences with everyone. My request is for every member to get involved in the planning process and participate in as many drives as you can. That's what keeps the Zoom-Zoom spirit alive.

Submitted by: Bob Askin GCMC Secretary (outgoing)

11/15/2018 - HELP WANTED!

Bob Askin and John Haas are retiring from their positions.

We need a Secretary beginning January 1, 2019 to take notes at our meetings. Thank you, Bob, for handling this!

Beginning April 1, 2019, we need a membership director. This job includes keeping track of member renewals and payments. We are adding to the job the ordering of nametags for new members as well as add-ons for partners or replacements for those of us who are forgetful!

If you can help GCMC in either position, please contact me at [email protected] or see me at the Christmas party on December 1.

10/15/2018 - News Flash! New Editor for "Topless Maneuvers"

Sorry to report, our very capable newsletter team, Bob and Wendy Askin, have retired from the position. Sue Smith will now try to live up to their fine execution of the newsletter.

Expect Sue's first attempt soon after the Christmas gathering in December. Until then, she will be juggling text and photos to create our next issue. Going forward, please submit articles and photos to Sue at [email protected]. All recent submissions have been forwarded by Bob and Wendy.

Many thanks to Bob and Wendy for their work for the last six years and thanks to Sue for volunteering to take on the challenge.

Bobbi Ross, President

9/24/2018 - Indiana Sportscar Drive 2

On Saturday, 9/22, 12 people and 9 cars spent the day enjoying the virtually empty roads of rural Indiana. Starting out with the sun peeking out, Tom Draper, Ken Kramer, Cindy Enderle, Stephen and Tina Landry, Trent Talmage, Matt Lawson, Bob and Terri Mackey, Shawn Noland, plus Ken and Doug Bogart enjoyed mega curvy and/or roller coaster roads, riverside cruising, gourmet sandwiches and pizza, hill climbs, both up and down, switchbacks, and of course, the Chute of Death. Showers in the afternoon did not slow us down and a good time was had by all with requests to do it again next year.

9/1/2018 - Show & Shine, Supper with Friends Monthly Meeting

On September 1, 2018, Gary and Cindy Miller hosted the (now) annual Show & Shine. Mother Nature opened the faucet about 4:00, but the party didn�t start until 5:00, so the evening was safe! Twelve cars carrying 20 people were in attendance: Buddy & Sue Smith, Russ & Kristin Helmes, Tom & Della Hemsath, Tim & Bobbi Ross, Tom Draper, Ken Bogart, Gary & Cindy Miller, Trent Talmadge, Scott & Eileen Brown, Jonathan Peters, guests Jay Warner & Kim Foreman, and Chris & Doug Bogart. After about an hour of mixing and mingling and enjoying the cars, Gary and Cindy called us in to supper. In addition to providing sodas and water, they had prepared hot dogs, brats, burgers and sloppy joes in advance and had all of the buns and condiments ready. The sides and desserts that folks brought filled out the menu deliciously.

About 7:00, the meeting was called to order by President Bobbi Ross. Tim Ross, Treasurer, reported that the treasury is in good shape so we may begin giving gas cards to drive leaders and rallye creators to thank them for the time they invest. He also showed the merchandise (magnets, pins, window clings) available. The secretary/newsletter editor was absent, dealing with an ailing Miata. Bob and Wendy Askin were missed, as were John and Teri Haas. John, our membership director, did report at an earlier officers� meeting that we have about 70 members. After reviewing July and August events and previewing September and October drives, Bobbi shared the news that Bob Askin and John Haas are retiring from their positions. We will need a newsletter editor, a secretary, a membership director, and someone to coordinate procuring nametags.

At 7:30, Gary began the awards ceremony. Tim Ross was the judge. The winners:
Early Arrival � Trent Talmadge who had given himself time to get lost!
Highest Mileage � Ken Bogart with over 200,00
Lowest Mileage � Russ Helmes with only 6,300 miles on his 2015
Newest Tires � Jay Warner, who put new tires on the 2005 he bought three weeks ago!
Stickiest Tires � Scott Brown, whose tires had a tread wear rating of 140 (40 is stickiest, 600 hardest)
Best Gauges � Gary Miller who had replaced the standard dash with a digital one.
Cleanest Engine Bay � Chris Bogart
(almost) Best In Show � Ken Bogart with an outstanding dark blue metallic wrap
Best in Show � Trent Talmadge with his �Zoom Toy� NC PRHT in copper red

The group carefully departed just after 8:30, using the driveway to keep from running over Gary and Cindy�s grass and the water line it hides! Again, thank you to the Millers for having us over for a picnic and a wonderful car show!

8/12/2018 - September and the beginning of October are packed with fun events!

The end of the Summer and early Fall are packed with Miata Events!
There are five drives scheduled from Sept 1 to October 13, plus a super Car Show. Don't miss out -- Check the Event Schedule and SIGN UP!

7/9/2018 - Pretzel Drive Report

Under a perfect sky and temperature conditions, 19 people and 10 cars started out on the Pretzel Drive. Ken Kramer, Tom Draper and Victoria Spicuzza, Michelle and Don Bereda, Michel and Bethany Bourgeois, Trent Talmage, Jon and Gabrielle Peters, Rob and Michael Salvucci, Paul Brausch, Stephen and Elan Landry, Aaren and Gwen Miller along with their cars, participated.

Unfortunately, one of the cars in the middle of a restoration experienced a clutch failure early in the drive and proceeded home via flatbed. All the others made it to the end. Kudos were handed out at the finish, with most of the participants saying the drive was one of the best drives they had ever been on. One of the features was a return on the same roads in the opposite direction, which gave a completely different driving experience. We met almost no traffic as we negotiated an hour and a half of curves in second or third gear through beautiful country surroundings in an old-fashioned spirited drive. Several folks requested a repeat which I may plan when the leaves are turning.

Tom Draper

6/24/2018 - The road on the Pretzel Drive is now finished.

6/21/2018 - Supper with Friends - June Monthly Meeting

Rather a small turnout for our June monthly meeting at the Ross's. The weather didn't cooperate, but at least the grill was hot and steaks, burgers and dogs could be cooked. Attending were: Tim and Bobbi Ross; Tom Draper; Tom Hemsath; Ken Kramer; Bob & Wendy Askin; John & Teri Haas; Gary Miller and Rob Salvucci.

After grilling and good eats, Bobbi called a short business meeting to order. Treasurer Tim Ross reported that the bank account still looks healthy. Secretary Bob Askin reported that the deadline for submitting information for the July newsletter is June 25th. Membership Chair John Haas reported that new memberships have slowed down after the Spring rush. Bobbi reviewed some of our recent club activities and covered the next couple of months of scheduled events. July and August are usually pretty quiet for organized drives due to vacations and usually hot weather. Several folks encouraged the group to put any impromptu drives for ice cream or Sonic on the FaceBook page.

After the meeting adjourned, Tim showed a 10 minute video of his ride-along in a Porsche on the Nurburgring in Nurburg, Germany. This is a 13 mile ring road with lots of twists and turns that can be driven for sport. At one time it was used for Formula 1 racing. Tim's ride looked pretty exhilarating!

Check the club website for upcoming activities and we hope to see you soon!


Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

5/4/2018 - Main Events in May

Spring weather has finally arrived so it's time to sign up for top down action in May. Here's some highlights:

Tuesday May 15: The B-17s are gathering and we're going to see them. If you have a job, just tell your boss you have the Rangoon Flip. That should do it.

Saturday May 26: It's detail day. Jon Roberto's car is filthy again so he's going to show you how to keep yours super clean and super shiny.

Sunday May 20: We're going on a country drive to Lebanon for ice cream. That's what you do in May.

Friday May 25-28: It's the big M&M vacation drive to the wilds of Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Mini people are joining us.

Saturday May 26: The Healey Club invites us to watch or take part in their training gymkhana. If you never have checked this out, do so. It's a blast.

4/5/2018 - Super Fun GCMC Upcoming Events in April

OK boys and girls, the spring driving events are starting with a bang so sign up so our drive sponsors know you are coming.

First we have another nice afternoon drive on Sunday April 8th, ending in a great casual dinner.

Then we have a major event: On April 14, The "Back to the Past" Classic Sportscar Driving Tour. This is a not to be missed all day event featuring everything from Jaguars to Sprites (and Miatas, of course). AND the weather will be great!

Then on April 21, we have the April Fools' Drive featuring historic sites and great food as well as great roads and beautiful weather.

Don't just sit there, sign up!

3/29/2018 - Accessories Party and Annual Meeting

The weather didn't cooperate and this meeting date had to be moved. It still rained but we had a good turnout for the Annual Meeting. Thanks to Scott & Eileen Brown for hosting and letting us use the garage, lift and tools. A couple of folks took advantage of the lift to change fluids and inspect the underside. I hope your front yard survives all the tire marks, Scott! In attendance: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Tom Hemsath; Scott & Eileen Brown; Bob & Wendy Askin; Rob Salvucci; Tom Draper; John Haas; Tim & Lorrie Paulus; and new members Trent Talmage and Ron & Brittni Floyd.

After munching Subway subs for supper, Bobbi called the Annual Meeting to order.
- All officers have agreed to stay on in their current capacity. Those attending unanimously agreed by show of hands.
Bobbi Ross - President
Tom Hemsath - VP
Bob Askin - Secretary
Tim Ross - Treasurer
John Haas - Membership
Tom Draper - Director at Large
Buddy Smith - Director at Large

- Treasurer Tim Ross gave his end of year report. We ended the year with about as much money as we started. There were a couple of expenses this past year that were non-recurring expenses that will not appear this coming year which leaves us a bit more money available for events/parties. Tim also reminded us that he has club merchandise for sale (hat pins, door magnets, hat keepers, etc).

- Secretary Bob Askin reported that the May Newsletter deadline is April 25th. Also for any new members to contact Bob for club nametags.

- Membership chairman John Haas reported that we have 43 members signed up so far for the 2018 season. We have several new members enrolled over the past couple of months. John proposed that sometime in May we should have a membership drive. This is where a bunch of us take club business cards and drive around town for 2 hours passing out club cards to any and all Miatas we see. We then meet back at a central location for some socializing.

- Bobbi recapped the club events for the past 2 months since our last meeting. She then outlined the events scheduled for the next 2 months that kicks off our driving season. Check the club website Event Schedule for all the events and details. Events in a Blue header are GCMC sponsored items. Events in Black are events sponsored by outside organizations that we are invited to attend.

Submitted by Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

2/17/2018 - Soups, Stews, Chilis, Chowders (and Bacon!)

A big thanks to Chris, Ken and Doug Bogart for hosting our annual crock-pot extravaganza! We barely had room on the island for all the pots of wonderful soups, stews and chilis. There was even a Bacon Explosion of piggy tastiness. And Chris did an excellent job on the breads, sides and deserts as always.

Attending were: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Tom & Della Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin; Ken Kramer; Gary and Cindy Miller; Scott & Eileen Brown; Bob & Terri Mackey; Jimmy & Deana Smith; John & Tonya Hisle; Justin Meyer; Tom Draper; Tim Donnelly; Cindy Enderle and new members Tim & Melissa Lutterbie.

After consuming vast quantities of food and sharing great conversation, Bobbi called the meeting to order. We welcomed new members Justin Meyer (2017 Machine Grey) who joined us late last summer and Tim & Melissa Lutterbie (93 & 94 Black) who just recently joined and attended their first club event.

Secretary Bob Askin announced the March newsletter deadline for submitting articles is Feb 25th. Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we have a nice bank balance and more dollars coming in as folks renew their membership. Remember that your $25 membership renewal is due April 1st. You can renew on-line via PayPal or see Tim at an upcoming meeting and pay with cash or check.

Bobbi went through the calendar of events for the year that have been planned. We have quite a list of things listed. Each person that is leading a drive or overnight adventure said a few words about the events. There are 2 challenges this year. First will be an award for the person who attends the most events listed as GCMC events - that is, ones we organize or are specifically invited to attend (e.g., Spring Classic Driving Tour).

Second will be an award for the person who attends the most listed GCMC events AND attends at least one event (e.g., Miatas at The Gap) hosted by another Miata Club. This will require a bit of help on your part to let Bobbi know what you're doing outside of Cincinnati. There are currently five such events listed on our calendar (See April, June, August, September and October). Email at [email protected] or see me at a meeting to report attending another club's event!

Our next event is quickly approaching in early March with a walking ralley in downtown Hamilton on March 4th. March 11 is a Sunday dinner drive and March 24th is our annual kick-off meeting, election of officers and accessories installation party at the Brown's residence. As always, check the club website for event details and to sign up for an event.

Submitted by Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

1/20/2018 - 2018 Challenge

We're continuing the attendance challenge for 2018.
This year, there will be a twist with two end-of-year awards.

First will be an award for the person who attends the most events listed as GCMC events - that is, ones we organize or are specifically invited to attend (e.g., Spring Classic Driving Tour) - titles are in blue on the Event Schedule.

Second will be an award for the person who attends the most listed GCMC events AND attends at least one event (e.g., Miatas at The Gap) hosted by another Miata Club. This will require a bit of help on your part to let me know what you're doing outside of Cincinnati. There are currently five such events listed on our calendar (See April, June, August, September and October). Email me at [email protected] or see me at a meeting!

Bobbi Ross

1/18/2018 - January Meeting - Supper with Friends and Planning for 2018

Thanks to Tom Hemsath for organizing another fantastic January meeting at Belterra Park Gaming. The Stadium Club is a wonder venue with our own private area for eating and meeting as well as our own serving staff. And they don't charge us for the room!

Attending were: Tim & Bobbi Ross; Tom Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin; Scott & Eileen Brown; Buddy & Sue Smith; Gary Miller; Tom Draper; John & Tonya Hisle; John Haas; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Rob and Heather Salvucci; Tim Donnelly and Tim Paulus.

After a bit of socializing Bobbi called the meeting to order. Membership Chair John Haas reported that membership is tapering off and that we should think about passing out club business cards this Spring to generate more interest. Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we have a comfortable balance heading into the new year.

Planning discussion followed with the list of dates already on the club calendar for 2018. There are lots of great drives in the planning stages and several more were discussed during the evening. We have at least 2 overnight outings planned with the Memorial Day Miatas and Minis long weekend excursion into WV and SW Pennsylvania and a one nighter to Richmond, IN in September. Buddy Smith volunteered to put together another series of Sunday dinner drives and Tom Draper is reprising his Southern Indiana twisties drive this year. A lot of details still to come.

Even though it is still officially Winter, we have meetings scheduled in February and March. February is the annual Soups, Stews and Chili evening at Bogart's home. March will be our annual meeting and kickoff at the Brown's home and will feature a day of garage time (with a lift!) to install new parts, oil changes and light maintenance or just get a look under the car without laying on the floor!

Check the Event Schedule for more details and to sign up for these events.

Submitted: Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

1/15/2018 - Dan Gurney RIP

1/13/2018 - Early Miatas Now in Demand

Hagerty is an insurance outfit that keeps tabs on values of classic and used cars. Hagerty sez "Prices for cars from the �70s, �80s and �90s are showing the most growth, particularly limited edition performance cars. Cars from the 1950s and pre-World War II eras are down.�

Part of the reason for that is that each generation tends to collect cars that were hot when they were young, including used cars that young people could afford to buy, customize and dress up.

�Generation X is finally coming into some money,� Hagerty said. They�re interested in cars that were relevant to their youth.� In addition to muscle cars, that means cars featured in TV shows like Miami Vice, Magnum, P.I. and The Rockford Files are hot.

There�s also a trend to higher prices for early sporty imports. Demand for the Datsun 240Z and early Mazda Miatas is strong, along with 1980s sporty compacts like the VW GTI, Audi Quattro, and Toyota Supra. Porsches of all eras are selling well, because the brand has always done a great job of managing production and connecting its road cars to the success of its racing programs. The brand has been on the rise for the last 24 months.�

Tom Draper

12/2/2017 - 2017 Christmas Party

Another driving season has come and gone. We sent it out in style at our annual Christmas party hosted by Teri and John Haas at the Paragon Mill club house. The club provided the ham while everyone contributed a side dish, dessert or appetizer to share. Attending were: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Gary & Cindy Miller; Tom Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin; Buddy & Sue Smith; Ken Kramer; Scott & Eileen Brown; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Tom Draper; Tim & Lorrie Paulus; Mike Cook; Ken, Christine & Doug Bogart; Bob & Terri Mackey; John & Tonya Hisle; and new members Ken & Wendy Fend.

After socializing and attacking the food tables, Bobbi Ross called the meeting to order and recognized the club officers for this year. We welcomed new members Ken & Wendy Fend and wished Tim Paulus a happy birthday (49 - really?) Then Bobbi presided over the ever popular White Elephant gift exchange. Wendy Fend was welcomed into the club by having her gifts stolen at least 4 times! She had the last laugh by hanging onto the Mystery Gift which turned out to be some nice Mazda swag.

The club challenge this year was to attend the most club sponsored events. Gary Miller was the winner by attending 17 of the 21 club events for 2017.

Treasurer Tim Ross reported that the $5 dues increase in effect for the last year has been successful at keeping the books balanced and that we will have a positive balance in the bank going into next year.

The 2018 calendar is starting to take shape. We have the first 3 months of meetings already planned. January will see us at Beltara Racing for a nice dinner and calendar planning session. February will be the annual Soups, Stews & Chili at the Bogart's home. March will be an Accessories Party at the home of Scott & Eileen Brown. Scott has a 3 bay garage with a 4 post lift along with various floor jacks and tools to work on our cars. We are invited to come out and do anything from a simple oil change to installation of any new toys Santa might bring us for our cars.

The events schedule is a work in-progress. If you have any ideas for fun destinations or just have a nice twisty drive in mind, please don't hesitate to share your ideas. The more people that help plan provides more events on the schedule for all to participate.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

11/5/2017 - Unbelievable Flash: New NA Miatas for Sale

Incredible but absolutely true, brand new zero mile NA's are now on the US market for the unbelievable price of $2575. These Miatas are exactly as originally manufactured and are exactly similar to original US NAs (left hand steering, engine, interior, drivetrain, etc.) except that tires come from China, and you get your choice of two lower front end body panels, original and racing configuration.

I bought one of these cars when they were first on sale, but they were right hand drive for the Japanese market and I got rid of it for that reason. Now after 28 years, pristine ultra low price US versions are hitting dealers across the country. They do have the original wheels and tire size, but other than that...

Interestingly, they are not manufactured by Mazda, but are licensed by Mazda for manufacture by a top tier US fabricator. If you want one, you'd better hurry. This build is already completed by Revell and will sell out fast. Before they sell out, you can order one from Boardwalk Hobbies by dialing 513.871.2110. More probably, this will be the last NA you will be able to buy in 1/25th scale. Used 1/1 scale models are still available at higher prices.

10/19/2017 - October Social Meeting

We tried something a little different this month for our social meeting. Bobbi Ross arranged for us to meet for dinner and our meeting at the Embassy Suites in Blue Ash. Attending were: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Bob & Wendy Askin; John Haas; Ken Kramer; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Tom Draper; John & Tonya Hisle; Gary Miller; Rob Salvucci; Buddy & Sue Smith, Tim Donnelly and new member Justin Meyer.

Most all of us ate dinner. The food was good but the service was a bit spotty. After eating and socializing we adjourned to a meeting room for a brief business meeting. Treasurer Tim Ross announced that the bank account is quite healthy and on track to leave us a good balance to end the year.

Secretary Bob Askin let everyone know that the November newsletter will be out soon and deadline for submitting articles or information is October 28th.

Membership director John Haas announced that we have several new members join in the last couple of months and we welcomed brand new member Justin Meyer.

President Bobbi Ross recapped events from the last month or so and talked about the last event of the year which is the annual Christmas Party. This is always one of our most attended events and folks are encouraged to sign up on the club website. Let us know what dish you will be bringing when you sign up so that others can see what is already planned and we get a good variety of dishes. Also at the holiday party we will be starting to brainstorm ideas for drives and events to put on next year's driving calendar so bring your ideas to share!

Submitted by Bob Askin GCMC Secretary

10/15/2017 - Indiana Sports Car Drive

This past weekend, fourteen cars, twenty-seven participants, and perfect weather combined to make a rousing last Miata Drive of 2017. We braved the �Chute of Death�, enjoyed miles of riverside roads, a wild roller coaster road, great food, a super twisty hill climb, plus over 25 miles of uninterrupted country curves before returning back from virtually traffic-less Indiana. We had three new members take part as well as all four versions of Miatas. We even ran into some Miatas going South as we zipped along going North. Another day reminding us why we own Miatas.

9/26/2017 - Don't forget to sign up for the Indiana Sports Car Drive

This is the last drive of the year and it will be a great one so don't miss it!

9/18/2017 - Dayton Concours

This event has gone serious. Last year the quality ranged from Ault Park to Home made. This year it was totally Ault Park level. Fab cars all in classes. Compared to AP, the owners were much more ready to talk to the visitors. Smaller numbers of cars but a more casual atmosphere made chatting with the contestants much more easy. Good food with plenty of picnic tables. My faves: '49 Caddy convertible, '35 Riley Imp, '56 Chevy convertible in turk and white and a mid fifties Arnault MG convertible. Featured were Camaros and Firebirds. Those first gen Firebirds were really impressive, as was the 5.0 powered Miata. (Tom Draper)

9/2/2017 - September Meeting & Social - GCMC Concours d'Miata

Gary & Cindy Miller hosted the Second Annual GCMC Concours d'Miata (more about that later) at their home. The weather stayed dry during the event even though many of us drove through rain to get to Fairfield. There were 23 in attendance - a great turn-out. Michelle & Don Bereda; Tom & Della Hemsath; Bobbi & Tim Ross; Gary & Cindy Miller; Bob & Wendy Askin; Rob & Heather Salvucci; John & Tonya Hisle; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Scott & Eileen Brown; Mike Cook; Bob & Terri Mackey and Tom Draper.

As folks arrived, Gary lined us up in Concours fashion in his side yard to display our cars. There was much socializing and sky watching to hold off the rain. Gary grilled an array of burgers, dogs and bratts to go along with the side dishes everyone brought. After dinner, Gary judged the cars while president Bobbi Ross held a brief business meeting.

Tim Ross presented the treasurer's report and stated that the bills are paid and we have a good bank balance.

We thanked Gary and Cindy for hosting the meeting and Bobbi recapped events from the past couple of months. She then reviewed upcoming events and noted a couple that are new to the calendar for the fall. Scott Brown volunteered his garage and lift for the club to have an "Installation Day" in the early Spring so folks can gather to install any toys or modifications that they got for Christmas. Check the club website for all upcoming events.

Gary humorously went over the rules for the judging and his qualifications to be the judge. Then he presented the awards based on his judgement and observations of the cars participating in the Concours d'Miata. This is his spin on the more formal Concours d'Elegance that is held in Ault Park each spring. He actually makes little wooden trophies for each category. The winners were:

1. Best Food Item - Chris Bogart - German potato salad
2. Best Apparel - Wendy Askin - hiking boots
3. Early Bird Arrival - Tom Hemsath
4. Car with most miles - Michelle Bereda - 219,700
5. Best Exhaust Tips - Tim Ross
6. Best Looking Engine - Bob Mackey
7. Best Wheel/Tire combination - Mike Cook
8. Best Interior/Exterior color combination - John Hisle
9. Almost Best in Show - Bob Askin
10. Best in Show - Michelle Bereda

We hope Gary will continue this tradition in coming years as it seems to be a big hit!

Submitted: Bob Askin GCMC Secretary

7/20/2017 - July Social Meeting at Rivertown Brewing in Lockland, OH

We had a small group for this month's meeting. Several members and officers are traveling this month. Attending were: Bob & Wendy Askin; Tom Hemsath; Rob Salvucci; Joel & Lisa Borchers; John & Tonya Hisle and Gary Miller.

Things got started with a social hour with lots of cold beverages and snacks in the air-conditioned arcade room at Rivertown Brewery's Taproom in Lockland. Brand new members Joel and Lisa Borchers were welcomed and lots of Miata information exchanged.

VP Tom Hemsath went over the upcoming schedule and we talked events and how to sign up for things and keep updated on event details with the new members. Since no other officers were present the business part of the meeting went pretty quickly. Rob stuck around for a bit after the meeting to test his skill with the various arcade games and pin-ball machines available for free play. I hope he didn't let the pin-ball wizard get the best of him!

Submitted - Bob Askin GCMC secretary

6/22/2017 - June Monthly Social Meeting

Nice turnout for the monthly meeting held at Tim & Bobbi Ross's house. The weather held just long enough for everybody to eat and then turned rather unfriendly to sitting outside. Attending were: Tom & Della Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin; Ross's; Rob & Heather Salvucci; Tom Draper; Scott & Eileen Brown; Gary Miller; Bob & Terri Mackey and Tim Donnelly.

Tim and Tom H grilled hamburgers and brats. Everyone brought a dish to share. Beverages were cold and plentiful. Bobbi called the meeting to order after everyone found seats in the living room & dining room. Things were a little cramped, but we're a friendly group!

Bobbi reported that the Zoom Zoom box of goodies and Mazda merchandise has been requested from Mazda Corporate. Each year we can make this request and 2 large boxes show up with all kinds of things with the Mazda logo. At this point the club has several boxes of stuff to give away at meetings and events. There are water bottles, key rings, handle bags, ball caps, card wallets, power supplies, lanyards...the list goes on.

Secretary and Newsletter editor Bob Askin reported that there will be a newsletter coming out July first with a deadline to submit articles and pictures by 6/29 as he and Wendy are going out of town for the July 4th holiday.

Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we still have a decent bank balance.

As for membership, there have been a few new members join in May and June. We even had a couple of new folks join at the Concours d'Elegance.

Bobbi reviewed the upcoming calendar of events.We don't have alot planned for drives in July and August as the weather can be pretty hot for top-down driving. There are several regional events that folks can enjoy. There will be a monthly social meeting at Rivertown Brewery in Lockland on July 20th. Check the website for details and to sign up. Tom Hemsath will run the meeting as Bobbi will be elsewhere in July.

Not scheduled yet but in the planning stages is an Accessories Installation Party. Looking for someone with a car lift that is willing to host us (Scott Brown?) in February or March to install any accessories or do work that requires a lift. We'll update the website events as plans come together.

In the mean time, try to keep cool!

Zoom Zoom

Bob Askin GCMC Secretary.

5/18/2017 - May Monthly Social Meeting

Small turnout for our May monthly meeting. Thanks to Rob and Heather Salvucci for hosting in their home and Tim & Lorrie Paulus for co-hosting. Others in attendance were: Tim & Bobbi Ross; Tom Draper; Gary Miller and Bob & Wendy Askin.

The meeting format was a little different than most of our meetings. We gathered a bit later (7:00pm) and socialized over beverages and appetizers before starting the business part of the meeting. This seemed to work out well.

Bobbi called us to order and asked for officer's updates. Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we have a nice balance in the bank. Bobbi reported that Membership Director John Haas recently broke his leg! Nothing to report from Secretary Bob Askin.

We recapped recent club activities and those events on the club calendar. We have lots of great outings for members to participate in. Check the club website for details and to sign up for an event.

In new business, Tim Ross reported that he has a co-worker that recently bought a Miata that needs lots of work but he is on a budget. Right now he needs headlight assemblies for an NB and some cheap tires (15"). Also, Tim has a couple of walking 'rallys' all mapped out that he wants to challenge the Queen City Cooper club (Mini's) to do with our club. We discussed that this can be done in the Fall when driving season is wrapped up.

We had some discussion about member participation. We have about 70 paid memberships but seem to see the same few members at any given event. Where is everyone? We try to get the word out about events and post information in the newsletter, but still have only a few folks attend. Is there something we need to do differently?

Submitted: Bob Askin, Secretary.

5/6/2017 - Change of Date for the Midway Drive

The Midway Drive has been changed to May 27 to ensure a warm sunny day with temperatures in the low 80's.

3/23/2017 - GCMC Annual Meeting and Dinner

Thanks to Heather and Rob Salvucci for organizing our venue for the annual club meeting at MJ's on Main in Old Milford. The food and service were good for a crowd of 20. In attendance: Paul Brausch; Tom Draper; Tim Paulus; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Gary Miller; Rob & Heather Salvucci; Rick & Ann Ortlepp; Ken Kramer; Scott & Eileen Brown; Michael & Marianne Cook; Bobbi & Tim Ross; Tom Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin.

We started the evening with food, drinks and socializing before president Bobbi Ross called the annual meeting to order. She announced the club officers for 2017. No big changes from last year except that Tom Hemsath is now our VP and Tom Draper is a Director at Large - they switched roles. The other officers are: Bobbi Ross - President, Tim Ross - Treasurer, John Haas - Membership, Bob Askin - Secretary, Buddy Smith - Director at Large.

Membership stands at 61 paid members at the end of the year. As a reminder, our annual dues are due on April 1st. Your $25 can be paid to Tim Ross or John Haas in person or via PayPal on the website.

Treasurer Tim Ross gave his annual financial report. Last year the club voted to increase dues by $5 to $25/year. This was needed to offset a shortfall that was beginning to eat into our financial reserves. With this increase and dropping a couple of higher priced items from the budget (Spring Tune-up and gas cards given out to drive leaders), we have overcome the shortfall of previous years and are on track for this year.

Bobbi recapped the schedule of events for this year. The calendar has lots of fun drives and outings for the next several months. Keep checking the club website for details and to sign up for events. New things are still being added and we'll let you know about them in the newsletter. Bobbi noted that we don't have a lot of club events scheduled for July and August because there are several regional events like Miatas at the Gap, Zoomin' the Mountains of East TN and others that you might want to attend. Several members have attended events outside our home area and have had a great time.

In New Business - The club has business cards that we give to members so they can advertise the GCMC to other Miata owners. Many of us keep a supply of these cards in our car so that we can stick them under the wiper on Miatas that we see out and about in our travels around the Tri-state to advertise the club and invite new members to join. Our supply of cards is nearly depleted and Bobbi has asked Secretary Bob Askin to order a new batch of cards so that we can hand them out to members.

Submitted by Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

3/5/2017 - First Sunday Dinner Drive

Because March is supposed to have crappy, non-top-down-driving weather, Buddy and Sue Smith didn't plan a drive, just a dinner. Well, it turned out to be a delightful day, so we drove our Miatas, top down, to Richard's Pizza in Fairfield for supper with friends. Thank you!

2/25/2017 - Soups, Stews, Chilis Potluck Dinner

A big thanks to Chris, Ken and Doug Bogart for hosting this annual event. This seems to be one of our more popular gatherings and is always tasty. Also thanks to Chris for making the corn bread and yummy deserts! I counted 7 crock-pots with 2 beef stews, 2 conventional chilis, 1 chicken chili, a Polish cabbage soup and a chicken rice stew.

In attendance: The Bogarts; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Ken Kramer; Tom & Della Hemsath; Gary & Cindy Miller; Bob & Wendy Askin; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Bob & Terri Mackey; Matt & Jackie Lawson and Tom Draper.

After dinner and social time, club president, Bobbi Ross called the meeting to order. First order of business was to thank the Bogarts for hosting this annual event. Chris said she loves doing this and will host as long as we want to keep coming back.

- Secretary Bob Askin stated that the March newsletter will be out the first of the month and deadline for submitting items is Tuesday 2/28.

- Treasurer Tim Ross stated that we have a good balance in the bank to end the year and start the new fiscal year in April. He also announced that we are down to the last few club window clings and need to order more. He has researched and found a new source and will follow up with an order. He also has 'lid latches' (hat tethers to keep your hat from blowing off) for $5. This is a new item in his offerings of club gear.

- Bobbi recapped the events on the club calendar so far and provided details for many events. Check the club website for a complete run down of all that is planned this year. There are still some drives and events/meetings that will be added as further plans are made. There are at least 2 overnight outings on the schedule. One in May to Marietta, OH hosted by the Millers. Another will be in September to Put-in-Bay on lake Erie being led by Tom Hemsath, Scott Brown and Bob Askin.

Be sure to look at the website schedule of events and consider participating in as many events as you can. The Club Challenge for 2017 is a participation challenge where you earn points for participating in events throughout the year. Bobbi will keep track, so let her know if you do a non-club sponsored event so she can award your points. Mazda swag will be given away at the December meeting and holiday party.

Submitted by Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

1/19/2017 - Social and Planning Meeting

Tom Hemsath arranged for us to use a part of The Stadium Club for our January planning meeting. In attendance: our host Tom and his wife Della, Bobbi & Tim Ross, Ken Kramer, Scott & Eileen Brown, Rob & Heather Salvucci, Buddy & Sue Smith, Jimmy & Deana Smith, Gary Miller, and Bob & Toni Baur.

Tim Ross, Treasurer, reported that we have money! After this fiscal year ends March 31, we will not be giving gas cards as a thank you for putting together a drive, rallye, etc. Instead, the Mazda swag will be used.

We discussed the calendar and made updates, which are being added to the website calendar. We had a description from Gary Miller of the plans for the 2017 M&M Vacation in May to Marietta, OH. Tom Hemsath, Scott Brown and Bob Askin are working on an overnight to Lake Erie/Put-in-Bay.

For 2016, we had a challenge of visiting towns starting with each letter of the alphabet. The challenge for 2017 is to attend all of the GCMC events on the calendar. One point is issued for each event - highest point total wins Mazda swag. Note that those who attended the January 19 meeting already have one point in the bank!

Thanks to all who came. We missed those who didn't and will look forward to seeing you on February 18 for our tour of the National Museum of the USAF or on February 25 for Soups, Stews, Chilis, Chowders.

Bobbi Ross, President
(Not nearly as efficient as Bob Askin, Secretary)

12/3/2016 - 2016 Holiday Party

Wow! Another successful year and holiday party. Thanks to John and Teri Haas for hosting at their beautiful Paragon Mill Clubhouse.

Attending: Bobbi & Tim Ross; Tom & Della Hemsath; John & Teri Haas; Bob & Wendy Askin; Ken Kramer; Tom Draper; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Bill & Linda Rump; Gary & Cindy Miller; Bob and Terri Mackey; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Sherry Glover & Brad Walsh; Buddy & Sue Smith; Bob & Toni Baur; Paul & Brenda Brausch; Carroll & Mary Jane Roberts; Rob & Heather Salvucci and Tim & Lorrie Paulus.

The club provided ham and everyone else brought dishes to share. There were lots of great appetizers and deserts this year but we were really scarce on side dishes.

Bobbi hosted the ever-popular White Elephant gift exchange. There were lots of wonderful gifts and a couple of truly white elephants. Bobbi included another mystery gift this year that was stolen and passed around to several hopeful recipients. Congratulations to Bob Baur for taking home the prize - a Mazda shine-up kit. Remember, gifts received this year are not eligible for 'regifting' until the 2018 holiday party! One gift got left behind, so if you dropped or forgot to pick up the Motorola Talkabout microphone, contact Bob Askin.

At least 3 members present completed Jimmy Smith's hometown alphabet challenge. Jimmy & Deana, Bill and Linda Rump and Bob & Wendy Askin. Bobbi let us have first pick of the Mazda Swag from this year.

Bobbi also recognized and thanked club officers for serving this year and folks that have led drives the last couple of months of the driving season. Buddy and Sue Smith for the First Sunday Dinner drives, Miller's for the drive to Spring Cliff Farms, Tom Draper for the drive to Augusta, Matt Lawson for the drive to Brookville and Wolf Habitat and the Askin's for the Louisville overnight.

We started sketching out some plans for the 2017 season. Several monthly meeting owners were identified and a few venues selected. Lots of ideas were recorded for events, locations to visit and drives to plan. We'll make more formal plans at the January club meeting to be held at the Beltara Casino (old Riverdowns) about the 3rd Thursday evening in January. Look for details on the club website in the next couple of weeks.

Last but not least Bobbi had everyone pick things from the 2 boxes of Mazda swag the club gets from Mazda each year. There were hats, water bottles, decals, Miata history books, USB power charges, car shine kits and lots of other stuff!

Thanks to everyone that participated in club events and activities this past year. We really tried to plan fun things to do and see while enjoying our roadsters and meeting new club members. Here's to another successful year in 2017!

Bob Askin - GCMC secretary

9/29/2016 - September Social Meeting

We had a great turnout for the monthly meeting and social gathering at The Works in downtown Loveland. Fourteen signed up and 20 folks showed up. Thanks to all who came.
Attending were: Tim & Bobbi Ross, Tom Draper, Bob & Wendy Askin, Jonathan & Bri Peters, Rob Salvucci, Bob & Toni Baur, Ken Kramer, Matt Lawson, Gary Miller, Tim Paulus, John Haas, Buddy Smith, Tom & Diane Curfiss, and Mike & Marianne Cook.

We started the evening with drinks and appetizers as folks slowly gathered at this interesting venue. Dinner followed after most everyone arrived. The individual pizzas are particularly tasty from the wood fired oven.

Bobbi moved us out to the patio for the business meeting so we could all hear a bit better. Tim Ross reported that we still have a decent balance in the bank and that we'll have to wait until the end of fiscal year to determine if the $5 dues increase makes the difference between balanced books and deficit spending.

Membership now stands at 66 paid memberships with 1 more new member in process bringing us to 67. New members Diane and Tom Curfiss joined us tonight for their first club event. Diane owns a 2011 Silver GT automatic and they look forward to joining future club events.

Secretary Bob Askin took orders for nametags from several folks. The club provides the driver's nametag free and spouses/co-pilots can get theirs for $6.

President Bobbi Ross recapped the events schedule remaining for the calendar year. We have a Sunday dinner drive the first Sunday in Oct and another in planning for Nov. We're invited to join the Queen City Coopers on a day trip to Buffalo Trace Distillery near Frankfurt. New member Matt Lawson has a drive planned the middle of Oct to visit the Wolf Habitat near Brookville, IN on some great country back-roads. Maybe a ralley in November? The last event currently on the calendar is the annual Club Christmas party the first Saturday in December with the ever popular White Elephant gift exchange. The Christmas party is also the time we brainstorm ideas for club events and meetings for the coming year. Be sure to check the Event Schedule for details and sign up for events you can attend.

A few ideas for next year already mentioned are an Auction Fundraiser, Accessories Install Day and the multi-day SCCA Run-offs at Indy in late September 2017.

Submitted: Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

7/21/2016 - July Monthly Social Meeting notes

We had a really nice turnout (21 folks) on a hot summer evening at Warren County's Armco Park near Lebanon, OH. Bob and Wendy Askin hosted the cookout with the club providing burgers, brats and buns along with rental for the big shelter with plenty of picnic tables. Club members brought a dish to share and there was plenty of food.

Attending were: Scott & Eileen Brown; Tom Hemsath; Bobbi & Tim Ross; the Askin's; Tom Draper; Buddy & Sue Smith; Gary Miller; Paul and Carol LaVasseur; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; and new members Matt Lawson and Jonathan & Brie Peters.

After a wonderful picnic Bobbi called the meeting to order and asked for reports from the various officer positions.

Secretary Bob Askin reported that the club officers met prior to the club gathering and took care of some Ohio state paperwork that needs to be filed with the state every few years. They also discussed some business items related to finance and the events schedule.

Treasurer Tim Ross reported that we have a decent bank balance ($1200+) and that he has completed filing required paperwork with the IRS for the club.

Membership director John Haas was not in attendance tonight but had reported to Bobbi that we have 62 paid members for 2016. We also welcomed two new members to the club tonight. Matt Lawson owns a 1999 classic red. Jonathan and Brie Peters have a 1994 black.

Bobbi recapped the many events and outings the club has participated in since our last club meeting in April as well as several upcoming events. The summer months have lots of opportunities to get out with our cars both locally and in nearby regions and lots of folks have taken advantage. Bob Askin reported that he and Wendy, along with Russ & Kristin Helmes, attended Zoomin' the Mountains of East Tennessee and got to do fast laps at Bristol Motor Speedway as the high point. At the end of July a group of 6 cars is headed to Deals Gap to attend the national Miata gathering at Tail of the Dragon. Everyone should experience this trip at least once in your Miata life.

In other upcoming events: (always check the club website events page for details)

Buddy Smith needs volunteers for one or both days the weekend of Aug 6 & 7 to work at the AMS bike charity event near Oxford. Volunteers warn bicyclists about vehicle traffic, dangerous intersections, etc to keep the bicyclists safe.

The September club meeting will be at Gary & Cindy Miller's house in Fairfield. There may be an auction associated with this meeting but details are still being worked. If you have any Miata parts you want to get rid of, this might be your chance. Check the events schedule in the coming weeks for details.

The weekend of Sept 23-25 features Miatas at Mid-Ohio Sports Course. There will be Miata racing all weekend and this is the SCCA National Finals for many categories of racing for the year. Spec Miatas will race on Saturday with up to 60 Miatas starting the many will finish?? You could be surprised. One day and multi-day passes are available and quite reasonable. Check the club website.

A driving rally will added to the schedule in October. This will start at the Airport Marriot and wind through the NKY hills and highways with facts to find along the way based on a set of questions and clues handed out at the beginning. Tim Ross was instrumental in putting this together as part of the National Austin Healey club gathering in Cincinnati earlier this year.

Submitted by Bob Askin GCMC Secretary

4/21/2016 - April Monthly Social Meeting

A big thank you to Scott and Eileen Brown for hosting this month's social gathering. You have a beautiful home!

We had 16 members in attendance: Scott & Eileen; Tom & Della Hemsath; Ken Kramer; Bobbi & Tim Ross; Bob & Wendy Askin; Tom Draper; Michelle & Don Bereda; Bob & Terri Mackey and new members Rob & Heather Salvucci.

Bob Askin reported that the deadline for news items to get into the next newsletter is 4/28.

Tim Ross reported that he is working on reconciling the year-end treasure's report but PayPal and computers are making this task more difficult than it should be. He will send his report to club officers as soon as he gets the kinks worked out.

Welcome to new members Rob and Heather Salvucci. This is Rob's second Miata. His brother-in-law rolled and totaled his first one! His current ride is a 2013 Black GT model with PRHT. We look forward to seeing them on some of our upcoming events.

Bobbi Ross reviewed the Events Schedule as listed on the club website. As always, check that resource often for details and updates for club events and outings. Things get added during the year and you'll want to know what's coming up. Some of the bigger events mentioned:

-- The First Sunday dinner drives have proved to be popular. Buddy and Sue Smith try to organize one for the first Sunday of each month.

-- M&M overnight vacation in May. This trip focuses on car museums in Indiana and Detroit.

-- A Saturday drive through Amish country in Adams County with a stop at Miller's Bakery and furniture store.

-- Concours d'Elegance at Ault Park in June. If you sign up for this fantastic display of cars you can get discount tickets and a premiere parking spot right across from the main entrance to the show.

-- Miatas at the gap in late July. Bob Mackey and John Haas are leading a group to Deal's Gap for the annual Miata gathering. Contact Bob Mackey if you need a room...he has 2 left on reserve at Fontana Village.

-- Louisville a-la-carte in August. This weekend features a grocery list of items to do and see in Louisville - both above ground and underground!

Don't forget, if you want to put together an impromptu drive, just send out an email through the club website with a meeting place and destination. There are some really great BBQ joints and ice cream stands out there just waiting to be discovered.

Submitted by Bob Askin GCMC secretary. Zoom Zoom!

4/17/2016 - GCMC Dyno Day at Dayton Performance Motorsports

A peppy rear wheel drive car on a raised roller dynamometer revving up to 7000 RPM makes for lots of noise.

Five GCMC members caravanned up to Moraine, OH to Mike Bell's Dayton Performance Motorsports shop to test our cars on his Dynojet test rack. While Mike specializes in making Mustangs go fast and properly configuring their on-board computers, he offered to let the Miata club come to his shop for the morning to see how much peak horse power and torque is generated at the rear wheels.

The first challenge was backing the cars down the crowded aisle - about 120 feet - to approach the ramps for the rack. The second challenge was actually backing up onto the rack that is designed for much larger cars and not falling off the edge! Thankfully, Mike took over (took pity?) and placed each car properly on the rack. The car was backed up onto the dyno roller and securely tied down at all 4 corners in the event of an inadvertent launch.

Mike then attached a few electronic leads to strategic points and commenced to make 2 full power pulls generating the peak horse power and torque data. Start to finish took about 20 minutes total for each car.

Mike and his helper interpreted the charts and graphs for each and let us know if there was anything amiss such as timing issues, fuel management, misfiring , etc.

Here are the results:

Ken Kramer 2002 64k miles Fast Forward supercharger 155 ft-lbs at 180 HP
Tim Paulus 1994 75k miles FM Voodoo2 turbo with intercooler 8psi 170 ft-lbs at 184 HP
Buddy Smith 2009 35k miles Stock engine 121 ft-lbs at 131 HP
Keith Smith 1995 107k miles Stock engine 104 ft-lbs at 103 HP
Bob Askin 2001 107k miles FM Voodoo2 turbo with intercooler 9psi 181 ft-lbs at 196 HP

It was a fun event and provided some interesting data that we didn't have before. Everyone attending thought it was worth the time.

Submitted: Bob Askin

3/26/2016 - Spring Tune-up and Annual Club Meeting at Jeff Wyler Mazda Eastgate

Perfect weather and a good turn out for our annual Spring Tune-up and club meeting at Wyler Mazda in Eastgate. Thanks to club president Bobbi Ross for organizing the event and to Service Manager Marc McQuitty for discounting our oil changes as well as the donuts, coffee and water. They even had radio station B105 out for a live remote!

In attendance for the meeting were: Tim & Bobbi Ross; Tom Hemsath; Ken Kramer; Bob Askin; Buddy & Sue Smith; Mike Bruewer; Mike Cook; Bill Rump; Scott & Eileen Brown; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Russ Helmes; Jon Roberto; Arman Ashraf; Tom Draper; Bob Mackey; Jim Carlin; Ron Leach; John Haas; Kirk Hodulik; Bob Merten and new member Pat Lance.

Bobbi hosted the business meeting where Treasurer Tim Ross announced we still have a healthy bank account. Membership chair John Haas said that membership fees are coming in.

Bobbi also announced that all club leadership and board members have agreed to stay on in their current positions for another year with the addition of John Haas taking over membership from Tom Arnold.

Tim talked about the new Tech Team and a recent project at Gary Miller's house. Four club members recently met at Gary's to pull the engine/transmission from his existing car and from a donor/parts car he purchased. In 8 hours we managed to pull both and get them to a position that Gary could work on assembling a new working engine/transmission plant to put back into his Miata. The team will tackle the re-installation the first Saturday in April. Contact Tim Ross to discuss and schedule a project on your car.

We have lots of events and outings planned on the Events Schedule on the club website. Check it regularly for details of upcoming events. That is the main communication of events - an email does not usually go out to remind folks of an event. Bobbi did announce that we need a host for both months of May and June for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Anyone wishing to host please contact Bobbi.

Jimmy Smith has put together a fun challenge to be completed by the end of the calendar year. He has published a list of towns/cities in the SW Ohio area that cover every letter of the alphabet. Simply get a picture of your car and the town name on an official sign or public service building with the town name (town hall, police/fire, etc). Prizes will be awarded at the Christmas party in December. Check the March newsletter and club website for a list of the town names to complete this challenge.

Submitted by Bob Askin - club secretary.

2/21/2016 - February Club Meeting - Soups, Stews and Chili Potluck

Thank you, Ken and Chris Bogart for hosting this annual and ever popular event. We had 22 GCMC members and honored guests (more on that later) in attendance with 9 different pots of soups, stews and chili to share. Chris made biscuits, corn bread and fresh bread for dipping and an assortment of crockery goodness. She also had some wonderful deserts for those of us with a sweet tooth.

In attendance: Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Gary & Cindy Miller; Tom & Della Hemsath; Bob & Wendy Askin; Jimmy & Deana Smith; Buddy & Sue Smith; Larry & Jan Middendorf; Bob & Terri Mackey; and former longtime member Rose Gontkovsky and her daughter Andrea and her fiance Sam.

Bobbi started the business portion of the meeting (after dinner, of course) with a big thanks to the Bogarts for hosting the evening. Other items of business:
- Newsletter deadline to submit articles/updates is Feb 28th.
- Treasurer Tim Ross reports that we still have a healthy bank balance.
- The new shirts that Tom Draper organized for purchase are quite nice. Bobbi has a full catalog of merchandise (clothes, hats, jackets, duffels, etc) that you can order with the GCMC logo embroidered. Tim was sporting a new long sleeve checked button down with the logo that was very nice.
- Bobbi presented Rose with a special plaque thanking her for her many years of service to the club in various capacities. It was great to see her again.
- We continue to add dates to the 2016 driving and events calendar. Check the website for the latest additions. This is where you will always find the most up to date information for coming events.
-- Of note is the March annual meeting and kick-off at Jeff Wyler Mazda in Eastgate. Oil changes will be offered for $10 featuring Mobil 1 full synthetic oil.
-- Bob Askin has organized a Dyno Day at Dayton Performance Motorsports for April 17th.
-- Bob Mackey has reserved 6 rooms at Fontana Village for Miatas at the Gap in late July.
There are many more events still being planned or details added those on the calendar already.

New Business:
- Tim Ross announced that several club members are getting together to form a Tech Crew. This will be a group of interested gear heads that will go to a member's house and work on a car project to lend support, tools, advice, etc. Many club members have done extensive work on their cars and are willing to help those with less experience to accomplish a major mechanical task. More as details develop.
- Jimmy Smith has come up with a club driving challenge for 2016. The rules are pretty simple; find a town/city whose name begins with each letter of the alphabet and take a picture of your car in front of some sign or building (fire house, police station, etc) in each. Jimmy has a list of 26 towns in SW Ohio already pulled together to make it easy. You are also free to substitute any other town for one on his list as long as you get the alphabet covered. More points will be awarded for his list, however. The challenge runs from Mar 1 thru Dec 31. Check the March newsletter for the official rules and Jimmy's list of towns.

Submitted: Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

1/21/2016 - January 2016 Club Meeting and Planning Session

A great turn out for our 2016 New Year Kick-Off and Planning meeting at Belterra Racing Stadium Club. Thanks to Tom Hemsath for making the arrangements for our meeting and dinner.

Attending were: Tom & Della Hemsath; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Bob & Wendy Askin; Tom Draper; Ken Kramer; Bob & Terri Mackey; Gary Miller; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Bill & Linda Rump; Buddy & Sue Smith; Leff Lemkuhl; Tim Paulus; Russ Helmes; Sylvia Knappe, Jim & Deana Smith and Tim Donnelly.

The club officers met before the general club meeting to discuss 2 business items. Officers present were: Bobbi Ross - President; Tom Draper -VP; Tim Ross - Treas; Bob Askin - Sec; Tom Hemsath & Buddy Smith - Board members.

First item of business was discussion about our annual liability insurance. This is one of the club's largest annual expenses. We are spending just a bit more per year than we are taking in with annual dues. The last dues increase for members was 10 ears ago to raise them from $15 to the current $20 level. Tim Ross made a motion that we raise our annual membership dues from $20 to $25 per year in order to keep even with expenses. Bob Askin seconded and all officers present voted in favor of this motion to raise the membership dues to $25 per year.

The second item of business was the announcement that King's Mazda will no longer offer the club free oil changes at the Spring Tune-up event we hold in late March or early April. King's told Bobbi that their records show club members just don't bring their Miata's back to King's for follow up service and repair so they don't see a business advantage to continue the Spring Tune-up event. Bobbi had some discussion last summer with Wyler Mazda (Eastgate) and they seemed willing to offer some level of service to the club for a small fee per car. She will pursue further opportunities with Wyler and report back to the club.

Club Meeting
- Bobbi announced to club that the officers decided to continue our liability insurance and that annual club membership dues will increase from the current $20 to $25 per year effective 4/1/16. Most members present voiced positive comments to this announcement.

- Bobbi also announced the news about King's Mazda dropping our Spring Tune-up event and her plans to try to work something out with Wyler Mazda for this year.

- The first order of new shirts that was placed from the December party meeting were delivered tonight. They are nice looking shirts of high quality. Order forms are available on the club website under the Resources tab.

- The yearly planning session continued with several more events planned and more details fleshed out for events listed from the Holiday planning meeting. Check the Events Schedule on the club website for details. There are a few monthly meeting slots that have not been assigned. If anyone is interested in hosting or planning a venue for a monthly meeting, please get in touch with Bobbi.

- Tim Ross presented a short talk on Fun Rallye Basics. A ralley is the next step up from our casual drives that we are all familiar with. Rallyes have a goal or theme and rules to follow over and above just driving from point A to point B. Many of us have heard of Poker Run rallyes where the intent is to collect a playing card at each stopping point along a route and the best hand at the end of the route wins. Others are Scavenger Hunts, Photo or Landmark Rallyes where you are given a sheet of photos of objects that you need to drive to and get a picture of you and the item in the photo. There are even Walking Rallyes which is a walking variation of the Photo/Landmark rallye. Contact Tim Ross if interested in planning or participating in a Rallye. Tim's handout will be posted to the club website under the Drives tab.

Submitted: Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

1/16/2016 - Dan Gurney RIP

12/6/2015 - Christmas Party 2015

Wow! What a turnout for the annual GCMC Christmas party and White Elephant gift exchange. Thanks to John and Teri Haas for hosting a fantastic event at the Paragon Mill Club House Sunday evening.

Attending were: Tim & Bobbi Ross; Bob & Wendy Askin; Tom & Della Hemsath; Larry & Jan Middendorf + grandson Braden; John & Teri Haas; Buddy & Sue Smith; Scott & Eileen Brown; Ken Kramer; Jim & Deana Smith; Russ & Kristin Helmes; Bill & Linda Rump; Tom Draper; Gary & Cindy Miller; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Michelle & Don Bereda; Bob & Terri Mackey; and brand new member Tim Donnelly.

The party started off with appetizers and drinks of choice as we all gathered followed by a wonderful meal of ham and covered dish offerings. No meal would be complete without dessert and there were plenty of those yummy treats. (I especially liked the pumpkin bars!)

Bobbi called the meeting to order and we quickly progressed through the Treasurer's report. Longtime member and membership director Tom Arnold announced his retirement from that position earlier this Fall and John Haas has stepped up to fill that spot for the coming year.

VP Tom Draper has been working hard to locate a source of embroidered shirts for club members to buy. He supplied examples of 2 different styles (men's and ladies') with the club logo embroidered on the left breast. They are high quality shirts and the logo looks really good. Bobbi Ross has order forms with color samples shown on the form. The shirts are only $25 each.

Bobbi handed out gas cards to folks that lead drives September-November. This is a way for the club to show appreciation to individuals that research and lead a drive during the year. It's easy to lead a drive. There are resources available on the club website and lots of experienced members that are willing to help you plan one. Contact Rally Master Tim Ross for more information.

We spent some time identifying who will host meetings for the coming year. We want to have a Meet & Greet of some kind every month - normally on the 3rd Thursday of the month but that is flexible. If you would be willing to host or set up a monthly meeting at an area restaurant or park venue let Bobbi Ross know and we'll get it into the calendar. Next we generated several ideas for drives, outings and events to participate in for 2016. There are already lots of regional and national events penciled into the Events Schedule. Ideas generated Sunday will be added to the Schedule and details fleshed out as they become more defined. The First Sunday Dinner/Lunch drive seemed to have a lot of interest so look for that in the schedule as a regular event.

A GCMC Christmas party would not be complete without the annual White Elephant gift exchange. This year didn't disappoint! Bobbi added a new twist this year by providing a Mystery Gift that could be stolen as many times as people wanted until the last person got to pick. The catch was that it could not be opened until the very end so we didn't know what was inside. A total of 8 people 'stole' the Mystery gift - some multiple times! Scott Brown was the lucky last person to draw and ended up with it. Inside was a Mazda picnic blanket/lap rug. Buddy Smith ended up with perhaps the funniest gift - a Kermit the Frog chia pet. Hopefully he can unload it on some unsuspecting person at another White Elephant...but not the GCMC 2016 gift exchange. You have to wait 2 years before 're-gifting' an item in the club exchange.

Great festivities, great friends, great food and great camaraderie. We hope to see you all next year for another great driving season! Watch the Events Schedule for details on the January meeting at Belterra Racing.

Posted by Bob Askin, club secretary.

11/7/2015 - Spring Grove Cemetery Tour

We had a beautiful day for an unusually slow drive - through Spring Grove Cemetery, a most unusual place. It's as much a beautiful park as a cemetery. Many thanks to Ken and Denny Kramer for organizing and leading this excursion. Lunch afterward lead to discussion of drives and we have some ideas for 2016. Stay tuned! --Bobbi Ross

10/18/2015 - More from southern Indiana

The fun continued on our trip through parts of southern Indiana with the Rosses and Haases (if you are from Indiana, those names rhyme, by the way). They had scouted out all kinds of cool places to take us, from Gnaw Bone to French Lick. We looked (not very hard) for the ghost of Story Inn; and enjoyed good beer, food, sorghum, and curvy roads with friends. Also sampled local wine and whisky, walked across the longest covered bridge in the USA, and admired a colorful collection of outhouses, chamber pots, and old RV's in Bedford, IN. This annual trip is also a treat as it gives us the chance to join up with some of our friends from the Queen City Coopers. Minis have the juice to run with the Miatas, plus if you get carried away with shopping, you can ask your Mini friend for cargo space. Can't wait till next year's destination is unveiled! --Wendy Askin

10/16/2015 - Architectural tour of Columbus

BIG thanks to GCMC member Kirk Hodulik for the walking & driving tour of some of Columbus, Indiana's architectural gems. Our appreciation of these sights was increased ten-fold by having a little of Kirk's knowledge poured into our willing brains. With family in Indianapolis, we have driven past (and even through) Columbus countless times. Future drive-throughs will have much more meaning. It was gorgeous weather to kick off the Miata & Mini multi-day trip, too. --Wendy Askin

10/1/2015 - October 24th Indiana Drive cancelled

I have unforeseen conflicts that make it impossible to do the drive at this time. -- Tom Draper

9/19/2015 - KY Drive to Jewell's on Main in Warsaw

Tom Draper led an excellent drive over some very nice Miata roads through NKY on Saturday. Too bad it started to drizzle just as we were gathering to take off. We started in Burlington and ended in Warsaw, KY at Jewel's on Main. As we parked, the sun came out and we were able to drive home tops down. The roads were fun and the food was excellent!

9/13/2015 - Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, KY overnight

Ken Kramer and Dick Getoor planned an excellent drive and overnight stay at the historic Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, KY. Browns, Hemsaths, Askins, Rosses and Middendorfs rounded out the attendees. The roads were very curvy, lunch at Darlin' Jean's Apple Cobbler Cafe was excellent and the Shaker Town village was very interesting. Aside from a couple of quick rain showers, it was an outstanding weekend.

Sunday's weather was fantastic after a rather chilly and dewy start. Some of us found some really excellent twisty roads on the return trip home and the Askins found a couple of distilleries along the Bourbon Trail.

Thanks Ken and Dick for a wonderful outing!

9/6/2015 - Weekend with the Millers

Two delightful events in two days - meeting last evening hosted by Gary and Cindy Miller and a drive to Stream Cliff Farm for lunch today led by Gary and Cindy Miller -yep, same couple! Many thanks for both events! Enjoyed a good cook-out and pitch-in plus ran through club business at the Saturday "Concours d'Miata" in Millers' big yard. Prizes were awarded! Stream Cliff Farm (near Commiskey, IN) features a full menu of fantastic salads, down-home meals like Grandma used to serve, sandwiches, specialty teas and generous desserts. Live acoustic music under the shade trees in the garden made a perfect post-dessert. Nine cars enjoyed the drive, especially in the cool of the morning.

Drive Summary from Gary: On Sunday Sept. 6th, Gary & Cindy Miller completed their first GCMC Drive as leaders. Shortly after 9:00 AM, nine Miatas began assembling at the Millers� home (in Fairfield, Ohio) for a 9:30 departure, well maybe closer to 9:45. The sun was out and a departure temperature of about 72 degrees made for a near perfect drive through Fairfield, then south on SR 128, west US 50 to Vernon, Indiana, to Stream Cliff Farm in Commiskey, Indiana. The 12 PM lunch reservations were missed by about 10 minutes but folks at Stream Cliff Farm restaurant were just as gracious as the food was delicious.

Following lunch, some members departed early whiles others stayed behind to listen to live music or browse and make purchases in the gift and craft shops. It was getting quite warm when the last group left at around 3:30. On the drive back, at least one member (not naming names) got caught in an afternoon rain shower with his top down. We pulled over along 50 East to raise the top, and as we were pulling back onto the highway, of coarse the rain suddenly stops!

Being a drive leader is definitely different than just being a drive participant. We now have more appreciation for the leaders on the drives we�ve taken in the past! One thing we learned for planning our next drive is to allow more time for pre-drive activities, such as, line up, paperwork, pre-drive meeting, etc. before the drive takes off � especially if there are restaurant reservations.

From all of the comments, it sounded like everyone enjoyed the Sunday morning drive, a great lunch, and yet another enjoyable day of Top Down Maneuvers.

9/5/2015 - First Concours d'Miata and monthly meeting at the Miller's

Gary and Cindy Miller hosted the monthly club meeting on Saturday 9/5. We had 20 members and 10 cars. Gary thought it would be fun to display our cars in his back/side yard so the neighborhood could see them all shined up.

Attending were: Millers; Tom Hemsath; Russ & Kristin Helmes; Bob & Wendy Askin; Tom Draper; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Kirk Hodulik; Sherry Glover / Brad Walsh; Michelle & Don Bereda; Mike & Marianne Cook; Jim & Deana Smith and Jeff Lemkuhl.

Bobbi announced that long time member and current Membership Director Tom Arnold is retiring from the club at the end of the calendar year and we are looking for a new membership person. If anyone is interested, please contact Bobbi. Thanks to Tom for all his years of service to the club.

Club Secretary Bob Askin pointed out that the Drive Leader Guidelines and Drive Release form are in an section of the website that only officers/directors can access. The decision was made to move these documents to 2 other areas of the website that all can access to be better prepared to lead a drive. Bob will work with Ken Bogart to make that correction.

Results of the Concours d'Miata (as judged by host Gary Miller)
Tastiest Food Item - Cindy Miller (now Gary's official Trophy Wife!)
Best Apparel - Kirk Hodulik for his Cincy Reds gear
Best Corn Hole player - Tim Ross (he helped put the game away when it started raining)
Early Bird - Tom Draper (he thought the meeting was last Saturday and showed up)
Best Color Car - Tom Draper for his Sunburst Yellow
Best Engine - Bob Askin (he was the only one that opened the hood)
Best Shifter - Jeff Lemkuhl
Almost Best in Show - Tom Hemsath
Best in Show - Russ Helmes for his 2015 white Miata

Gary had made little trophies for each of these categories and awarded them with plenty of humor at the end of the evening. Maybe we can make this an annual event.

Thanks Gary and Cindy for the great evening!

Bob Askin - Secretary

8/22/2015 - BBQ, perfect weather, and friends with cars

Portsmouth drive went great--thanks, Sherry Glover & Brad! Excellent eats at Scioto Ribbers (there are LOTS of great choices under $10, and their $25 steak is big enough for two). We had a good turn out--12 cars, 19 people. AND it was the first GCMC drive with an NA, NB, NC and ND. Whoo-hoo!

8/9/2015 - C2M2 - Canada's Capital Miata Meet 2015

Buddy & Sue Smith and Bob & Wendy Askin are back safely from Ottawa Ontario Canada. We were part of an international gathering with 163 registered Miatas, 300+ drivers/navigators, ~2200 miles roundtrip of driving and a new appreciation of our friends to the North.

With that many cars and people there were plenty of opportunities for something to go wrong but we all got off on our various drives each morning with 12-15 cars in each group without a hitch. Things were incredibly organized and well planned out with excellent destinations and dining along the way.

The home club (underground miata network) members were very welcoming and gracious hosts. We made some great new friends last weekend. Keith Tanner of Flyin' Miata happens to be a charter member of this club and was our keynote speaker at the closing banquet. They really like Keith in Ottawa.

Look for more in the upcoming August newsletter in the Miatas in Motion article where we'll share more impressions and details of the event.

Bob Askin

8/2/2015 - Second First Sunday Dinner Drive

On Sunday, August 2, a beautiful, sunny afternoon, fourteen enthusiasts gathered at Quaker Steak Milford, for the second First Sunday Dinner Drive. Along with Buddy and Sue Smith, Wendy and Bob, Ron, Carol and Mike, Michelle and Don, Carol and Paul, Teresa and Ron, and Larry, we drove to the Feed Mill in Felicity. Buddy led eight beautiful, shiny Miatas on a leisurely drive that included new members. We enjoyed dinner and conversation on the porch, a good time to get to know new people. After dinner the drive on 222 was a shady, enjoyable, top-down experience. This turned out so good, Buddy and Sue are planning the next drive. October fourth is looking good. We are thinking Liberty Bell in Indiana or the Schoolhouse near Milford. More details soon.

What a surprise to realize that the Mini who shared the "cool cars" salute at the end of our drive was the Rosses returning from an event with their other club!

Sue Smith

7/18/2015 - Dream Cars and Indy Cars - GCMC visits the Circle City

Eight cars from our club met at the Bob Evans in Harrison, OH on Saturday for an 8:00 am departure for Indianapolis. Many got up at 5:00 to leave home at 6:00 to arrive at 7:00 for breakfast before the early departure. The goal was to arrive at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) to meet the Indy Miata club to view the Dream Cars Exhibit ( We happened to find some really nice driving roads on the least the first half of the trip and the weather could not have been nicer for a morning drive.

Bob and Wendy Askin approached the Indy Miata club back in December to ask if they were planning to attend this exhibition in their hometown. They hadn't even heard about it at that time. One thing led to another, plans were made, dates were solidified, more plans and details were formulated and things were on the calendar. The Indy club worked with the IMA to arrange a special parking area just for our cars. There was also a discounted ticket price and a docent-led tour of the Dream Cars exhibit. It turned out that four cars from the Windy City Miata club came down from Chicago to join us. With the three clubs combined, there were almost 40 people participating in the tour. They broke us up into groups of 9-10 people per docent and issued each of us a listening device so we could hear our docent talking at each stop even though there were other groups getting the tour at the same time. When our one-hour tour was done, each was on our own for lunch and making our way to the hotel for check-in mid-afternoon. Some folks ate at the museum and took in other art exhibits while others found eateries in nearby neighborhoods.

At 3:45 pm, we were to meet for a drivers meeting for a pre-dinner drive hosted by the Indy club. Wow, 21 cars in total broke into two groups for a 50 mile ride through the northwest environs of Indianapolis. Severe storms in the area had recently knocked down a bunch of trees and we had to turn around at least once to detour a closed road. The corn fields sure look healthy with all the rain they've had this summer! Dinner was at the Pit Stop BBQ in Brownsburg, IN. The buffet was complete with all the BBQ and sides you can imagine along with fresh fruit cobblers for dessert.

Sunday morning found us gathering in the parking lot of our hotel yet again for a morning drive through downtown Indianapolis and several historic neighborhoods. Twenty+ cars headed out for a tour narrated over our family radios. Even with all the traffic lights and downtown driving, we were able to stay pretty well grouped and eventually made our way to the town of Speedway and Dawson's restaurant for lunch. Where we parked you could see the Indianapolis Motor Speedway just across the road. The food was excellent and the camaraderie was great. Most of the GCMC folks visited the Motor Speedway museum after lunch before heading for home.

The Indy club did a fantastic job planning the Dream Cars visit as well as the two drives and meal arrangements. The printed directions were detailed and easy to follow and the hosts were warm and friendly. We discussed the Indy club coming to Cincinnati next year to take in an event and we can show them a little of our hospitality.

GCMC club member Denny Gibson writes a travel blog to document his road adventures and this weekend was no exception. Check out his website and photos of this weekend

Thanks to the Middendorfs, Hemsaths, Millers, Smiths, Ken Kramer, Denny Gibson and Tim Paulus for a great weekend! I know we had a really great time planning our part of the adventure.

Submitted by Bob and Wendy Askin

7/16/2015 - GCMC July Club Meeting

Location: Tim & Bobbi Ross � The weather finally gave us a break and didn't storm on us as we gathered on the Ross deck for our monthly Meet & Greet. Thanks for having the grill hot and plenty of condiments and cold drinks for us to share.

Attendees: Bob/Wendy Askin; Tim/Bobbi Ross; Tom/Della Hemsath; Buddy/Sue Smith; Shawn/Marilyn Nolan; Sherry Glover/Brad Walsh; Tom Draper; Tim Paulus; Chuck Setser; Jon Roberto.

Treasurer's Report: Tim reported that we still have a nice nest egg in the bank.

Membership: Tom Arnold could not attend tonight but sent his membership report via e-mail. We have 76 paid members for 2015 with 17 new members. There are still 10 members from last year that have not renewed even after multiple nudges from Tom.

Introduction of New Members: Welcome to Shawn and Marilyn Nolan. They own a 2003 Silver that is in desperate need of some weather related maintenance after spending 3 winters outside in the Chicago weather. Shawn welcomes any help folks can offer.

Old Business:
- Events � We have lots of events still on the calendar for this year. Many are club sponsored and several are not but still worth checking out and sound like fun. Check the club website for the latest information and details for signing up.

- Bobbi reported that she is having some trouble locating a venue for our annual holiday party scheduled for Saturday December 5th. If anyone has an apartment club house or party venue that doesn't cost a lot of money to rent, please let Bobbi know. We would like to get this locked in as soon as possible.

New Business:
- King's Mazda is holding an unveiling event for the 2016 ND Miata on Saturday 8/15 from 10:00 � 2:00. Sherry Glover agreed to be the club contact as Ross's will be out of town that weekend. King's would like a few club members to participate and display their cars that day. Check the website for details. Wendy will put together a special handout compiled from several of our newsletters that people can take to showcase our club.

- While we were eating dinner, several club members with NC's were next door to Ross's for a special performance enhancing tune up. TDR (Tuning Done Right) is based in South Florida and claims to boost an NC's performance from 10-30 HP just by modifying various parameters in the computer. He hooked up his laptop to the car, downloaded and saved the existing program configuration and then uploaded a new configuration based on that car's existing program and modifications. Then he had the owner take the car out for a test drive and come back to see if anything else needed to be tweeked. By all accounts, it sounds like there really was a performance improvement.

Submitted by Bob Askin GCMC Secretary

7/16/2015 - Special tuneups for NC

Special tuneup is scheduled for July 16 in Summerside (near Eastgate Mall). ...$275 tune-up event for NC's, performed by a nationally recognized company (some discounts may be applied). Details ARE posted on the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club page of Facebook. If you are not on Facebook and want to know more, contact Jon Roberto NOW.

6/18/2015 - GCMC June Club Meeting

Location: Tom & Suzanne Arnold's house. Thanks for the delicious deli sandwiches and side dishes (Hyde Park Meats) and Servati cookies for desert. It's always a pleasure to visit your home. It's too bad the weather didn't cooperate so we could enjoy your backyard.

Attendees: Ken Kramer; Bob/Wendy Askin; Tim/Bobbi Ross; Buddy/Sue Smith; Tom/Suzanne Arnold; Sherry Glover; Brad Walsh; Tom Draper; Tim Paulus

Treasurer's Report: Tim Ross reports we have just over $2400 in the bank along with some new membership dues that have been processed.

Membership: Tom Arnold reports we are up to 68 members for the year with 15 new members joining us this year. Tom says there are still 9 old members that haven't paid yet.

New Business:
- Bobbi Ross covered the events calendar as scheduled on the club website to-date.
- Tom Draper is adding 2 additional drives to the calendar. One for September 19 and one for October 24.
- Bob Askin stated that the deadline for articles/information for the upcoming newsletter is June 24th. If you have items for sale or any tech tips to share, please submit information to Bob by that date for the July Newsletter.

Our next club meeting will be Thursday July 16th at 6:30 at the Ross' house. Check the website for directions and to sign up.

Please take advantage of the events that are planned on the Events Schedule. The drives are more fun when we have lots of participants.

Submitted: Bob Askin � GCMC Secretary

6/14/2015 - Concours 'd Elegance at Ault Park

I believe today�s GCMC day at the Concours Show in Ault Park was number 16 for our club. This year�s show was their 38th anniversary. The marques were Mercedes Benz, VW and Thunderbird. And marques they were with the center rose garden filled with Mercedes as old at 1886, VW dating back 70 years and Thunderbird celebrating sixty years. The displays were terrific bringing in many cars that were new to the Cincinnati event. In fact, there many new participants such as several Porsche�s from the Ingram collection in North Carolina. The Packard, Rolls Royce, Pierce Arrow, Chrysler cars from pre-war days stood with elegance, heavy chrome, colors and features none of which we see today. Everyone adores those classic machines of precision design and performance.

Thank you to everyone who joined in with the event today and to the 7 fellows and mates from the Miami Valley Miata Club who joined our lights on grand entrance of a parade of 21 Miata�s, one Mustang GT and a BMW pace car.


E Thomas Arnold

6/7/2015 - First Sunday Dinner Drive

The FIRST First Sunday Dinner Drive is now in the books. Tim and I were the only ones to join hosts Buddy and Sue Smith. You all missed it! They had prepared a delightful route - some roads I had been on but going the other direction, others we had never seen before, a new museum that bears another stop, a new winery - and Rabbit Hash! The afternoon ended with a cruise on the Ohio on the "Belle of Cincinnati" for a lovely dinner and great scenery. It was a good day for "topless maneuvers". Thanks, Buddy and Sue.

Bobbi Ross

5/23/2015 - Tour through eastern Ohio River Towns

Wow - what a turn out and gorgeous weather for this scenic drive today. Thanks Tom Hemsath and Scott Brown (and wives) for planning this event!

Twenty some Miatas (and one stand-in Toyota) gathered at Belterra racing and casino to head east on Route 52. We turned off and drove the riverside drives in New Richmond, Moscow, Ripley and Chilo. Being a holiday weekend, lots of locals were out and waved as our string of grinning cars drove by. At Chilo we also toured the dam museum before heading for the bridge crossing at Maysville. Maysville has a string of great painted murals on the flood control wall in downtown Maysville. We proceeded West at this point on KY 8 to a wonderful buffet lunch at the historic Parkview Inn in Augusta, KY. Some folks headed for home after lunch and others wandered the antique shops in Augusta before driving KY 8 back toward Cincinnati.

We couldn't ask for better weather for a top down day. The food and friendship were outstanding. I hope all the new members and first time event drivers enjoyed the day as much as we did!

Bob Askin - Secretary

5/16/2015 - Lebanon Ice Cream Drive is a go

Had a great turnout for the Lebanon Ice Cream Drive today even though it rained most of the drive. Had to keep the tops up but the roads were great with very little traffic. Had 10 cars and 14 people participate. Looks like the club driving season is officially underway! PS. The ice cream at Village Ice Cream Parlor was pretty tasty as well as the camaraderie after the drive. Thanks to all that participated.

4/18/2015 - Auto Detailing University

Thanks to Jon Roberto we had a good session on Saturday. There were at least a dozen people watching, learning and doing at various times. Lots of claying going on and people getting their hands on a polisher for the first time. Jon did an excellent job demonstrating many of the products and techniques to get a great shine. There is so much to know about detailing. If you want to learn more about detailing cars, you can read more here:

Jon says he's looking forward to seeing all of the shiny Miatas at the next event!

Jon Roberto with Bob Askin

4/15/2015 - April Dinner and Meet & Greet at Vinkolet Winery

We had a fantastic turnout for the April Meet & Greet at the beautiful Vinkolet Winery in Colerain. Thanks to Sherry Glover for organizing the venue and details.

Attendees: Rodney & Deb Schaible; Sherry Glover & Brad Walsh; Bob & Wendy Askin; Ken Kramer; Check & Melissa Setser; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Paul & Carol Lavasseur, Michelle Bereda & her daughter and friend; Buddy & Sue Smith' Arman & Angie Ashraf; Tom & Della Hemsath; Mary Ann Donoghue; Christy Graham; Tom Draper.

Introduced new members Arman & Angie Ashraf - Welcome to the club!

Tim Ross still has lots of hat pins and door magnets for sale.

Bobbi Ross reported that she has been working with the vendors at SCCA to get club merchandise (shirts/hats/jackets, etc) available again. There have been some changes that made the links disappear from out webpage for ordering those type things. The links should be restored in a week or 2 and will be under the Resources tab on our website when they are up and running again.

The club calendar has filled up nicely this year. Check the Events Schedule on the club website for all the details. Note that not all are club sponsored events. Some upcoming events include:
- 4/18 Spring cleanup and detail day at Jon Roberto's house. Come learn when and how to use various products to keep your ride shining brightly
- 4/18 Cincy Motorsports Journal's Spring Classic Driving Event - Quite a collection of vintage, rare and exotic cars partake in a driving tour of Southern Ohio and Northern KY.
- 4/30 Sharonville Car Show - Free to view but costs to show your car. This is the longest running car show in the area.
- 5/16 Ice Cream Drive and Monthly Meet & Greet - Leaves from Goshen High School ending in Lebanon, OH for ice cream at your choice of Whit's frozen yogurt or The Village Ice Cream Parlor where scenes from Harper Valley PTA and Milk Money were shot.
- 5/23 Tour through Eastern Ohio river towns - a nice drive along the Ohio river with a lunch stop in Augusta, KY.
- 5/24 Ohio Valley Austin Healey club driver's training- a great event for you to get to know how you and your car handle under various driving conditions.
- 5/30 British Car Week- Ohio Valley Poker Run hosted by the Ohio Valley Austin Healey Club

Submitted by Bob Askin - GCMC Secretary

3/24/2015 - Annual Meeting 24Mar2015

GCMC Meeting Minutes 3/24/2015
Annual Meeting for fiscal 2015 (4/1/15-3/31/16)

Location: King's Mazda for Spring Tuneup and Annual Meeting - Introduced Kerry of King's who thanked us for our patronage and we thanked him for his sponsorship.

Attendees: Tim & Bobbi Ross; Bob Askin; Tom Hemsath; Ken Kramer; Christy Graham; Tom Arnold; Rodger Earnest; Kirk Hodulik; Bill Rump; Mike Rubush; Tom Draper; Michel Bourgeois; Chuck Setser; Brad Walsh; Jim Carlin; Jon Roberto; John Haas; Carrol Roberts; Larry Glaser; Bob Mackey; Gary Miller; Mike Bruewer; Paul & Carol Levasseur; Jane Hohn; Buddy & Sue Smith

Introduction of New Members:
-Chuck Setser � 2008 Black
-Jim Carlin � 1993 Black

Old Business:
Treas Report � closing balance for 2014 excluding 2015 dues - $1600

New Business:
Officers for 2015
- Pres - Bobbi Ross
-VP � Tom Draper
-Treas � Tim Ross
-Membership � Tom Arnold
-Dir @ Large � Tom Hemsath
-Dir @ Large � Kirk Hodulik
-Dir @ Large � Buddy Smith
-Sec � Bob Askin (also Communcations Director with wife Wendy)

Club gear � Link on website not working as SCCA changed vendors and no links transferred. Bobbi is working on it and should have it ironed out soon.

Membership � closed 2014 with 71 have 44 new/renewals for 2015 to date. Tom hopes to renew many more in the coming weeks.

Club Events Schedule: lots of things already on the schedule. Check the club website for the entire list. Here are a few things in the upcoming months.
-April meeting at Vinkolet Winery and Show/Shine at Jon Roberto's house
-May ice cream drive on East/NE side to Lebanon & Austin Healey club driver training
-June Concours d'Elegance at Ault Park and monthly meeting at Arnold's house

Christy Graham has put together a road rally for CincySCCA coming up in April. Bobbi will post event information on website.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Bob Askin � Secretary GCMC

3/14/2015 - Soups, Stews and Chili night at the Bogart's house

Thanks to Ken and Christine Bogart for hosting the rescheduled meeting from February. Twenty four folks showed up to share some really tasty soups, stews and chili. Besides good eats we shared great camaraderie and talk about cars. The business meeting notes follow.

GCMC Meeting Minutes 3/14/2015

Location: Ken and Chris Bogart's home. Theme is Soups, Stews and Chili. Thanks to them for hosting again this year. Chris baked cornbread, biscuits and breads to go along with the tasty soups as well as 3 different dessert offerings.

Attendees: (24)
Bob & Wendy Askin; Ken, Chris & Doug Bogart; Ken Kramer; Tim & Bobbi Ross; Buddy Smith; Tom & Della Hemsath; Rod & Debbie Shaible; Scott & Eileen Brown; Sherry Glover/Brad Walsh; Tim Paulus; Michelle & Don Bereda; Larry & Jan Middendorf; Michael Bourgeois & Bethany Casey

Treasurer Report: $1350 plus some in PayPal and membership renewal money coming in daily

Introduction of New Members:
Michelle & Don Bereda
Rod & Debbie Shaible
- Talked about name tags and get with me to order.

Old Business:
Ended last year with 71 paid members
Passed out Miata Enthusiast books to folks that didn't have one. The club has several from Mazda Corporate.

New Business:
Austen Healy club Gymkana is 3/15 at Scarlet Oaks � great training opportunity to learn your and your car's handling.
3/24 meeting at King's Mazda for Spring Tune-up event and Annual Meeting/Election of officers.
4/15 meeting is Spaghetti dinner at Vinkolet Winery
Ken Kramer talked up an opportunity May 2 to tour Spring Grove Cemetery. He'll put it on the website as an event.
Check club website often for new events
Bobbi made request for need for a VP to back her up when she can't be at the event/meeting
She also made request for anyone wanting to host a meeting
Wendy passed out CD Miata Road Music to Sherry Glover and Chris Bogart for hosting events/meeting
Ken Kramer talked up his overnight trip to Shaker Village in Ky later in September
Bobbi talked up the overnight trip to Central/Southern Indiana in October
Treasurer Tim Ross collected membership renewal fees from several members during the evening.

Submitted by: Bob Askin

1/15/2015 - January Social Gathering and Planning Meeting at Belterra Park

We had a great turnout at the Belterra Park Stadium Grill for dinner and another round of planning club events for this coming year. Thanks to Tom Hemsath for organizing the details and making reservations. The group agreed that this facility has definite possibilities as a meeting place for future monthly Meet & Greets.

After having some pretty good food at reasonable prices, Bobbi Ross called us to order for a brief business meeting. We firmed up some dates on the events calendar and added a few new events. The Feb 28th Girl's Outing to the Monroe outlet mall has been planned and you can find details on the club events page. The Spring Tune-up has a tentative date of 3/24 at King's Mazda. At least 3 overnight trips are being planned for the summer and fall. Details are still being worked out but preliminary information indicates these should be quite fun.

Our next club meeting is Feb 21st at Ken and Chris Bogart's house. Bring your favorite chili, soup or stew to share. Sign up on the club website.

As always, check the club event schedule to stay connected to up-coming events!


Bob Askn

12/6/2014 - 2014 Holiday Party and White Elephant Exchange

We had an excellent turnout for the annual holiday party and White Elephant gift exchange on Saturday 12/6. Almost 30 members, including brand new members Buddy and Sue Smith, were in attendance at the Canterbury House Apartments' Clubhouse, home of Rose Gontkovsky. Thanks, Rose for hosting the party!

After a wonderful pitch-in dinner complete with Honey Baked ham and outstanding appetizers, sides and deserts, Bobbi Ross called us to order for a short business meeting. She recapped 2014 events and brought up a proposal regarding gas cards that are presented to members that organize and lead a drive. In the past, $25 gas cards are given out to any drive leaders. The proposal was to increase the gas card to $50 for those that lead an overnight drive as there is a lot more involved to plan such an event. A vote was taken and the proposal passed overwhelmingly.

We then started brainstorming ideas for drives and outings for 2015. Several experienced members expressed the need for others to step up and plan a drive next year. It isn't hard to organize a drive and there are lots of experienced members willing to help others plan and organize an outing. Several folks said they would commit to planning an outing with details to follow once they've had a chance to think about destinations and timing. The events calendar started to fill out nicely. Check the January newsletter for event details captured.

We will continue planning and fleshing out details at the January meeting Thursday 1/15 at Belterra Park's Stadium Club at 6PM.

February finds us at Ken and Chris Bogart's for Soups, Stews and Chili on the 21st at 6PM. Bring your favorite recipe to share. This was extremely popular last year.

We capped off the night with a White Elephant gift exchange. This is always a fun time and some great gifts were shared. Bobbi changed up the rules a little this year from previous parties and there wasn't nearly as much dirty Santa (gift stealing) as usual. All in all a grand time was had by all.

As always, check the events calendar on the webpage for details on coming events.

Submitted: Bob Askin - Director of Communications

10/26/2014 - Big South Fork Train Ride and KY drive

Wow!! We couldn't have asked for a better weekend with the perfect weather and beautiful fall colors to enjoy the train ride on Saturday and some hiking on Sunday morning in SE Kentucky.

Eight Miatas and 15 people headed down I-75 early Saturday morning for a quick lunch in Somerset, KY on the river and then over to Stearns, KY to catch the open train to an old mining camp and to see the wonderful fall colors in the Big South Fork (Cumberland River) Recreation area. The train ride lasted 3 hours including the stop at the mining camp.

Saturday saw us off to a hearty breakfast and beautiful sunrise over the Ky hills. We did a short drive up to Natural Arch in the Daniel Boone Natl Forest where we took in more stunning vistas and hiked right up to the arch formation. Then we headed over to Cumberland Falls SP across KY route 90. Fifteen miles of really great Miata road brought us to the "Niagara Falls of the South".

From there, everyone was on their own to get back home. Some wanted the speedier Interstate route while others wanted the leisurely US 27. To get to either highway required several more miles of outstanding Miata roads - Go figure!

From the comments made during the weekend, I would say this drive was another great success! Good people plus great cars....

Bob & Wendy Askin

10/16/2014 - October Meet & Greet Notes

Nine club members showed up for the October Meet & Greet at Full Throttle Karting on Thursday 10/16. The club provided an assortment of Jersey Mike's sub sandwiches and soft drinks - Thanks Tim and Bobbi.

Bobbi handed out $25 gas gift cards for folks that have led drives this summer. This is a small gesture to thank those that plan and lead a drive.

Bob & Wendy have a newsletter coming out the first of November. If you have updates or information you want to publish, get it to us by 10/28. We will publish a list of tools that the club owns and who currently has them. Most of us didn't know that the club owns an assortment of various tools for working on our cars that can be loaned out.

Upcoming events include:
- 2 last drives for the season are scheduled for the weekend of 10/25. One to Stearns, KY and one to Point Pleasant, WV. Check the Events Schedule for details.

- As in years past, there will NOT be a November meeting given the approaching holidays and the early date for the annual holiday party.

- Annual holiday party and white elephant gift exchange 12/6. Bring your ideas for drives you would like to see us organize for next year.

- January meeting will start planning the driving season in more detail and nailing down drive owners/organizers. Location TBD but we're looking into Beltarra River Downs as a possibility.

- February will be another Chili Cookoff and further planning meeting. Location TBD. We had some really great chili to sample the last time we did this event.

After the meeting, Ken and Doug Bogart strapped on their helmets and ran some hot laps in the go-karts. They were the only 2 on the course and looked like they had a great time.

Submitted: Bob Askin

8/31/2014 - 5 Weekends in August #5

Didn't realize this was a holiday weekend when we first planned it. However, 3 cars including new member Mary Ann Donoghue had a scenic drive (tops up unfortunately) up to Clifton Mill restaurant and a late lunch. Ken Kramer was worried about his battery light coming on so took a more direct route back home while the rest headed to Yellow Springs and Young's Dairy for some much admired ice cream. The drive home allowed tops down.

Unfortunately, Ken didn't make it beyond Waynesville when his car completely quit. Hopefully it is something easy to find and fix in the charging system. All in all it was a pretty good drive except for Ken's misfortune.

Submitted by Bob Askin

8/20/2014 - August Club Meeting at the Ross's

While spotty showers dampened the tri-state, the weather held fair for the August club meeting at the home of Tim and Bobbi Ross. Tim had the grill ready for whatever each participant brought and several side dishes appeared at this annual picnic meeting.

Bobbi ran the meeting as several club officers could not attend. We discussed the few events already planned on the club schedule.
- The five weekends in August are about to come to a close. While #5 is still planned for 8/31 weekend #4 is still open. It is disappointing that with 60+ members in the club that no one could put together a short and simple drive for these 4 weekends.

- In October we have the last Driver Training of the year put on by the Austin Healey club.

We discussed some potential new events to add to the calendar:
- We need to schedule a club meeting for September. It was proposed we check with Joe O'Gorman at Full Throttle Karting to see if a date in September can be planned. If any club member wants to volunteer to host this meeting, please let Mark McCormick know soon.

- The Mini club is planning a drive to the Lover's Leap Winery in Ky and might be able to add a few Miatas to the drive. More info will be posted to the website if this comes into being.

- Wendy Askin proposed a train ride and overnight to see Fall colors in October. We're thinking a trip out of Lake Cumberland might be fun and she will look into planning this event and adding to the calendar.

- Some discussion about our annual Holiday Party was had. Bobbi will do some checking with a couple folks to see if we can locate a suitable venue.

Submitted by Bob Askin

7/17/2014 - July club meeting at Keehner Park

Over twenty people attended the July meeting at Keehner Park. The weather was truly outstanding and a much needed change from several of our recent club meetings. Mark McCormick�s wife, Vicki, ran the grill, cooking up brats and metts for the group. Members brought a wide range of outstanding appetizers, side dishes, and deserts.

Apart from the typical swapping of stories and camaraderie, Doug Kowalski, From Escort Radar, provided a presentation on the latest in radar technology. He even brought his NC, equipped with a number of electronic toys and some $100 discount coupons.

Mark McCormick and Bob Askin provided as many updates as they had on hand. Bob specifically discussed some ideas for the open 3 weekends in August. One idea, that seemed to have a bit of interest, included a drive and bi-plane ride out of the Xenia airport. This came to us from Tom Draper. We�ll touch base with Tom and see what we might be able to coordinate.

On the schedule, there are several upcoming events. July 27th, is the All Ohio Miata Car Show and Swap Meet, in Columbus, Ohio. August includes the 5 weekend events. If you have any ideas, be sure to pass them along. The August club meeting is scheduled for July 20th at the Ross� house.

As always, if you are interested in leading a drive or would like to host a club meeting, please let us know.

Enjoy some top-down driving and windy roads.


Mark McCormick

6/21/2014 - 4 Counties Drive a Success

Ten cars met at Camp Dennison Memorial Park Saturday morning to set off on a 3 hour drive that would take us through some of the best backroads that Hamilton, Clermont, Warren and Clinton counties have to offer. We even had a brand new member that just got her car 3 days before the event join us. Other than one disgruntled local at the Loveland Castle that was determined to be upset with us, we had a fantastic drive and near perfect weather. We saw some sites that several club members had never heard of or had heard about but never seen.

We started out with a quick drive-by of Chateau La Roche (Loveland Castle), on to Valley of the Day Lillies where owner Dan talked about growing and cultivating these wonderful flowers. Leaving there we headed back down into the Little Miami valley for some more great twisties on our way to see the largest horseshoe crab in the world in Blanchester, OH. Our ultimate destination was a lunch stop at the Plain Folk Cafe in Pleasant Plain, OH. This old converted 2 room school house is now a quirky but quite tasty cafe offering fresh food, fast service and folksy atmosphere.

Based on the many comments from participants, the drive and lunch were a huge success. Thanks to all who participated!

Bob & Wendy Askin

6/19/2014 - June club meeting at the Arnold's home

We had a decent turn out for the monthly club meeting at Tom and Suzanne Arnold's home even with the horrid rain in some parts of town. They provided some really great food from the Wurst Pub (no, was fantastic!)

We discussed upcoming events already on the calendar:
- Austin Healy club driver training was highly recommended with a couple of folks interested in taking this opportunity.
- The Askin's are leading a 4 county tour this coming Saturday.
- We have 2 of 5 weekends covered for the somewhat rare 5 weekend month of August. Still need some folks to propose something for the middle 3 weekends.

Things to consider adding to the schedule:
- Impromptu drives to a local car show / cruise-in. They happen all over the tri-state every weekend during the summer.
- John Haas is planning a trip to the Detroit car show in February. They might be unveiling the new 2015 Miata at this event.

Check out the GCMC FaceBook page for more discussion about all things Miata.

The July meeting will be planned by Mark McCormick and will likely be at a picnic shelter somewhere in West Chester.


Bob Askin

6/8/2014 - 2014 Concours d'Elegance

Sunday, June 8, 22 members and guests joined in mass of 17 Miata�s to arrive in Ault Park with lights on and horns a tootin�. The weather looked frightening but never let a drop for the day until very late and then it was ever so light. This year marked the 14th year for our club to participate as a car club with prime up front parking. This year Concours d�Elegance in Ault Park fbo Arthritis Foundation with a focus on Juvenile Arthritis marked its 37th year. The marques this year were celebrating 50 years for Mustang, 100 years for Maserati and recognition for the mini cars of the past. Several cars were noticed to be first timers in this event which translates to the change that occurs each year with the 200 participants that make it so special.

Thanks to Mark McCormick for bringing and assembling the banner in better form than ever before. Kyle & Veronica Sterling, new members, joined with their new 2013 MX-5 white Club Special Edition. It is a beauty for sure. Bobbi & Tim Ross brought their grandson Theo and the Haas grandson, Miles, came along with his mom, Jean, all the way from Colorado Springs. Our regular guy from the Miami Valley Club, Ed Walker and friend joined us as did Jeff Reagan from Columbus.

Yours truly had a great time and thanks each and every member and guest for making the day a success. It�s a rain or shine event and the skies of early morning made you want to turn over in bed.

Cheers and more and we are looking forward to 2015 to mark our own 15 years of participation and to celebrate 25 years for the Mazda Miata.

E Thomas Arnold
Cincinnati, Ohio

5/26/2014 - M&M trip

We had incredibly, unbelievably, astonishingly perfect weather all four days of the Ross- & Haas-led trip to explore southeastern Ohio. Our minds were stimulated by visits to a batch of out-of-the-ordinary destinations. And we enjoyed the company of good folks from our two clubs and in each of the places we visited. Thanks for joining us, Queen City Coopers! Watch for our between-the-issues newsletter for more details and some pix. Thanks, John & Teri, Tim & Bobbi!

5/14/2014 - May club meeting at the McCormick's

We had terrible weather but good food and camaraderie for the May club meeting hosted by new club president Mark McCormick and wife Vicki.

Topics of discussion:
- Tom Arnold gave an update on current membership (59 paid members) and about 30 prior members that have not renewed for this year. Updates were provided for some folks that have moved out of the area or have sold their Miatas. We brainstormed some ideas on how to get information out to prospective new members as we attend club functions or outings like the Concourse d'Elegance coming up in June. One idea was to print up several copies of the special edition of Miatas in Motion describing our Hocking Hills drive and the Eastern Ohio Memorial Day overnighter to hand out at the Concourse.

- Bobbi Ross provided a short treasurer's report as Tim was traveling this week.

- We talked about events currently on the calendar and a couple of interesting additions. Jon Roberto is trying to get some sponsorship for a drive and pic-nic to a nearby park or lake later this summer. He as come upon a sunscreen supplier that might be willing to offer up some cash. Mark McCormick proposed a trip to the Corvette museum and the new sports track that is being built. Bobbi mentioned that the Cinci SCCA club is planning an event down there for next June (2015) that we could participate in. It sounds like some potential track time for the cars.

- Upcoming meetings:
June 19 at Tom Arnold's house
July - TBD
Aug 20 at Tim & Bobbi Ross's house

Submitted by Bob Askin

5/11/2014 - Hocking Hills Mother's Day Drive

Good times were had by all. Beautiful weather. Amazing food. Great company.

Jon Roberto planned an excellent drive up to Hocking Hills and then navigating the Car & Driver Road Test Loop. It started out a bit rainy as we left Eastgate but soon cleared off and the tops came down. A U-turn or 2 kept us on the right road.

Seven cars full lunched at the wonderful Inn at Cedar Falls and drove the C&D loop a few times. It is easy to see why C&D magazine uses this route to evaluate vehicle handling and performance. Except for a few pokey SUVs and a Prius, we had nice driving.

Jon considers this drive a scouting mission for a longer overnight trip in the future.

Thanks, Jon and Lori for putting this drive together!

Bob Askin

4/1/2014 - Kings Mazda Meeting

Many thanks to the folks at Kings who again this year did free oil changes and inspections for club members.

While our cars were being serviced we enjoyed pizza and then held our meeting to elect Board members and Officers for the coming year. The slate was approved unanimously and the Board selected the following Officers:

President. Mark McCormick
Vice Pres Bobbi Ross
Secretary. Rose Gontkovsky
Treasuer. Tim Ross
Other Board members are Bob and Wendy Askin,Newsletter Editors, Tom Arnold, Membership and John Haas and Kirk Hodulik, Members at large.

Mark told us a bit about himself and his car. Tom reported that we had 81members last year and 37 renewals so far this year. Tim provided astatement of income and expenses for the past fiscal year to the Board members. Our dues are still covering expenses outside of a one time large expense for member name badges.

There was discussion of upcoming events, particularly the two overnight trips in May. Details are under EVENTS. Mark urged everyone to be sure to use the website to sign up for events so plans can be made accordingly.
Our May meeting will be at Mark's home,June will be at Tom Arnold's and August will be at the Ross home. If you would like to host a meeting please contact Mark to schedule it. It was suggested that we rotate days of the week for meetings rather than always being the third Thursday of the month. Please check the website for dates and locations!

We hope to see you soon at a meeting or event!

Rose GOTamiataSKY

2/22/2014 - National Museum of the USAF guided tour

Many thanks to club member Tom Draper for hosting an excellent guided tour of the Air Force Museum on Saturday. His wealth if information and details for each aircraft, both foreign and domestic is truly amazing.

There were 20 people that made the trip up to Dayton on Saturday morning with several folks enjoying breakfast first at the Perkins on Tylersville Road. Even a few Miatas made the drive as the day proved to be sunny and a lot warmer than it has been recently. We got there before the crowds got too much to handle and made it through the majority of the museum exhibits before fatigue and tired feet kicked in.

We'll definitely have to put this on the calendar for another year.

Thanks again Tom!

Submitted by Bob Askin

2/15/2014 - Feb 2014 Club Meeting

We had a fairly small turn out for the February club meeting. I counted 13 people that shared Stews, Soups and Chowders at Ken and Christine Bargart's house. The weather probably had something to do with attendance. Thanks for hosting Ken and Chris!

We started the evening by consuming bowls of chili by Ken Kramer, Jambalaya by Teri Haas, fish and shellfish stew (Bouillabaisse) by Tim Ross and Sauerkraut sausage soup by Bob Askin. Christine baked up biscuits, rolls and corn bread along with oyster crackers and corn chips for dipping and sopping up the juices.

John Haas ran the meeting as Kirk could not attend. Elections were postponed until we can get a roster of officers pulled together.

Dates that are confirmed on the activity schedule were discussed.
- The Austin Healey club driver training dates have been posted to the website and the first is coming up in March. This is an excellent chance to get to know your car and driving ability under non-competition conditions.
- John will try to pin down King's Mazda for a date for the Spring Tune-Up in late March or early April.
- The Minis and Miatas overnight scheduled for the Memorial Day weekend is fully planned and details available on the website. Ross's presented the itinerary and estimated cost breakdown. There will be more communication with those folks that have signed up.
- The Sharonville car show is still in need of trophy sponsorship for the Miata class. If you know someone or a business willing to donate the $250 needed, let John Haas know.
- There were lots of other ideas presented for events and drives at the Holiday party. We still need owners for some and dates posted for activities that have owners.

The meeting was capped off with dessert - chocolate cake, cranberry almond bundt cake and spice cake. Thanks Chris! They were yummy.

Submitted by Bob Askin

12/18/2013 - 2014 Overnight M&M (Miata's and Mini's) Vacation

This drive has been posted to the Event Schedule and we need your help in signing up as early as possible.

Please look over the drive information and add yourself to the sign up sheet. We will be booking the usual Twelve rooms which usually fill up early.

If we get a larger response it's possible to book a larger group of rooms and find another drive leader so we can split up in groups of no more than twelve cars; so, please sign up as early as possible. Rooms at the Ohio Lodges tend to book early and we wouldn't want anyone left out.

The drive will include two nights and the Salt Fork State Park Lodge and one night at the Blennerhassett Hotel. Sundays drive from Salt Fork to Parkersburg is via the Triple Nickel.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to call.

John Haas 513-616-2786.

12/7/2013 - Holiday Party 2013

A huge thank you to Rose Gontkovsky for hosting this year's holiday party at the Canterbury House Apts club house. Check the Photo Gallery for some great photos of the event.

We had a great turnout for the Holiday Party on Saturday 12/7. I counted 20 folks gathered to share some holiday spirit and memories of this past year as well as years gone by. Special guest and past club president Ric Allan and his wife helped us celebrate. Ric was the driving force behind the first MMG (MidWest Miata Gathering) that was hosted by GCMC for many years and became a huge success. Long time member Tom Draper is back in the Cincinnati area and looking forward to participating in club events again.

A big welcome to newest member Doug Gastright who just joined the club a few weeks ago. He and wife Allison drive a 2009 Copper Red. Look for more information about Doug and Allison in the next newsletter.

After a fantastic meal of sumptuous dishes we had a group brain storming session to come up with ideas for drives and club outings for the 2014 season. A list of these great ideas is shared below.

Club president Kirk Hodulik has been gathering lots of Mazda and Miata specific gear over the past year and shared the bounty with anyone who wanted to take some home. Items included reusable Mazda shopping bags, Mazda caps and T-shirts, Mazda Only Parking signs, sports bottles, purifier water bottles, Miata Enthusiast books, pens, air fresheners, screen cleaners�the list goes on. He left the party with less than he came with, but still has lots of stuff to give away at coming events.

Here is the list of ideas that was generated. Some have leaders already identified. If you see something on the list that you would like to own, please let the club officers know and we can work with you to make it a successful event.

1. Covered bridges of Clermont, Warren and Clinton Counties - a reprise of the Geocaching drive Askin's lead last year but without the Geocaching part. TBD
2. Memorial Day weekend - Fri thru Mon overnight trip with the Mini club to SE Ohio and dipping into WV. Last year's long weekend drive was a huge success and Ross's and Haas's are looking to do it again.
3. February - Wright Patterson Airforce Museum trip guided by Tom Draper
4. Brewery Tour drive lead by Larry Middendorf TBD
5. Bourbon Trail overnight TBD
6. Madison-Burlington twisties and meal lead by Tom Draper. Spring or Fall
7. Driving for Donuts by Ken Kramer and Dick Getoor TBD
8. Home Town Rally by John Haas TBD
9. Winery/KY Twisties drive with Rose Gontkovsky TBD

The next club meeting will be in February and hosted by the Bogart's. The theme will be Soups, Stews and Chowders. Bring a pot of your favorite cold weather beater and join us. We will also be electing new officers at this meeting.

Thanks to everyone who made the 2013 season a great one and here's looking forward to another great club year in 2014.

Bob Askin

10/17/2013 - October Monthly Club Meeting

Fourteen members met at the O'Charley's in Mason for our last regularly scheduled club meeting of the year prior to the holiday party in December. There is no meeting scheduled for November as the weather is usually not conducive to great driving.

The holiday party is scheduled for Saturday Dec. 7th at Rose GotaMiataSky's apartment clubhouse in N. Ky. More details and directions will be posted on the club website. The club provides a meat for the meal and club members are asked to bring a side to share based on your car generation (NA, NB, NC). Check the website when you sign up to see what you are requested to bring. We will also have the infamous White Elephant gift exchange. Remember you can't bring a White Elephant gift from last year to put back into circulation. Anything else is fair game!

Be thinking about events, drives and activities you would like to see added to the event schedule for 2014 and we'll have a chart pad set up to capture these ideas.

Tim Ross gave a Treasurer's report and said we still have funds to carry over into next year. He also reminds us that he has plenty of hat pins and door magnets for purchase.

New business: John Haas reminded us that club membership includes discounts on parts and labor at club sponsor King's Mazda. Unfortunately some non-club members have tried to take advantage of this benefit. He encourages club members to build a relationship with the folks at King's and get to know them so they can take care of you and your Miata as valued customers.

Under old business, Kirk brought up the topic of whether the Newsletter should be for members only, or if we should put it in the public area for prospective members to see. Several folks voiced the opinion that it should be kept in the members only area as a member benefit and used as an enticement for people to join the club. If it is in the public area, people might just read it and not join as they wouldn't see any other benefits of club membership. The decision was made to keep it for members only.

Tim Ross mentioned that the club drive guidelines could stand to be reviewed and updated as they were written several years ago. They have been shared with other car clubs in the area that did not have such guidelines and they have been well received and have offered some suggested revisions. Ross's and Kirk will look them over for input and consideration of improvements. Bob Askin will share them in an upcoming newsletter in the Spring so everyone can see them.

Kirk asked for ideas to get sponsorship for the Miata class at the Sharonville Classic Car show which is the longest running car show in the Cincinnati area. 2013 was the first year for the Miata class and club member Bruce Buckley paid for the sponsorship. Next year, Kirk would like to get outside sponsorship along with club money to cover the $250 used to pay for trophies and show expenses for the class Twelve of the 13 Miatas entered this year were GCMC members. If you have ideas or contacts to ask for monetary support for this event, please share with Kirk or any club officer.

Submitted by Bob Askin

9/19/2013 - September Club Meeting

Thanks to Mark and Vicki McCormick for hosting the meeting and providing a great meal and beverages. It was a beautiful evening to sit outside and talk Miatas.

We reviewed the schedule and talked about some possible upcoming events. There is still a lot of good top down driving weather coming up so keep checking the event schedule.

We discussed opening the Newsletter up to the general public. Please send to your thoughts to one of the officers and we will discuss again at the October meeting.

The October meeting will likely be at a local dining spot-TBD.



What a beautiful day for a drive. 7 Miatas met at Willies and headed out for some great roads to Owenton. Big thanks to Larry and Jan Middendorf for leading the drive at a great pace. Kudos to Mike and Tony for keeping right up on their fist club drive!

At the winery we enjoyed lunch on the terrace and then took a guided tour of the winery operation.

Tim Ross took pictures which should soon be in the photo gallery.

Hope to see more of you at upcoming events. Check the Events calendar regularly so you don't miss any last minute additions!



Tom O'Gorman, son of our member Joe O'Gorman, just won the national championship!!!!!!!!! I have ridden with him in an SCCA event and he is incredible! Congrats to the O'Gorman family. It couldn't happen to nicer people!

8/15/2013 - August Planning Meeting

Hosted by Larry and Jan Middendorf with brats and chicken by Chef Matt, we had another great meeting. Weather could not have been better!!! Thanks for your hospitality.

We discussed upcoming events, particularly the Elk Creek Winery Drive on 9/7. This is a beautiful winery with great food and scenery as well as nice wines. Please sign up on the website so we don't leave without you! Remember to check the website regularly as events are still being added. Especially watch for the location of the next meeting and the rescheduling of the Girls Drive.

Badge orders were placed for newer members and will be delivered at the next meeting or event.

Tim Ross, Treasurer reported that we have money! We also discussed the continuance of gas gift cards for those who lead drives. Currently they are due to John Haas and Tim Ross for their overnight drive as well as for the Ky Twisties Drive led by Rose. One will be needed for the Elk Creek Winery drive also.

Summer is almost over so get out there and enjoy your car and the roads!

Rose GOTamiataSKY, Secretary

7/18/2013 - July Planning Meeting

Thanks to charter members Tim and Bobbi Ross for hosting this month's meeting. President Kirk Hodulik called the meeting to order at 7:40 with 14 in attendance including 3 new members. Joe Riello and Jeannie & Tony Zlocki. Topics discussed included the Ladies' drive (7/20), Miatas at the Gap (7/26-28), the Mid-Ohio PDX (8/9), Woodward Dream Cruise (8/17), the Elk Creek Winery drive (9/7), the Dayton Concours de'Elegance (9/15) and the Large Scale RC display at Wright Pat (Air Force Museum) on Labor Day. Watch the Event Schedule for details.

The Next meeting will be held August 15th at the Middendorf's.


Sunday's weather was absolutely perfect for the Kentucky Twisties run. We all met at the Speedway on the double "A" at 1:45. Those who need to gassed up while tales of once rolled Miata's ran rampant in the minds of newbie passengers...

The drive started on route 915 and quickly turned on to route 10 for a great 30 mile back-road romp through twists, turns and whoop-de-do style rises. We turned onto route 22 (one of my favorite roads). and continued on for carefree miles of Miata fun.

This was one of my better back road jaunts as we had for the most part miles and miles of roads with no vehicles in front of us. The few times we did the cars actually pulled over for us or made turns in short order.We drove for miles with out a care enjoying the temps and scenery until we drove past a couple bikini clad cuties (for which that's all I will say about that) and on to dinner at the Knotty Pine.

The Pine had a great selection of adult beverages and frosty too. We decided to stay for dinner and the food was excellent...items ordered were anything from shrimp scampi, fried oysters and a gumbo that could hold up to some of the best out there.

All in all a group of wonderful folks, great cars and excellent food; can't wait for the next event and a special thanks from us all to Rose for organizing such a great day.

6/20/2013 - June Meeting

Many thanks to John and Teri Haas for hosting the meeting at Blue Ash park on a beautiful evening filled with lots of good food and folks.

Hats were distributed to those who had ordered them and we will be doing another order soon. Please contact Kirk Hodulik to place an order.

Name badges were delivered to those who had previously attended an event and new members were able to order theirs. The club will buy each member's badge after they attend an event or meeting. Additional badges are available for $6. Everyone is urged to wear their badges as we have lots and lots of new members!

We welcomed newest members Deanna and Fred Martin, Gary Miller, Neil and Anne Whitman, Jim and Laura Hobart, Doug Kowalski and returning members Craig and Cheryl Lunn.

Upcoming events were discussed and then we had a radar detector presentation by Doug Kowalski, a club member who works for Escort.
PLEASE NOTE: contact Doug if you are interested in purchasing one of these devices as he can get a substantial discount for you. Quantities are limited : )

Our next meeting will be at the home of Tim and Bobbi Ross on Thursday, July 18. Details are under Events or feel free to contact any of the officers with questions. Tim and Bobbi host a meeting each year and it is always a good time!

We hope to see you soon at an event or meeting. HAPPY SUMMER!


6/9/2013 - Concours d'Elegance 2013

Sunday, June 9

A great group of 34 people gathered at Panera Bread to welcome one another and gather steam for the 36th annual Concours d�Elegance Show in Ault Park. The show is for the benefit of Juvenile Arthritis.

This is our 13th consecutive year of participation in the Concours show as a car club displaying our cars in a prime location. We had 24 cars line up with tops down and a few hoods raised to make a terrific display of our proud owners� cars. Every car was clean as a whistle and we drew a lot of attention as we entered the park with our lights on and horns a tootin�. We are a great group of owners who like one another and have some fun. Several new members joined us as did one fellow and friend from the Miami Valley Club (Dayton).

This year�s Concours show presented Porsche, from Road to Racing. There were special displays of the 100th anniversary of Aston Martin (including the James Bond famous silver one) plus Corvette celebrating 60 years of an American icon (Street & Competition). The day began with perfect temperatures and mostly sunny skies. It was obviously a good day for the event as it was pleasantly crowded with attendance reported later to be in excess of 6,000. The exhibitors were out in full force with every slot filled in all three garden areas plus the upper center section for the pre-war group and Aston Martin. The aroma of brats and metts drew a lot of people to the food area for a bite to eat, a beer and ice cream from Homemade (UDF).

Two years ago the show committee created an Asian class in which our member, Frank Diedrichs, participated last year. This year there were seven cars including a 1992 sunburst yellow Miata with less than 7,000 miles. It was a very perfect example of the Miata and won first place in the class! We were once again given a nice piece of recognition with this winner from Columbus, Ohio.

Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the day a fun day for checking out the cars and displaying our own with pride and shine.

Tom Arnold

5/24/2013 - M&Ms in WV

We had a great group of 7 Miatas from the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club along with 3 Mini Coopers from Queen City Coopers for a fantastic drive over the long Memorial Day weekend. In the Miatas were Teri & John Haas, Doug & Ken Bogart, Cindy & Greg Garnett, Wendy & Bob Askin, Jan & Larry Middendorf, Tom Hemsath, and Bob Mackey. In the Minis were Nancy & John Cusick, Vel & Ed Fenker, and Bobbi & Tim Ross.

Stops along the way included the Blenko Glass factory, Hawks Nest State Park, New River Gorge area, Kanawha falls, The Cass Scenic Railroad, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Blackwater Falls State Park and the Blennerhasset Hotel in Parkersburg.

Many thanks go out to the tour organizers - John & Teri Haas and Tim & Bobbi Ross. They put a lot of effort into researching the drive and organizing the stops to make for a quite enjoyable trip!

Check out the photo gallery for some shots of the weekend.

Submitted by Bob Askin

5/16/2013 - May Monthly Club Planning Meeting

Well the rain held off and we had a great turn out for our May meeting. Hosted by Tom and Suzanne Arnold in their usual welcoming style, we sat around the pool and enjoyed chicken and bbq as well as drinks and ice cream sandwiches! Since we had a large group and several first time members Kirk had us all introduce ourselves and our cars.

Tom, as Membership Director, reported that we have 61 paid members, 19 who have not renewed from 2012 for 2013 as of yet, and 13 2011 active members who did not renew in 2012, but will be asked if they would like to renew for 2013 without being charged for last year. Tom will be contacting all of those who have not renewed.

Tim Ross, as Treasurer, reported no changes in Treasury at this time.

Kirk Hodulik, President, then asked for hat orders. He had samples available and was able to fill the minimum group order number. If you still are interested in a hat, please contact Kirk before the end of the month to get your order and payment in. Kirk will be getting the order placed on June 1 and hopes to have hats available for the June 20 club meeting.

Rose GOTamiataSky then advised all first time members to see her after the meeting to get their name badges ordered. They will be available at the next event/meeting.

The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing our events calendar. Kirk will be leading a "Dairy Dip Dash" on the west side of Cincinnati in August, Larry and Jan Middendorf will be leading a drive to Elk Creek Winery in September, Ken Bogart will be leading a Covered Bridges Fall Foliage Drive in October, and Rose is planning a drive to Moyers Winery. Chris Bogart is also planning a Girls Drive. Please keep checking the website for updates on these events.

We also reviewed the events currently on the calendar as well as our recent participation in the Sharonville Car Show.

If you weren't able to join us we hope to see you soon at an event or our next meeting which will be June 20 at Blue Ash Park.

Rose GOTamiataSKY, Secretary

4/28/2013 - MIATAS in the 36th Annual Sharonville Classic Car Show!

Marking its 36th anniversary, the 2013 Sharonville Classic Car Show was held on the streets of downtown Sharonville (Reading Rd). This is the longest running car show in the region. These are not the cars you will see in early June at the Concours d'Elegance, but the cars you remember from when you were young because your grandfather, dad, uncle or the neighbor next door had one.

GCMC member Bruce Buckley convinced the show committee that a new show class was needed and got them to create a class just for Miatas this year. Thirteen Miatas showed up under somewhat rainy conditions to display their bling. Twelve of the 13 cars were GCMC members. Owners scrambled several times to put tops up as a rain shower passed through and then meticulously wiped off all the water after the shower passed and put their tops back down.

As the skies cleared, pedestrian traffic picked up and lots of folks stopped to inspect our Miatas and chat with various owners about the cars or share memories of prior ownership experiences. Membership chairman Tom Arnold recruited several potential new club members during the day.

Each car class was presented a first, second and third place trophy based on voting of all the owners in that particular class. Congratulations to Kirk Hodulik, our club president, who took first place honors with his �92 Black & Tan, Tom Hemsath for second place in his �90 Classic Red and John Haas in his �03 Garnet Red Mica. A big thanks goes to Bruce Buckley for also sponsoring our class for this first year!

4/6/2013 - Kings Mazda Tune Up and Club Meeting

What a fantastic day and turn out at Kings Mazda!!! We had to close registration for the first time at 30 cars. Kings did free oil changes and inspections on the cars as well as providing juice, coffee and donuts for us. THANK YOU KINGS MAZDA. This event alone is worth the cost of a year's membership in our club. But your membership also entitles you to discounts on parts and services at Kings-just show them your current membership card.

We also had our April Club meeting. Kirk Hodulik, President, introduced the club leadership folks that were in attendance (complete list here on the website).

We still need about 6 additional orders for club hats-we need to order 12 for this first order. Please contact Kirk for more info.

We are working with Joe Portas aka "The Knobmeister" on updated name badges. The samples were presented and information was taken from those in attendance for our first order. The club will purchase the member's badge after they attend their first meeting or event. You may pick it up at the next meeting or event that you attend. If additional badges are needed for spouse, children etc they may be ordered for $6 each, which is our actual cost.

Tom Arnold updated us on current memberships and Tim Ross gave us the year end Treasurer's report.

We welcomed Larry Clark and Dennis Helferich who were attending their first club event.

The Hawks Nest / Blackwater Falls West Virginia trip and the Geocaching 101 Drive were presented by the drive leaders. See the website Event Calendar for all the details.

We are still considering a pocket sized membership directory and club calendar but it will probably be next year before these are finalized and completed.

The remainder of the meeting was spent on filling out the Event Schedule. We got commitments for 5 member led drives - Girl's Drive to Metamora led by Chris Bogart in July, Kentucky Twisties Drive led by Rose Gontkovsky in June, Elk Creek Winery Drive led by Larry Middendorf, Moyer's Winery Drive led by Rose Gontkovsky in September, and Jim Vornberger will lead a drive to Midway. We also have a partial commitment for the Covered Bridges Drive in July and rumor has it that Kirk will lead a drive. These will be added to the schedule as soon as we finalize the dates. Tim Ross will be happy to work with anyone who has not led a drive in the past but would like to do so. We do require that you have been on at least one drive with us and the upcoming May 4th Geocaching Drive would be a great time to meet that requirement : ) There are a number of preplanned drives already listed on the website that you can download, but you will need to run them as roads change over the years. And we always welcome Impromtu Drives or "Get Togethers" such as Sonic, Root Beer Stand or Quaker Steak and Lube on a particularly nice day. Look for the drive dates to populate the Event Schedule and emails to let people know about these drives and the Impromptu Drives.

Our next event is the Sharonville Car show on April 28th where we will have a Miata class for the first time. Thanks to Bruce Buckley for sponsoring the trophies!!! There is still time to register early at the $15 per car rate before April 15th, which will insure you ease of entry into the car show and a good parking spot to show your Miata if nothing else!

It finally feels like Spring-time to Zoom Zoom!

Rose GotaMiataSky

2/23/2013 - Chili Cook Off & February/March Club Planning Meeting

WOW-it sure was difficult to pick just one out of 13 great pots of chili but balloting declared Teri Haas the clear winner. Her surprise ingredients were raisins and coffee!!! Many thanks to all who participated in the cook off and to those who brought yummy desserts, corn bread and appetizer trays.

We did more eating and socializing than business but did discuss the upcoming events on the calendar, particularly the overnight to WV on Memorial Day weekend and our first ever geo caching drive in early May. Kirk brought a video of the early days of the Miata which was presented to Teri along with a $50 Kroger gift card. All other participants went home with their choice of items from the club's goodie bag.

We welcomed new members Mike and Linda Rubush and John and Connie Wagner. Both couples brought chili and were a welcome addition to our evening. We hope to see them at many more events!

We are still working on club name badge designs and members can contact Kirk to place their hat orders.

Be sure to keep checking the Events Calendar as things are added as we learn about them. And remember, if you are going somewhere in your Miata there are probably others who would enjoy the ride and activity. We welcome impromptu get togethers which are usually prompted by outstanding weather!!! Contact any of the officers or board members and we can add your event to the calendar.

Is it Spring yet??????

Rose GotaMiataSky

1/17/2013 - January Monthly Club Planning Meeting

Many topics were discussed at the meeting, and elections for club leadership were also held.

First we recognized Marcia Jones, who although was not able to attend the meeting, received a round of applause for her years of service as Membership Director and last year as Club Secretary. Tom Arnold has volunteered to take over the role of Membership Director, and has established a new PO Box address accordingly. The new PO Box address information has been added to the website, including the Membership Application Form PDF page. Remember to use the new PO Box address for those that pay their dues by U.S. Mail.

Five club members were nominated and elected to the Executive Board. The elected board members are: Tom Arnold, Bob Askin, John Haas, Kirk Hodulik, and Tim Ross. These Executive Board Members then reappointed Kirk Hodulik as President, Allen Schutte as Vice President, and Tim Ross as Treasurer. Rose Gontkovsky offered to be Secretary and was appointed as such. Their contact information on the About the Club has also been updated.

OUR BIG NEWS is as a club we have had a Miata Class added to the Sharonville Car Show, which is the longest continuous running car show in the Cincinnati area! This event is April 28th. See the Event Schedule for further information and to sign up!

Club president Kirk Hodulik had Kevin Mitchell make a presentation on ball caps which will be embroidered with the club logo reading Greater Cincinnati Miata Club on the lower portion of the logo under the car silhouette, with a price around $20.00 each depending on hat style/type. If you wish to receive an order form, please contact Kirk Hodulik and he will send you the form. Forms and hat samples will be available at the February Chili Cook-off as well. A minimum order of (12) hats is required.

We also briefly discussed club name badges with samples from the Knobmeister. Rose Gontkovsky will be following up on having additional samples made for review.

Tom Arnold is looking into the production of a GCMC Calendar available for members, featuring photos of our Miatas with our events pre-printed on the actual calendar date, running from April 2013 - March 2014. Stay tuned.

A club directory is something also in the works, which Tom Arnold has also agreed to help facilitate as part of his new role as Membership Director.

Lastly we discussed events for the coming driving season. For a complete list of events that have been scheduled, see our Event Schedule area of the website.

It looks like 2013 will be another great year for the club. The only thing that can make it better is your participation and involvement in the club's various activities. I hope you will be able to take full advantage!

Zoom Zoom!

Kirk Hodulik
GCMC President

12/9/2012 - Greater Cincinnati Miata Club Holiday Party

On Sunday evening 28 club members celebrated the holidays with our annual holiday party. For the second year in a row, we were hosted by club member Joe O'Gorman at his Full Throttle Indoor Karting facility. A Honey Baked Ham, provided by the club, was prepared to perfection by Wendy and Bob Askin. Side dishes and desserts were brought and shared among club members while soft drinks were also provided by the club. More "exotic drinks" were available to imbibe for those who had more sophisticated palates.

Club directors and officers were recognized for their leadership roles and efforts and all in attendance received a Mazda Goodie Bag.

Not to be forgotten, a brief meeting to discuss the coming year was also held. Besides the typical January election of directors and officers and the planning of our 2013 club events schedule, we also discussed new items for membership. These included new name badges for all club members and spouses/significant others featuring our current club logo, a passport sized printed membership directory handy to keep in your Miata glove box or center storage console, and an annual calendar that most likely would coincide with our driving season schedule (running April to April). To whatever extent possible, it will list primary information of club and other automotive events during the year that would typically be featured on our website events schedule.

After the meeting, those that brought gifts, participated in our annual White Elephant gift exchange. As is typical, there is nothing typical about these gifts. Some are quite thoughtful and perhaps even useful while others will, shall we say, find their best purpose in being re-gifted in a future White Elephant gift exchange.

Lastly, shortly after 7:00 pm, those that were interested participated in kart racing. We had two racing heats - an aggressive heat won by Jon Roberto followed by Ken Bogart (both of whom lapped the rest of the group) and a novice heat for those interested in getting a little seat time in a kart on the track, but also didn't want to lose their dinner in the process. Others who did not race watched some of the racing while also having an opportunity to relax and further socialize.

Besides the great venue and all of the great food a special thanks goes out to Tim and Bobbi Ross for bringing soft drinks, hot chocolate with marshmallows, cups, plates, and bowls, flatware and ice for the event. As always you guys ROCK!

Thanks to everyone for making 2012 a great year and we look forward to another great year in 2013!

Happy Holidays!

Kirk Hodulik
GCMC President

11/11/2012 - Impromptu Rabbit Hash Dash

Nine cars met at Devou park to take advantage of the last fine weather of the driving season on Sunday 11/12 with an impromptu dash to Rabbit Hash, KY. No one had had a chance to check the drive directions in some time but we headed out with our family radios and crossed fingers anyway! It didn't take long to figure out that just getting out of Devou park and onto the right road to start the dash proved to be a real challenge - that's what turn-arounds are for, right?

A few missed turns, unlabeled roads and an hour later resulted in a bit more confusion along the way. Traffic lights and slow-poke farmers in pickup trucks caused a few group separations. Teri Haas and her granddaughter had to leave us before we reached our destination as Rainey had to be back in time for a driving lesson of all things! I hope we weren't too bad an influence in her. Finally Ken Bogart and his GPS unit was pressed into service to lead us the last few miles into Rabbit Hash. The 'Mayor' was off duty Sunday, so we didn't get to pet her. A few refreshments were consumed and a comfort break was most welcome. We headed back toward Newport on a more direct route to have lunch at Buckhead Mountain Grill. (Is this becoming a trend?)

All in all, it seems we had a pretty good drive - even if there were a few missed turns and some turn-arounds. The weather was perfect for some top-down driving. We don't get many days like that in November with mostly sunny skies and temperatures near 70!

Thanks to all that participated!

Bob Askin

11/1/2012 - Unexpected Loss of Past President Mike Lukey

On Wednesday, October 31, past Greater Cincinnati Miata Club president Mike Lukey unexpectedly passed away due to heart complications. He had recently had a heart attack but was on the mend and had returned to work. He was 59 years old and guided the club as president in the early to mid 2000's. While Mike led the club, he constantly made remarkable changes and upgrades to his black NA Miata.

Mike Lukey, as president each year established a planned events calendar at the January meeting for the entire year, coordinated, ran and participated in almost every event and meeting, continued the running of the MMG with Rose Gontkovsky typically at the helm as MMG chairperson and vice president of the club, and provided all sorts of tech talk on upgrades and car care for the Miata both formally and informally at meetings and events. He was sort of a guy�s guy regarding talking cars, upgrades, performance, and driving.

Mike was a wiz at installing components including electrical upgrades and cosmetic upgrades. While leading the club, Mike constantly made remarkable changes and upgrades to his black NA Miata. His black NA was the sharpest car in the club and had almost every upgrade and aftermarket component known to man on it.

Mike kept his Miata longer than any other car he had ever owned, as he loved to buy good, pre-owned, often high end sports cars and then trick them out to his liking. He usually kept a car 24 to 30 months and then flipped it for a different car and car upgrade project. Mike left the club after selling his car, but we would bump into him at various car related events, including parking with us in our Miata parking area at the Concours d�Elegance when he had his deep metallic blue Nissan Z car.

He had his Miata much longer than his other previous cars, and when he decided to sell, Ken and Christine Bogart bought it as Christine�s car. When the supercharged engine blew on the car, Ken replaced the engine with a stock NA engine and that is the car you will see today when Christine brings it to an event.

For those of us who knew Mike Lukey well, he will be missed.

Kirk Hodulik
GCMC President

10/24/2012 - October Planning Meeting

The October planning meeting was held Thursday, October 18, at the Lebanon home of members Bob and Wendy Askin. After a delicious meal of chili, cornbread, salad and cherry tomatoes, VP Allen Schutte called the meeting to order. Present were Tim and Bobbi Ross, John and Teri Haas, Bob and Wendy Askin, and Allen and Marcia Schutte.

The October 20 Fall Drive and Lobsta Bake event was cancelled due to lack of participants, but could possibly be rescheduled some time next year.

We received a (late!) invitation to join the Ohio Valley Miata Club for their Fall Leaf Run at Shawnee State Forest for Saturday, October 27. Tim and John were familiar with the proposed route, and it was agreed that this is an event our members would likely enjoy. Teri Haas agreed to check into availability of accommodations so our club could drive up Friday night. The details will be posted on the club events schedule.

Allen suggested an overnight trip to Nashville Lane Motor Museum (and to sample local music venues) for early November, but Tim said a good drive takes six months to plan, so the idea was tabled.

Joe O'Gorman of Full Throttle was holding the first two Sundays of December for us to use his facility for our annual Christmas party. It was decided the party will be held December 9. Arrive at 5:30 to decorate our cars for a ride around Glendale to look at homes decorated for Christmas. Wendy Askin volunteered to pick up the ham from Honey Baked as our main dish. A-series car owners bring desserts; B-series bring appetizers, C-series bring side dishes. Bobbi and Tim will bring a hot chocolate fountain so we can warm up after our drive! The party will feature the ever-popular white elephant gift exchange, and we will nominate and elect our Board of Directors at the party, who are responsible for electing officers for next year.

A new event was suggested by John Haas, the Hawks Nest/Blackwater Falls drive in West Virginia tentatively scheduled for April 19-20. More details will be posted as they become available.

Allen and Marcia volunteered their home at Hidden Valley Lake on the WEST side of Cincinnati for the November 15 planning meeting, but it was decided to cancel the November meeting because it is too close to Thanksgiving this year. Therefore, our next meeting will be at the Christmas party December 9.

Marcia mentioned that if the club is going to host the MMG for 2013, now is the time to start planning and forming committees. Two years ago another club was supposed to host, and backed out. There was no MMG last year. It was decided that Cincinnati will pass on hosting this year, but will contact other clubs in the Midwest to offer planning guidance if any of them are interested in hosting.

There was a discussion of our current economic situation. It was agreed that $2500 would be kept on hand for future deposits, gifts, meeting expenses, etc. Several charities were suggested to receive any overages. We will discuss this further at a future meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marcia Jones Schutte,
Membership Secretary

9/20/2012 - September Monthly Planning Meeting

The meeting was hosted by Jon & Lori Roberto, along with their dogs Lulu and Cooper. Burgers and hotdogs provided by our hosts were enjoyed by all along with all of the great side dishes and desserts everyone brought.
� The directors and officers present at the meeting agreed to discern/approve future club expenditures related to events and/or event prizes for club sponsored functions. As a nonprofit organization, it is our responsibility from time to time to use dues collected monies on club related events for the benefit of the members. It was also approved to continue the tradition of distributing $25 gas gift cards to any member(s) who plan and lead a driving event.
� The Union Centre Music and Food Festival is on Saturday, September 29. We need to be on site sometime shortly after 9:00 AM to participate in the show from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Cars need to remain on site during the car show hours and may remain after as long as you wish to remain at the event. Registration table with signs will be present to register your car and pay the $10.00 fee. A final car count is required by September 27 to be in the show.
� Tim and Bobbi Ross and Bob and Wendy Askin reported on their trip to attend the Nashville "Miatas Play Music City - Verse 1." Great drives, well planned, lots of drive and event options. Sites included visiting the Lane Motor Museum, the Parthenon replication and the Pyramid. This will be an every other year event, so "Verse 2" will be in 2014.
� The October 20th Fall Foliage Drive and Lobsterfest is going to go another direction. Tim Ross is looking into the Lobster bake option in Milford (at $40.00 per person) along with doing a drive in Northern Kentucky, possibly the Augusta drive featured in the Miata Enthusiasts Handbook submitted by Jon Roberto.
� Other events that were discussed is a joint event with the Buckeye Club (Columbus area club) when Bob Askin met a former past president of the Buckeye Club at the "Miatas Play Music City" event. Kirk will contact the Buckeye Club contact person to get the ball rolling. Bob also received information at the Nashville event about the "Miatas in the Ozarks" in northwest Arkansas event planned for May 16-19, 2013. Registration has just opened and closes April 1, 2013. Check it out at
� Bob & Wendy Askin have graciously offered to host our October planning meeting at their residence in Lebanon, as usual providing meat (2 types of chili - one without beans, one traditional) and beverages, with attending club members providing side dishes.

9/16/2012 - Dayton Concours d'Elegance

Ken Kramer and Kirk Hodulik met at the Perkins at Tylersville Road and I-75 for breakfast at 8:30 am and about 9:30 headed up to Carillon Historical Park in Dayton for the 6th Annual Dayton Concours d'Elegance. Both of us, having attended the Cincinnati Concours d'Elegance on several occasions, were interested in seeing what Dayton had to offer. What would be the same and what would be different about the two shows. With the featured marques being Auburn, Cord and Duesenberg, we looked forward to what we would see.

First, the Park is very interesting in itself, with a visitor's center/museum and an historic village telling the story of Dayton's transportation history, inventions, and manufacturing significance. This, in itself, is more than worth the visit. Then of course there were the cars.

The number of cars were fewer than Cincinnati's show, but much more to my liking where you were not overwhelmed by the numbers. And, with the historic village as a backdrop, it just seemed a little less formal and a little more easy going. There were several food and drink options and with the show being in mid September under several mature shade trees, the weather could not have been more pleasant.

At a show admission price of just $15, this is an event that should not be missed!

8/16/2012 - August 16 Club Meeting Highlights

The meeting was hosted by Larry and Jan Middendorf with excellent grilling by their son consisting of chicken breasts, hamburgers, and mets/brats provided by our hosts.
� The directors and officers present at the meeting agreed to discern/approve future club expenditures related to events and/or event prizes for club sponsored functions. As a nonprofit organization, it is our responsibility from time to time to use dues collected monies on club related events for the benefit of the members. It was also approved to continue the tradition of distributing $25 gas gift cards to any member(s) who plan and lead a driving event.
� The Union Centre Music and Food Festival has invited our club to participate in their first annual car show. The event is to take place on Saturday, September 29. Kirk Hodulik, GCMC President, sees this as an opportunity for us to show off our Miata's to a large audience and be part of this inaugural to be annual event. If the club has enough club members participate, we will have our own parking area to rival or surpass other car clubs. A dash plaque will we given to all participants with judging to come next year. It would be great to have a dozen or more Miatas at this event. See the Event Schedule for details.
� Two new event ideas were discussed. The first is a possible Labor Day weekend drive and the second is a Fall Foliage Drive and Lobster Fest tentatively set for the weekend of October 20/21. Through Larry and Jan Middendorf's other son, a Maine fisherman, we can have fresh lobster at a reasonable price per person and then boil them to perfection. Drive and location of the Lobster Fest final destination is yet to be determined although a club member's residence is most likely. This would be a fitting end celebration to the 2012 driving season. Stay tuned for details.
� Jon and Lori Roberto have graciously offered to host our September 20 planning meeting at their residence, as usual providing meat and beverages, with attending club members providing side dishes.

8/12/2012 - Cincinnati Hometown Rally

On a beautiful Sunday morning and early afternoon, 10 cars, including Ron and Lisa with a Porsche, participated in the Hometown Rally put on by Jon Roberto and John Haas. Nineteen somewhat obtuse images of Cincinnati area landmarks and points of interest had to be identified and then found with photographic proof of being there. Points were awarded based on photo proof, photo with participant in it, photo with both participants from the team in it, photo with participants and car in it, and most creative / make the judges laugh. Of the nineteen, on average only about ten were found and photographed in the two hour timed rally, as points would be deducted for each minute late.

Bob and Terri Mackey won the event with their creative photo images, while Bob Askin and his buddy Bob Thalheimer took second followed by Rose GOTamiataSKY and Jerry Jaspers taking third. While a Zoom Zoom goodie bag of items was handed out to all particpants, prizes for the top three finishers were Cincinnati favorites gift certificate of The Montgomery Inn/Boathouse ($100), LaRosa's ($50) and Graeters ($25).

Jerry has NO CHANCE of getting any of the Graeters from Rose (just saying)...

Kirk Hodulik

7/30/2012 - Heading South on I-75 this Summer?

If you are going South via I-75 you will hit a major tie up just South of the Ky-Tn border. I saw the sign "long delay" and stopped in the rest area to check it out. They had a cue sheet that gave an alternate route via 25W. It was described as 3o miles with the the first 20 as 2 lane winding road and the last 10 as 4 lane. Because I was in my truck 20 miles of winding roar did not have much appeal so I decided to go thru on 75. BIG MISTAKE!!! When I hit the back up it took me 30 minutes to go 2 miles. Again, because I was in the truck I made a U across the grass median and went back to the by-pass route.
On my way home from Fl 2 weeks later I could see where I had turned back. It was still 4 miles from the actual construction. If the traffic is the same you are looking at a minimum of 1.5 hour delay. 75 is down to 1 lane South.

Dick Getoor

PS they told me in the rest area that it would be like that all summer long

A better option is to take 25EAST/33SOUTH. I did not have to sit in any traffic while those who took 25 WEST did!

7/29/2012 - Miatas at the Gap XVI & Biltmore Estate Tour

Eight GCMC cars attended this annual event in Deal's Gap, NC.-Tom Arnold, Bob Mackey, John and Terri Haas, Mark McCormick, Jon Roberto, Ryan Collins, Bryan Wyatt and myself. 5 of us ran down together Friday morning. We got rained on twice (tops down of course) and it was pouring when we arrived but quickly cleared up. We relaxed by the pool then had a nice dinner at the Lodge. Ryan Collins got down there late due to car trouble and had his first taste of the Dragon in the dark!

Saturday morning three cars headed to the Biltmore Estate. On the way we were stopped for doing 63 in a 55 zone but just got a warning. Our mistake was passing an unmarked patrol car : ) We toured the house and then did a little shopping and wine tasting. After some fantastic ice cream we headed to the Winery, driving through the beautiful gardens on our way. We shared some wine and cheese and good conversation before heading back to Fontana. Those who stayed behind went to the Dam for the annual group picture and did some drives. Sat night was the popular Beer Exchange (bring your local beer and trade it) and wine tasting. Then more socializing around the pool.

Sunday everyone left at different times to head back. I decided to drive the Foothills Pkwy and instead of ending up in Townsend my GPS took me back to Rt 129 via an awesome road- N334 I think. Definitely worth doing again next time!

Thanks to Bryan Wyatt for adding the photos to the photo gallery as all I had were from the Biltmore Estate.


7/15/2012 - 2012 British Car Show of Greater Cincinnati

On Sunday Tom Arnold, Dave Gasper, John Haas, Kirk Hodulik and Bob Mackey braved the elements and drove their Miatas over to Fairfield to check out the British Car Show. We had anticipated seeing Tim Ross's Austin Healey 3000, but this was to no avail. Tim's car was in the shop still trying to get the engine tuned properly, so we will all have to wait until next year to vote for Tim's car. There were a couple of cars in the Miata Class including club member Jim Ollier's 1999 BRG which is a near perfect car. Because the rains came, we did not stay to see how the judging turned out.

7/14/2012 - James Bond's Aston Martin DB5 at the Cincinnati Art Museum and Moerlein Lager House

John and Teri Haas, Tom Arnold, Bruce Fahey, Bob Askin, Jon Roberto, Kirk Hodulik, and Larry and Jane Middendorf along with their daughter and son-in-law were in attendance for this event. The car was awesome, as only a James Bond car can be but not being able to take pictures was not so awesome, so many had to settle for a $1.07 postcard (including tax). Afterward we headed down to the Moerlein Lager House were we enjoy delicious lunches and imbibed in our favorite drink.

7/12/2012 - July 12 Club Meeting Highlights

The meeting was hosted by Ken and Chris Bogart with excellent grilled hamburgers and hotdogs,etc provided by our hosts.
� Tim Ross, who was unable to attend provided a GCMC treasury update that after paying for club clings, pins and magnets shows a health positive balance. This will allow us to underwrite future club functions.
� New member Larry Middendorf (1999 BRG)and his wife Jan were in attendance. They have graciously offered to host our August 16 planning meeting at their residence, as usual providing meat and beverages, with attending club members providing side dishes.
� To widen the number of participants, the Sunday morning, August 12 Cincinnati Hometown Rally may be rescheduled for the same day in the afternoon. Stay tuned for details.
� John Haas mentioned that the current Minis Club president is interested in putting together a Miatas and Minis event down to Memphis, TN. The "3M" event will be a 3-4 day trip over a long weekend taking advantage of the food, music and sights of Memphis. This is being planned as a 2013 event.

6/28/2012 - June 28 Club Meeting Highlights

The meeting was hosted by original members Tim & Bobbi Ross. The cookout, mojitos and potato acceleration device were great as always.
� Marcia Jones Schuttte reported that we have just over 80 paid membership this year.
� Tim Ross reported that after the club had purchased club cling decals and fronted the money for club car door magnets and club hat/lapel pins (to be sold to members at/near cost), the club's financial situation is good.
� New member Larry Cummins was introduced. He and Tim go way back to the old Spitfire club days. See the New Member section of the newsletter for more on Larry and his car.
� We have also added one event for July 14 to drive up to the Cincinnati Art Museum to see the James Bond Aston Martin DB5 and then cruise down from Mt. Adams to the new Moerlein Lager House located next to Great American Ballpark for lunch and suds for those that wish to imbibe after drooling over the Aston Martin. See the event section for further details.
� There is a cruise-in at the Shops of West Chester at the opposite end from the Rave Theaters every Tuesday night if anyone is interested. A similar event also occurs on Thursday evenings centered around the post office in downtown Sharonville. The cruise-ins begin around 5:00 pm and go to 9:00 pm or dark as the days shorten. See the table in the July newsletter for all the cruise-in offerings in the Tri-state. Thanks to Tom Arnold for forwarding this information.
�Tim & Bobbi Ross have the GCMC logo car door magnets 11.5� x 7�) and hat/lapel pins (1" wide) for sale. The door magnets are $15 each. These are really heavy duty magnets and look really nice. The hat/lapel pins are $2.50 each. They are also quite nice. See Tim or Bobbi at the next club event to purchase.
� The July meeting will be July 12 at Ken Bogart�s house. The theme will be another grill-out. Ken will provide the meat and asks that everyone else bring a side dish to share. Check the club website Events Schedule for details and directions to the Bogart�s house.
� Congratulations go out to Marcia Jones Schutte (club membership director) and Allen Schutte (club VP) on their recent marriage. We wish them many years of happiness and of course lot of Miata zoom zoom time together!

6/23/2012 - Burlington House Car Show

There were some really beautiful automobiles that turned out for this event. Congratulations to Ms. Mary Manska for taking the 3rd place trophy for her lavender '91 Miata. I think she is gong to use it for her hood ornament-Marvin was already measuring : D Fresh from her victory she and Marvin are heading to the Gap tomorrow!

Burlington House plans to do this as an annual event so I hope more of you can join us next year. The staff was so welcoming and the residents were so thrilled to see all the cars. It was a very nice event.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS to Mary and Marvin!


6/10/2012 - 2012 35th Annual Ault Park Concours d'Elegance

We had 30 members and friends join us with a car count of 19. Don Slicker, former club member, was ever so thankful to ride and park with us. I think I noticed we picked up a couple of other Miatas joining us in our parking paddock later in the day. This included a couple with a recent model year Copper Mica Retractable Hard Top. Despite the heat, a good time was had by all.

Frank Diedrich enjoyed what he experienced with his stock 1990 red Miata in the Asian Car Division display area and seeing the show for the first time. He has a whole new appreciation for car condition, preparation and forward thinking maintenance.

Attendance probably exceeded the previous years' norm of 5,000. There were quite a few cars that were first time attendees, including a Stutz Bearcat and Stutz coupe from Houston, cars from St. Louis and elsewhere and the surprising number from our own area. The wooden boats were also magnificent to see. Food, especially the shrimp and crab cakes, were great and the Samuel Adams beer was extra cold and flowing fast.

Mark your calendars for next year because this is an annual true highlight of the summer.

5/20/2012 - May Miatas at Deals Gap Trip

BIG THANKS to John Haas for planning and leading our trip this year. We had a great time driving and then socializing in the evening. The cocktails and sushi on Friday night were especially good! We had some really good early morning Dragon runs and first time driver Terri Mackey was very impressive. Bob and Wendy did a lot of geo caching in addition to driving. Ken Bogart took us to the Falls which I didn't even know existed, and since the Bistro is now closed I introduced everyone to the ice cream place by the river. We missed our Saturday morning connection with Jon and Lori and since cell phone reception is so poor down there we never saw them again! Hopefully John H and Terri M will post their pictures.

If you missed this trip we are going again in July for the 16th National Miatas at the Gap. All the details are on the website. Since I did so much driving in May, for the July trip I am planning to go to Biltmore Estate on Saturday. Please join me as we tour the mansion and then grab a bottle of wine and some cheese and crackers and sit on the patio at the winery. Don't forget to sign up on the website if you are coming along.


4/29/2012 - 35th Annual Sharonville Classic Car Show

This year, despite the threat of rainy weather, a few brave souls from the club toured the car show. GCMC member Bruce Buckley had his 1972 Cuda in the show which was a very nice example of 70's Mopar Muscle.

Because of the overall variety of cars in this show, and the fact that the Miata has been around for 22 model years and about to unveil it's fourth generation car, we are will be, with Bruce Buckley's help, looking into adding a Miata class to the Sharonville Classic Car Show for 2013. With any luck for next year, we will not only be admiring other peoples rides, but also displaying ours!

4/15/2012 - Cincinnati SCCA Autocross at Wilmington Air Park

The Cincinnati SCCA began their autocross season at the Wilmington Air Park in Wilmington, Ohio. Member Gary Benz attended and finished 8th in his (Miata NC) class of approximately 20 cars. Gary said he had a blast and intends to take advantage of future autocross events. He also stated there were several Miata's at the event. It sounds like the autocross event is worth club members taking advantage of by participating this driving season.

4/14/2012 - Spring Clean-Up

Mike Harris, owner of Poppadent, opened up his garages to us so cars could be pulled out of the rain and have dent and door dings removed. In addition club members Jon Roberto, Tom Arnold, and others assisted club members clean, detail, buff, and polish members' Miatas. Bob Mackey's Black NA received the whole treatment including cleaning, protecting and buffing the rear plastic window to the point he no longer is looking to replace it! Mike Harris (Mr. Poppadent himself) was the gracious host who touched up scratches and performed his dent removal wizardry. We even had Bob Nix and his friend bring their Miatas up from Louisville to take advantage of Mike's work.

3/31/2012 - Spring Tune-Up at Kings Mazda

With all of the great weather we have had in March many have brought their Miatas out of hibernation a little earlier this year. With that in mind, on Saturday, March 31, twenty Miatas were inspected, oil changed, minor service work completed, and in some instances have additional service scheduled for our cars at Kings Mazda. Although we had as many as thirty-one cars signed up for this event, we had a few club members decline having their car(s) serviced due to the high volume of cars to be inspected along with a few no shows.

The Kings Mazda crew provided breakfast and space for us to have our Spring Driving Season Kick-Off Meeting. Many issues were discussed including the announcement of new officers and board members (see the "About the Club" section on this website to see the 2012 leadership team), planning drives and events, etc. Club dues were also paid by new and renewing members (which annually come due on April 1). With each membership paid, a new static window cling was provided along with a membership card for 2012. From this date forward, all new and renewing memberships will receive these items as part of their membership package. For those that have not renewed in person, these items will be sent via U.S. Mail by the membership director along with a printed out hard copy of the website registration directions.

As GCMC dues paying members, Kings Mazda offers discounts of 18% for all OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer's) parts and OEM accessories and $20 off of the standard service technician's (mechanic's) hourly rate, which is over a 20% discount, while any aftermarket work is discounted 10%.

All participating club members for this event have been entered into Kings Mazda database, and now with your new membership card, you can simply show it at point of service with Kings Mazda to receive your membership discounts. In addition a list of all paid up club members as of June will be submitted to Kings for service and parts discount purposes. So please take advantage of this offer!

Thank you Kings Mazda for the great event, and all service and parts discounts throughout the year to our club members!

Kirk Hodulik

2/16/2012 - February Monthly Planning Meeting

On Thursday evening sixteen of us met at Full Throttle Indoor Karting. The meeting basically reviewed our event schedule through June, giving additional information on those events already listed, as well as a few additional events to be added. A reminder of the Machine Gun Shoot with the Mini Club is set for April 14th, which is the same day as our Poppadent Spring Clean-Up Event. The additional events include a Saturday, July 7th drive to the Wolf Park in Indiana (about an hour northwest of Indianapolis) that is being coordinated by Mary Manska, and a Drive-in Drive-in event being coordinated for a date this summer by Marcia Jones and Sherry Glover. We will also get the SCCA, CSCC (Cincinnati Sports Car Club) and the Austin-Healey Club's Autocross events on our schedule once that information is made available.

Tom and Suzanne Arnold will be hosting our May 10th club meeting at their residence. This meeting will be a week early due to our May events of the Mecum Auto Auctions in Indianapolis and our club's Deals Gap trip. An April meeting host is undetermined at this time.

We had one new member at our meeting, Mark McCormick, who is the proud owner of a True Red 2010 Retractable Hardtop Miata. It sounds like Mark is into aftermarket enhancements to his car, so I am sure we will get a chance to see what changes he has made soon.

Because we will be having our monthly club meeting at the Spring Tune-Up Event on March 31, it was decided to not have a third Thursday club meeting in March. At the Spring Tune-Up Event meeting, new club officers will be announced.

New Executive Board Members were solicited and voted in by club members at the meeting. The new Executive Board Members are: Tom Arnold, John Haas, Kirk Hodulik, Marcia Jones, and Tim Ross. The new Executive Board Members also have met and selected new club officers. New club officers will be announced at the Spring Tune-Up Event meeting.

1/23/2012 - 2012 Events

Several events have been added for the 2012 driving season, so please check them out in the Events Schedule.

Other 2012 events are still in the early planning stages and are not listed by date on the Events Schedule at this time. These additional events include the following:
- Spring: Hometown Rally
- Summer: Drive-in Drive-in (Drive-in restaurant and Drive-in movie)
- Summer: Drive to Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House, Springfield, OH
- SCCA Autocross Events
- Invitation to participate in other car clubs' events

1/22/2012 - January Planning Meeting

On Sunday afternoon we had twenty diehard GCMC members meet at Full Throttle Indoor Karting to outline the 2012 events calendar. Much was discussed including local driving events, regional events, a return to monthly meetings on Thursday evenings, and the election of new board members to elect new officers for 2012. Stay tuned to see all of the events listed in the Event Schedule.

Two new members were also in attendance for the first time, Gary Benz and Doug Kowalski. Gary recently purchased a 2008 NC with a black factory detachable hardtop and Doug, after five years of storing an original owner's Velocity Red 2006 NC, convinced her to sell it to him. Welcome to our new members and we look forward to seeing them at future events.

Our next monthly meeting will be at Full Throttle Indoor Karting on Thursday February 16 at 7:30 PM in the Party Room (where we met for the Holiday Party).

12/12/2011 - Year End

Another Miata year comes to an end with a great party at Full Throttle Indoor Karting. Plenty of food, laughs, white elephant shenanigans, go karting and a chocolate fountain!!! Can't wait for the pictures to be posted.

We have lots of plans for the upcoming year so keep checking the website. Happy New Year everyone.


12/11/2011 - No Miata Required

The Holidays are for spending time with family and friends. With that in mind we would like to invite all former and current GCMC members to join us for our annual party. The venue can handle a large crowd and we hope to fill it! Details are in the EVENTS section.

10/24/2011 - Valley Vineyards Drive

A big THANKS to Tim and Bobbi Ross for putting together a sweet drive to the Vineyards. We had 6 cars on the drive and 3 more that met us at the Vineyards for a total of 19 folks. Former club members, Ande and Sandy Weinstein joined us. (They were the inspiration for this drive). We enjoyed grilling our own salmon and steak and nobody left hungry : )

This was a great drive-plenty of Fall Foliage, chatter on our radios, twisties, everyone stayed together and no mishaps! Check out the photos and plan to join us on a drive next year.

9/17/2011 - Girls Drive to Berea, Ky

The women of Greater Cincinnati Miata Club left the rest stop on I-71/75 just after 8:00 on Saturday morning, September 17, for a trek down I-75 to Berea , KY. We arrived at the Kentucky Artisan Center about 9:30. WOW � they really MEAN �Artisan�, not craftsman! We explored the Center until the trolley arrived to give us a tour of Berea so we could get the lay of the land. After the trolley ride, we drove to the Boone Tavern Hotel for an early lunch � delicious food in a delightful setting. Then the shopping started � first near the Tavern, followed by Old Town . We explored the arts and crafts shops and were treated to the 15th annual Spoon Bread Festival, complete with a parade � old tractors, princesses, kings and queens, professional cars (hearses and ambulances), and horses, but no floats, bands or cheerleaders! When we had worn out our feet, we headed back to the Artisan Center for a snack, more shopping, and the end to a delightful day.

8/20/2011 - Root Beer Stand to Adventure Golf Scenic Drive

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On a Saturday evening with questionable weather, nine MINIs and seven Miatas joined Tim (in his Miata) and Bobbi Ross (in the Ross MINI) at The Root Beer Stand in Sharonville. After those hungry and thirsty participants enjoyed some of The Root Beer Stand�s finest, everyone set off on a twisty one-hour route to Eastgate Adventures. Creek Road winds and curves through Blue Ash. Baker Lane , with its �k� missing from the sign you see when eastbound on State Route 28, connects 28 with U.S. 50 in Milford . While a few were thrown off course for a short period, everyone made it to the golf course okay. The route proved that you can go from The Root Beer Stand to Eastgate using nice, windy roads inside I-275 (mostly). The miniature golf course was busy, but those who played had a good evening � reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. Thanks to those who came � we hope you had an enjoyable time and will join us again. To those who didn�t � next time!

Tim and Bobbi Ross

7/16/2011 - Greater Cincinnati Miata Club Gear Is Here!

That�s right. For all of you club members wanting to show your pride in club membership, you may now order apparel (aka �Gear�) via our website link. As has been discussed in the last two club meetings, we have partnered with the SCCA to give our membership the opportunity to order as many or as few items as you wish, in colors and varieties you wish.

To do so simply select the "Login" button near the bottom of the left side tabs list, and login using your User ID and Password. After doing so, an expanded list of the left side tabs appears for logged-in members. In the middle of that grouping list is "Club Gear." Simply click on this tab and a new browser window will open to the SCCA Gear website page dedicated to the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club.

You will see "Cincinnati Miata Club" along with a sample of the embroidered club logo (actual size is about 3-1/2" wide) toward the top of the page and immediately below the first of two pages listing apparel items you may buy with the club logo. At this time I do not see hats as an apparel option, so we will have to look into their availability.

Thanks go to Joe O�Gorman, Sherry Glover, Rose �Gotamiatasky� and Ken Bogart for their efforts in making this possible!

Enjoy shopping!

Kirk Hodulik

7/4/2011 - Cedar Village Car Show

A HUGE thanks to all who came out despite the rain! Everyone who signed up was there-we had 8 Miatas and Bill Bowser joined us with his Lotus Elise. I will post pictures shortly.
The residents got a big kick out of the cars-especially Mary's Lavender Baby!!! We were prepared to take them for rides but the weather wasn't real cooperative for that. They took great care of us too-brought us water and fed us lunch as well as giving each of us a copy of their cook book. It really felt good to do something to bring a smile to the faces of others-and all we had to do was talk about and show off our cars : )

Later in the afternoon I headed over to Tri County to see Joe O'Gorman's new facility-Full Throttle Indoor Carting. WOW! It is huge and will be VERY nice as well as lots of FUN. They hope to open Labor Day weekend and have agreed to host our club's Christmas Party! YAY! I see some karting in our club's future.


6/25/2011 - Drive-in to Drive-in Impromptu Event

On Saturday evening five Miata's and past member and treasurer Bruce Fahey met at the Sonic Drive-in on the main drag in Hamilton for dinner outdoors. A pleasant evening's short drive and we were at the Holiday Drive-in theatre just outside of Hamilton. While we waited for the sky to darken, members socialized and enjoyed each other's company. We then enjoyed the Movie "Cars 2" (accept for the fireworks that were going off next door for the first 10-15 minutes). For those of you wanting to know if a Miata is in the movie, the answer is yes. But you have to watch closely because it only happens for a few seconds when the Miata exits the bathroom stall that Mater goes into. I know that's not what I was hoping for, but then again the movie won't win best picture either.

In the meantime, zoom zoom!

Kirk Hodulik

6/12/2011 - Concours d 'Elegance, Ault Park

John Haas
Tom Arnold
Don Slicker +2
Dave Gasper
Ken Bogart +1 (Doug)
Ed Walker and friend from the Dayton Miata Club
Jon Roberto + 1
Greg Bodenburg + 1
Tom Draper +1

While this year�s group of club members was smaller than usual, the show was notably bigger and better even after 34 years of successful events. This was our tenth year of attending.
The weather was also the best we could recall for many years, so you never know. By noon the temperature had risen to 78 and the sun was shining bright.
This year�s marquee was Red Hot Rides-Ferrari and Fire Engines plus the 100th year celebration of Ault Park and the Indianapolis 500 and 50th anniversary for Jaguar XKE. They had put together a special collection of station wagon cars that were very nice. Studebaker and Ford were in stiff competition with each other. All in all, there were 13 classes of vintage, classic and exotic cars.
You can picture the old fire engines, so big and strong and heavy. Each one was shinier than the next and, yes, a few Dalmatian dogs were present, as well. In the center area, Ferrari�s were plentiful. Some were old and some brand new. The dominant color was red and we saw a couple that were black and one yellow. The engines in these cars were a sight to see and hear. The judges would ask each car owner to start his car, so cars, Indy racers and Packards were staring and revving. Wow, what a sound.
We did have a group of twenty tickets that went to club members and friends. In addition to our Miata�s (six) we had a Mini, Mustang, Subaru and Infinity G35.
I do hope next year we can attract a bigger group to equal or surpass previous years when we had 34 tickets and 17 Miata�s. Don�t miss it!

Tom Arnold

6/2/2011 - ZMOET-Zoomin the Mountains of East Tn

Several of us went down to this event and it was a blast! Mark your calendar for next year and join the fun. Lots of good drives,car show, autocross, corn hole, pool parties, live charity auction and LAPS ON BRISTOL MOTOR SPEEDWAY!!! All events were ala carte so you could do as much or as little as you chose. The people were great, hotel was very nice and there were lots of places to eat if you didn't want to join the party at the pool.

Bristol was the highlight of the trip for me. We went out onto the track in groups of 10 with a pace car-my group was moving fast enough that we were about to lap the 10th car. We weren't allowed to pass on the track so we had to slow down for our final (5th) lap. : (

Go to to see all the pictures of what you missed : D It would be great to have a good group from our club next year. Think about it : )


4/23/2011 - Spring Tune-Up at Kings Mazda

Between all of the rain we've had in April, on Saturday fifteen Miatas were inspected, oil changed, minor service work completed, and in some instances have additional service scheduled for our cars at Kings Mazda.

The Kings Mazda crew provided breakfast and space for us to have our first club meeting of the year. Many issues were discussed including club shirts & hats, planning drives and events, etc. while club members enjoyed pizza and soft drinks provided by the club.

Also, for all dues paying members, Kings Mazda is offering discounts of 18% for all OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer's) parts and accessories and $20 off of the standard service technician's (mechanic's) hourly rate, which is over a 20% discount, while any aftermarket work is discounted 10%.

All participating club members for this event have been entered into Kings Mazda database, and a list of all paid up club members as of June has been submitted to Kings for service and parts discount purposes. So please take advantage of this offer!

Thank you Kings Mazda for the great event, service and parts discount!

Kirk Hodulik

11/14/2010 - Car Museum Drive Recap

We left The Original Pancake House in West Chester on Friday, November 12, with 4 Miatas, 3 MINIs, 1 BMW and 1 Porsche. We added a Miata in Hamilton for a total of 19 people in 10 cars. When we got to the Auburn Inn, we added two people in a Jeep. Supper was at Auburn�s Town Tavern, followed by videos at the Inn. On Saturday, all 11 cars motored to the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum � an elegant showplace for colorful, elegant cars. We lunched at Sandra D�s, then walked back to the same parking lot, shared by the National Auto and Truck Museum of the U.S. (NATMUS). This museum is an eclectic collection of vehicles � cars, trucks, motorcycles � in an old factory � not elegant but interesting. Eight cars continued on to Dearborn. Dinner on Saturday was at Edison�s in the Dearborn Inn. On Sunday, the remaining eight cars drove about � mile to The Henry Ford. What a museum! Cars, trucks, trains, planes, furniture, agriculture equipment, steam-powered generators, clocks, jewelry, silver and pewter � and that�s just in the Museum building! At this point, the group separated, each car returning home on its own schedule.

10/21/2010 - October Tid Bits

We had a good turn out for last nights meeting.

John & Teri, Mike & Kimberleigh, Tim & Bobbi, George & Cathy, Jon & Lori, Paul & Carol, Ken & Chris, Kirk, Rose, James Vornberger, Tom Draper, Alan Schutte, Marcia Jones and new members Mary & Marvin Manska for a total of twenty two in attendance.

After some Yummy Snacks from Chic-fil-a and lots of chatting we opened the meeting with an up-date of the Auburn Museum road trip from Bobbi Ross. Right now we have Tim, Bobbi, John, Teri, Alan, Marcia and Dave Gasper signed up from our club and there are a number of Minis going. We also have one Z4 going. This will be a flexible trip allowing for a one or two night stay depending on your level of interest. The second night will involve a drive to Dearborn and a visit to the Ford Museum on Sunday. If you would like to join us, there is still room at both of the Hotels. (Auburn Inn for Friday night and the Dearborn Inn for Saturday night.) But you do need to make a decision soon and get those reservations made by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Then let Bobbi know so she can adjust some lunch and dinner reservations she has made. Check you emails from last month for details that Bobbi sent to everyone or call myself or Bobbi if you need assistance with anything.

The venue for the November was identified and will be held at the home of Michael and Kimberleigh Szaz. Detail are forthcoming�..including directions.

The venue for the Club Christmas Party was finalized and will be held at the home of Marcia Jones. Details are forthcoming��including directions. Be sure to get those �White Elephant� gifts identified and we are all hoping for a repeat by Angie Sabet; who kept every body in stitches with her great sense of humor.

A Calendar Planning Meeting was added for the last weekend in January and will be held on a Saturday around 4:00PM to allow lots of people to attend. We will identify and post to the 2011 calendar as many events as we have ideas for. So, start writing down all those fun things you�ve enjoyed over the years as well as activities you think you would enjoy doing with this group.

We ended the meeting with a discussion regarding the succession of the current Board of Directors and Club Officers. If you have any interest in participating in the leadership and would like to provide direction for our events and activities please drop me a note with your thought.

John Haas

9/13/2010 - MMGXI in St Louis

They can't catch the Reds but they hit this one out of the park! : )

The event was outstanding from the beginning-hotel welcomed you with big,fat,warm chocolate chip cookie!-to the end. Instead of a park everything was staged from the hotel-and they were able to negotiate a really great price because of it. We had the whole back parking lot with washing station available all week end. The group picture, car show and Funcana were all set up in the lot. We had 2 2010 Miatas to drive in the Funcana and it was a blast. There was a Hospitality Suite with cold water, candy and snacks all the time as well as plenty of big round tables so folks could socialize. (and we made good use of it!)

The drives were broken into categories-Leisurely, Spirited and my favorite-Zoom Zoom! There were self guided tours to wineries, a Landmark Rally, a Scavenger Hunt and lots of awards including Best Engine Bay, Best Vanity Plate, Best Paint, Best Stock Na,NB,NC and then 1st,2nd 3rd in each generation. Best in Show was a gorgeous Stormy Blue with matching trailer and custom pin striping. There were several drives to Ted Drewes Frozen Custard-only found in St. Louis-think DQ but better!!! Who knew St Louis had MANY roads to rival out favorites in KY? On the Zoom Zoom Drive we did 90 miles of twisties with 3 pace car slow downs and a bio break and 13 Miatas in 2 HRS! : D Sunday morning there was a drive to Grant's Farm, owned by the Busch family and where they raise their famous draft horses. And of course at the hospitality tent there was free beer from 8 draft selections. : D

The weather was rainy from Louisville to St Louis on Friday but then only rained at night and was warm and sunny all day.

The Dayton club has expressed interest in doing the event next year and I was talking to some folks from Chicago about the following year. WooHoo! Rose and Ginny had a blast and I'm sure Tim and Bobbie enjoyed themselves too. Wish a lot more of you could have made it-it was outstanding.


PS Pics will be posted at

9/10/2010 - MMG 11

The 2010 MMG will be in St Louis, Mo!!! The dates are 9/10-9/12/10. Make your plans now as I am sure this will be a great event!

6/21/2010 - Miata MX5 video featuring Jon Roberto cameo

6/13/2010 - Concours d'Elegance

Saturday's rain of 3 inches produced flooding, puddling and soft ground every where but Ault Park (almost).

17 Miata's with drivers and guests totaled 34 people to attend the ninth or tenth year at the midwest Concours supreme. The sun rose with sunshine and that is what we had all day long with temperatures in the mid to upper 80"s. Yes, it was hot but not wet. The Vintage Beach Cars and Alfa celebrations were great. The prestige coach cars of Packard, Cord, Rolls Royce and Cadillac never seems to fade in popularity. And then there are Ferrari's, Porsche, Lamborghini and Maseratti. Deep pockets would get you any model you want. The old Ford's and Plymouths with wooden wheels were right close to the art show of the day which drew a lot of attention.

A cold beer and a met were a welcome pause to sit in the shade. Thanks to everyone who signed up and showed up. Our parking coral space was great. The committee has done a nice job giving each year's show a few tweaks to improve on what was thought to be under total control and this year was no exception.

Thank you everyone who made this a fun day in the park. See you next year......

Tom Arnold

10/7/2009 - MMG Pix

Check out all the great pictures on the MMG website!
Thanks to the committee for all your hard work-it was a great event!!!


9/15/2009 - Tom O and Auto X

Let me add that I had Tom ride with me as an instructor at an SCCA event and he is fantastic! I took about 30 seconds off my time!!! Then I got to ride with him in his car-I can't see ahead as fast as he can drive : D If you get the chance, definitely take advantage of his expertise. (Dad isn't too bad either!)

Since the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree CONGRATULATIONS to both Tom and Joe on this latest achievement.


9/10/2009 - Tom O'Gorman takes 6th in E stock at SCCA Solo National Championship

Club member Tom O'Gorman, age 17, ran in his 1st SCCA solo National Championship and took 6th place out of 42 drivers in E Stock. Tom was driving an MR2 and was just .48 seconds behind 1st place in class. The event was in Lincoln Nebraska and had over 1200 competitors competing in the weeklong event.

Sign up for the Autocross on 10/11 on the events page and look for Tom at the event(where he will be driving his Miata...)
. He will be happy to instruct club members how to get the most of their Miata on an autocross course.

- Proud dad -

Joe O'Gorman

8/19/2009 -

Miata mountain Mania 2O1O
Website is up and running
Check it out

7/12/2009 - British Car Day

Twelve people arrived at 8:00 to consume a high calorie, high sweet breakfast at the Original Pancake House at Union Center Blvd exit off I-75. There was a lot of swapping and sharing of waffles, pancakes and other deluxe pastries (before any bites were taken of course.

At nine o'clock, Mr. Garmin led us using John Haas' Red Gem for a smooth ride from the pancake house to the park. $5 got us into the event at Willam Harbin Park which is very nice. They had a quasi corral set for us which was also very nice. Mike Lukey (former rex of the GCMC) joined us in his BMW 330ci (convertible) as did Greg Bodenburg in his Mini. Jon and Lori Roberto (newly weds) got up early to venture out in their British Mini.

Anyway, we walked as a group and saw a lot of very nice Triumphs, MG's, DeLorean, Jaguar, Morgan's and several other sports types. In my opinion, we have pretty darn nice vehicles that shine, run and stand tall in design and performance.

Join us next year for sure.....

Tom Arnold

5/24/2009 - Autocross Photos

For the first Autocross of the season, the Miata club was well represented by 10 Miatas and 1 Crown Victoria (Crown Victoria was piloted by Ken Bogart's 16 year daughter, epitomizing the true spirit of this "Driver Education" event).

See Autocross Photos.

A big thank you to Michael Szaz for acting as club photographer!

p.s. The Big Red Sled was a blast to drive and put quite a few car to shame!


We are excited about the plans for this event which was started by Jon Roberto and Chris Reiff in 1999. From a small gathering at Sharon Woods the event has grown into a regional event that attracted over 160 Miatas in Indy and has other clubs asking to host it!!!!

This years venue will be Kincaid Lake State Park in Falmouth, Ky. Come join us for a great event!

We will need a lot of help to pull this off and will be calling on members to assist us in planning and producing MMG X. If you can help please let one of us know-otherwise we'll be calling you!!!!!

3/20/2009 - Annual Club Dues are due 4/1/09

Remember - club dues for all members are due on April 1st. You can use the handy PayPal payment or To pay your membership fee by mail, please send a $20 check to:

Greater Cincinnati Miata Club
8216 Princeton-Glendale Rd
PMB #164
West Chester, OH 45069-1675.


12/13/2008 - Club Christmas Party

What a fun time! Great food and white elephant gifts! For the sesond year in a row, gifts went home from where they came...we shall not release names to protect the innocent! We do have a pool going on for next years exchange to see if we have a trifecta!

11/27/2008 - Bluegrass Motorsports Update

I added 3 pictures in the photo gallery of the latest progress of MMGX.



10/18/2008 - MMG X Volunteers needed!

At our meeting Thursday night, a number of people stepped up to volunteer to work the MMG next year. Keep in mind if you volunteer, concessions will be made towards registration fees.

This will be a big event and Jon Roberto and myself have already had people contacting us to register. We WILL sell out quickly! Any help will be greatly appreciated. We will also have a pre-registration for our club to assure you have a spot in the MMG next year. This will be an event not to miss! You will not need a rollbar for your car, but if you do plan on driving the road course, helmets are required. We are going to set up a special purchase though the Blugrass Motor Sports Club if you are interested.

We will have monthly planning meetings starting in a couple weeks. Please email Jon Roberto or Rose GotaMiataSky if you are interested.


John Watson
President, GCMC

9/28/2008 - MMG 2008 a huge success!

WOW! Our sister club in Indianapolis did a great job! For those of you who did not make it, you really missed a great event! The highlight of the weekend was driving our cars on the "Indianapolis Race Track" to have our individual photo's taken crossing the "Bricks" at the finish line. Getting there was also a thrill. The entire group of 150 participants Que'd up at the venue hotel and had a Motorcycle Police Escort to the track. The Police shut down I-70 and I-465 to accomodate our three mile long procession. Driving down the strait-a-way to the finish line is a rush!

We announced that we will be hosting next year�s event over Labor Day weekend at the Bluegrass Motorsports Club. Jon Roberto and Rose Gontkovsky have volunteered to chair the event. We will need many volunteers to pull this off. Please contact Jon or Rose if you are interested in contributing. The more volunteers we have, the better the event will be. Judging by the turnout we had this year, we might be looking at close to 200 cars!

Anyone having photo's that they would like to add to the club web-site, please do so. Contact Ken Bogart if you need some expert help getting them from your camera to the photo board.

Pictures Taken by the Indianapolis club photographer can be viewed on the MMG site, after October 15th. (they need a little break from all the hard work they put into this years event):

Zoom Zoom!


8/21/2008 - August Club Meeting Minutes

What a wonderful night and venue for our meeting! I lost track of just how many we had, but this is the largest group I have seen at a club meeting! We had a sprinkle of new members and seasoned members with new Miatas!

If anyone has not checked out Warner's in Ft. Thomas, you need to get there and eat on the huge outdoor patio before it gets too cold.

A few notes from the meeting: John Haas informed us that there are 4 rooms left for the fall Deals Gap Trip October 24th-26th. The rooms will be offered at a discount rate through the club at Fontana Village. There are numerous offers through the club and on the Fontana web site...the should be a great foliage season with all the rain we have had.

Next we discussed getting ready for this years MMG. We will have a detail/dent removal party with the location TBD. Jon Roberto went to a professional car detailing meet and will share his knowledge with us at the party. This will take place September 20th and we will make it a covered dish event.

Finally...we discussed MMG X! We are excited about possibly hosting the 10th anniversary of the event at the new Bluegrass Motorsports Club. Kurt Niemeyer, VP of sales for the Club and Miata owner, gave a presentation on the club and what they have to offer. I f we can pull this off, we might even trump this years event. If you are interested in serving on the planning committee, please let us know! Kurt offered to take us down for a tour of the Bluegrass Motorsports event has been added for 8/30 to tour the facility!

Lets enjoy the last days of summer with the tops down and shiny side up!



8/5/2008 - Wedding Bells are ringing!

Our own Mike "Poppadent" Harris will be marrying Sarah "Mommadent" Johnston this Sunday, August 10th in North Carolina. We wish them the best!

They are registered at Wal-Mart and JC Penney if anyone would like to give a gift. We will have a small reception at a future meeting for Mike & Sarah.

Congratulations Mike & Sarah!...we will take a rain check on that bachelor party! LOL


7/21/2008 - MATG XII Travel Plans

Here are our plans for going down to the Gap this weekend. We are headed out early and leaving this Thursday morning July 24th. Anyone that wants to go at the last minute, feel free to join us. I am sure we can find lodging of some sounds like there has been a lot of cancellations according to Fontanna...I am sure $4 gas has nothing to do with this!

Here we go:

Leave from the Bob Evans Restaurant on Pheiffer Road/I-71 in Blue Ash, OH. Meeting at 8:00 for breakfast and leaving no later than 9:00 AM.

The loose itinerary will take us to Portsmouth via 32/247/41/125/52 and on to Ashland to pick up 23 south all the way to Erwin, Tennessee where we will overnight at the Holiday Inn Express.

You can make reservations by calling Melissa a t 1-423-743-4100 and tell her you are with the GCMC (Greater Cincinnati Miata Club) for the rate of $ 83.68. (Normally $ 91.00)

Day two is still up in the air but can go two ways. One will take us to Grandfather Mountain on the Blue Ridge Parkway and over the Linn Cove Viaduct for another eight hour day of driving. Option 2 would head South to Asheville to pick up the Blue Ridge Parkway and on the Fontanna Village in 4-1/2 to 5 hours in lieu of the eight hour trip to Grandfather Mountain. It�s drivers choice.

The weather looks nice and it sounds like thus far we have a caravan of 6 Miatas and 1 Mini coming along. Call me at 513-604-6353 with any questions.

Zoom Zoom!


7/18/2008 - Monthly Meeting minutes.

We had a nice turnout for the meeting! I was happy to see a mix of new members and the usual crew!

We discussed our trip to the Gap next weekend. Anyone still wanting to go is welcome to join us. A couple of us are going to double up on rooms so we will have extra lodging available at Fontanna Village. We will be leaving early Thursday July 24th and take the back roads down and eventually getting to Fontanna via the Blue Ridge Parkway. Please email me if you have questions or want to go.

I thank everyone who has been stepping up for drives. Anyone organizing and leading a drive will get a $25 gas card. That is worth its weight in gold these days!

Greg Braun also informed me he runs an auto parts store. They just bought out a chain that deals with import parts so feel free to contact him with your parts needs...we will get something in the resources section of the website.

Zoom Zoom!


7/8/2008 - MMG Cancellation Policies....waiting list

The Indy Club be doing a drawing after the deadline for cancellations, which is July 31st. There have been just a few thus far...

If anyone wishes to be on the wait list you should contact the Event Chairperson, Gary Colling, by going to the Schedule of Events page and scrolling to the bottom of the page where you'll find a link to Gary's email.

7/3/2008 - Tom O'Gorman takes 1st in STS2 at the SCCA Nationals in Peru, IN

Tom O'Gorman took 1st place the STS2 class in a 90 Miata at the SCCA National solo event in Peru, IN. on 6/29. Tom represented the Cincinnati region of the SCCA and the Greater Cincinnati Miata Club. Tom was co-driving a car owned bt Geoff Chambers of the Indy SCCA region. Geoff took second place at the event.

Tom is a Junior at St. Xavier High School with a strong interest in racing. This was his 1st national event and the 1st place win earned him prize money from Bridgestone and Mazdaspeed.

6/8/2008 - Concours de Elegance...One HOT Event!

Sunday in Ault Park was really great. We had 19 cars and 32 people come
along in a parade through Hyde park and into Ault Park with our lights on
and horns a tootin'. Our parking space was perfect being right across from
the south entrance. Our Miata's were lined up for all to see as they entered
the show area. Mike Harris, Mr. Poppadent, came along with his wife in their
newly acquired 1992 white NA. He found himself a find specimen for $1,000.

The Concours show was filled with classics, pre war sports cars,
motorcycles, American muscle cars and an unusual display of real mini cars.
These little gems are single passenger for the most part specialties. One
model, made by Vespa, reminded John Haas to have had one of these as his
first car. He loved the open roof which made for easier newspaper delivery
being able to throw right or left.

One very popular touring car was a 1918 Buick that was straight from the
barn. This car was in pretty sad show condition, but it's motor purred like
a Rolls Royce. The engine has no valve cover, so when running, the rocker
arms are rockin' in plain sight. The owner fit the part in his Levi bib
overhauls, white shirt, bow tie and narrow rim bowler hat. What a sight!

The sun was hot, but a nice breeze made it tolerable. There was ample shade
to be found within the show and along the woods behind our parking coral.

Thanks to everyone for adding to the fun, and to those who couldn't make it,
there is always next year.

Tom Arnold

6/3/2008 - Blue Ridge Parkway Closures

FYI......Thanks Vic M!

More closures of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Closures can be fast-changing and are updated on the BR park information line at (828) 298 0398.


Milepost 367.6 to 355.3 � Asheville Area

A rockslide and roadway failure has closed the Parkway to all activities including foot traffic and bicycling between the entrance to Craggy Gardens Picnic Area and the entrance to Mt. Mitchell State Park. The picnic area is accessible driving north from the Asheville area and the state park is accessible via the NC Highway 80 entrance to the Parkway. This road closure will remain in effect until late spring 2009.

Milepost 285.5 to 291.8 � Boone/Blowing Rock Area

Goshen Creek Bridge repair has closed the Parkway between US Route 421 east of Boone, NC and US Route 321 south of Boone. The detour will begin for visitors traveling south at milepost 285.5, Bamboo Gap. Visitors will follow state road (SR) 1514 Bamboo Road to Deerfield Road, following the detour signs along US Route 321 south of Boone then connecting back to the Parkway at milepost 291.8.

Visitors traveling north will begin the detour at milepost 291.8, intersection US Route 321; follow the detour signs along US321 to state route 1514 Deerfield Road to Bamboo Road which will bring them back to the Parkway at milepost 285.5. The total detour is estimated to be approximately 8 miles. Bridge repair is anticipated to be complete by late December 2008.

Milepost 223-225 � Near NC/VA Line

Pine Creek Bridge repair has closed the Parkway just south of the Cumberland Knob Developed Area, milepost 217.5 and US Highway 21 at milepost 229. The detour will begin for visitor traveling south, at milepost 221.8, NC state road (SR) 1461, Saddle Mountain Church Road and follow the detour signs to Glade Valley Road, then on to Shaw Town Road and then on to Mountain View Road connecting back to the Parkway at milepost 226.3.

Visitors traveling north the detour will begin at milepost 226.3, NC-SR1433, Mountain View Road following the detour signs to Shaw Town Road, then turning on to Glade Valley Road connecting with Saddle Mountain Church Road that will bring you back to the Parkway at milepost 221.8. Bridge repair is anticipated to be complete by early October 2008.


Milepost 105.8 � 112.2 � Roanoke Area

Beginning in January 2008 and continuing until December of 2008, the Parkway between US 460 and VA Route 24 in Roanoke will be intermittently detoured/closed for repairs to the Glade Creek bridge. These closure will be in place between 9:30 PM and 5:30 AM and visitors will be made aware of the closures through local media and signs. The Parkway will remain open during the daytime hours, although with intermittent one lane closures.

5/25/2008 - Happy Memorial Day!

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day! It is time to reflect on why we enjoy our liberties and who afforded us our freedoms. Take the time to thank you local veterans...and to the many veterans in our club...this day is for you because of you!

Just a reminder that the Blue Ash Parade is tomorrow. The weather looks great and we will be done around noon. For those interested, we will be going to The Root Beer Stand afterwards. We will meet at the parking lot of BW3s on the corner of Reed Hartman and Glendale Milford Rd across from the Blue Ash Airport no later than 9:30.

Please register of give me a call if you have any questions!


5/18/2008 - Spring Clean 2 a Great Success!

The rain held off and the sun came out for a wonderful afternoon. A huge thank you to Steve & Lynn Mokrovich for being such generous hosts! They went over and beyond to make everyone welcome!

Mike Harris & family was there doing what he does best. It is always great to see the reaction of someone who sees Mike do his craft for the first time...Steve was amazed! He had on little ding taked out on his 2003 Special Edition.

Bryan Wyatt revealed "The Tick" for the first time. He probably has the rarest car in the club...a 2002 Laser Blue that less than 150 were made. The car was an internet order only car along with the Vivid Yellow.

Andy MacKay showed off his freshly painted 94R, Allen & Mary Shutte showed off their new beautiful Black Cherry, Dave & Alice Seeger was there with thier prestine 1990 red...if you have not had a chance to hear the story on the car, ask Dave...amazing! Rose was ther with Mimi...and we have photgraphic proof that she was detailing and even turning wrenches...or screwdrivers, on her own car!

Fun was had by all! For all those who need work from Mike let me know and I will arrange a date at some park in Loveland.

Thanks again to Steve & Lynn!

Zoom Zoom,

John Watson

5/17/2008 - Meijer 300 at KY Motor Speedway June 14th 8:30pm

I ran across a friend last night who has a block of tickets to the Meijer 300. There is a pre-race concert by Smashmouth.

The tickets are in GS6 (turn 4) rows 16-18.

Tickets are $20 each. (face price is $60!)

Call Angie 513-265-9558.

John Watson

5/12/2008 - Club Meeting & Rescheduled Spring Cleaning Party this week!

Thursday May 15th 7pm:

Club Meet & Greet @ Warners in Ft. Wright.

Come meet your fellow Miataphiles and share ideas & stories. Jon Roberto will be running the meeting. If you have anything you would like to talk about feel free to bring it up at the meeting. Summer is upon us and it is top down weather!

Saturday May 17th 4pm:

Spring Clean 2

OK...we will try it looks good, so far! Steve & Lynn Mokrovich will host the event at their home...953 Riverwatch Dr, Villa Hills, KY 41017. Please bring your cleaning supplies and sign up on the web site so we have enough dogs and burgers.

We invite everyone to bring a dish or drink. (New guidelines started by Rose will be observed......NA's to bring appetizers, NB's will do Side Dish's and NC's will do deserts but remember, that this is optional, not required for admission.)

Sunday May 18th 5:30pm:

QSL Car Show

QSL in Milford runs a car show every Sunday night. I figured this would be a good way to show off our clean cars. There is a DJ and door prizes. The event is open to all sports cars. QSL has excellent wings & burgers also as an added benefit!

5/3/2008 - CANCELLED! Spring Cleaning Party

Based on the weather forecast - we will be cancelling the party tonight.

4/26/2008 - Live Strong Rally Sunday April 27th

Sunny, 70 and an event to help fight cancer! Jon Roberto and I have both lost parents to cancer so we both feel very strongly about this cause. I met Lance Armstrong in 2000 in Houston when my mom was dying of cancer. He stopped what he was doing and pulled me aside when I told him about mom. He took the time to have an aid go to his car, get a book and wrote a lenghty note to mom in the cover of his book. He is a real class act!

Now for the fun at Kohls 6580 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45247 by 10am. This rally will be a follow-directions and answer-questions type. We will be driving on the very Miata friendly roads on the West Side of town. The meeting spot is to be determined. Entry fee is at least $20 per car. I encourage you to donate more to this great cause. There will be prizes to be awarded at the end of the rally. You don't need a co-pilot but it will make it much easier if you do. Clipboard and pen is also helpful to have.

We will end up and Jon Robertos house and cook out some dogs and hand out prizes to the winners.

If you cannot make it and want to donate to the cause, please follow the link below. All donations and entrance fees for this event will be tax deductable! If you have not signed up and plan on attending, please let Jon Roberto know at 513-295-3332.

Hope to see everyone there!

John Watson

4/6/2008 - Impromtu Drive

Meet at Willy's in Covington at 1:30 for a run to Rabbit Hash. Download directions from the drive section here on the website. See you then!


3/29/2008 - March Madness Drive

We stole a day from a long winter!

Bob Mackey celebrated a birthday and showed off his new ride.

Rose celebrated her last weekend as President...will she pardon anyone???

Farzin decided he did not like his front license plate and ditched it.

Tom O'Gorman paced us in his Civata.

Terri Frazier got jumped...her battery was dead!

So goes life as the Miata turns!

Terri has stepped up to do a drive already!

We will be handing out $25 gas cards again this year to drive leaders.

Sign up for the, "Drive the Speedway Drive!" It is not every day you can get your car out on a professional race track!

3/20/2008 - March Meeting

What a great turnout at Max & Erma's for our meeting on the First Day of Spring!!! We welcomed new member Dave Thomas and celebrated Andy Mackay finally becoming a proud Miata owner!!

Board of Directors for the GCMC for the coming year are Jon Roberto, Joe O'Gorman, Bruce Fahey, John Haas and Kirk Hodulik. Officers will be elected shortly-let Jon know if you can serve as President.

We decided that we DO want to host the 10th Annual Midwest Miata Gathering in '09 and are beginning to explore some venues and dates.

We do have enough orders to get the discount on the Cool Breeze Scoops.
If anyone is interested in one please let me know ASAP. I will place the order next week.

Zoom Zoom


3/17/2008 - Miata Magazine Revived! aka Forever MX-5

Forever MX-5 Magazine, 1-Year (4-issues) USA: $19.99
Forever MX-5 Magazine, 2-Year (8-issues) USA: $36.99

Forever MX-5 Ships Debut Issue
Redmond, Wash. (PR WEB) March 17, 2008 � The first issue of Forever MX-5 Magazine is bundled up and in the hands of the United States Postal Service for delivery to subscribers across America and around the globe. The all-new independent MX-5 Miata enthusiast publication represents the long-awaited revival of Miata Magazine.

1/17/2008 - First Meeting of the Year

We had a lot of enthusiasm for the upcoming year and got some new events on the schedule. We welcomed new members Teresa Gobble and Paul Wylie.

Mike Benzinger, who was not in attendance, has volunteered to be the Drive Director for the upcoming Season. He will replace John Watson who did a great job last year but is expecting to be moved out West shortly.

Jon Roberto and John Haas are going to put together a Hometown Rally which sounds like a blast. Watch the schedule for this one to be added.

Board member elections will be in March-the current candidates are Jon Roberto, Bruce Fahey, Joe O'Gorman, Kirk Hodulik and John Haas. The new Board will elect the Officers to take over in April. If you are interested in serving on the Board or as an Officer please contact myself or Jon Roberto. I will not be continuing as President so we definitely need someone to fill that position. : )

Paul Wylie told us of an event being sponsored by his 101st Airborne group and Joe O'Gorman will be attending one of their meetings to see how we can be involved. It is on the schedule as the Poker Run on May 10. Watch the event calendar for more details.

It looks like another great driving year and I for one am looking forward to some impromtu "Hey it's 75 and sunny in March let's drive" drives!!!

Zoom Zoom



We weren't "top down" like last year but at least the snow held off so we could all gather at the home of Shirley Bennett last night for the Christmas/Holiday Party. As usual there was a LOT of good food, Mojitos by Tim and Bobbi and we even had entertainment from budding rock star, Nick Sabet! Santa (also known as Tim Ross!) had a Car Tunes cd for everyone.

The creativity of the White Elephant gifts continues. In two years we'll probably be seeing the "lovely" paper mache bowl (can't get it wet!)the decorated bird cage and the computer that Farzin had under the tree but his son picked as his gift!!! The rapping Penguin was hilarious but the gift of the evening was one that Jon Roberto found on a website called "". We're not sure how he found that website??? : D Check out the pictures for all the fun.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Shirley for hosting the event.

Farzin and Angie Sabet will be hosting the party next year! As soon as we get a date I'll get it on the event calendar. Try not to miss it!!

Best Wishes to all of you for a wonderful Holiday Season!!


10/27/2007 - Fall Farm Drive

A big thanks goes out to Gary Peacock for hosting a great drive on Sunday. The colors of the trees, the quaint little towns, the awesome food, and the yummy ice cream all made for a great day. We could not have asked for better weather. The Rothchild Raspberry Farm was very cool. You could pet goats, shop for great stuff, and eat some really great food. We stopped by Young�s Dairy and topped off the day with some awesome ice cream.

We had 8 cars in our group. It was very manageable. We had 3 new members join our drive and Sandy even let Herb drive her car yesterday. She must love him. HA!

For those who missed this even, you really missed a great time.


10/14/2007 - Sauerkraut Festival Drive

What a beautiful day for a Miata drive! THANKS to Gary Peacock for leading us from Quaker Steak and Lube to Waynesville on some really nice back roads. Once we got to the festival everyone seemed to head for the food : ) I've never seen so many craft vendors-not so much about sauerkraut anymore! It actually got hot and the top down drive home felt really good. Sure hate to see this weather end-hopefully it will hold out for one more week and Gary's Fall Foliage Drive next Sunday!!!


10/13/2007 - Girl's Drive

Hey Mary Beth-great job leading your first drive. We started with breakfast at the Breakfast Club in Lebanon then took some really nice back roads to the Jeffersonville Outlet Mall. It was a little chilly in the morning but warmed up nicely as the day went on. After shopping and a late lunch we headed back. We're already thinking about where to go next year!!!


10/2/2007 - Friday Night Drags!

A big thanks goes out to Mike Benzinger for hosting his first event. Only 3 cars showed up but one of them was Glenn Smith. This was his first event that he was able to attend. He had his red '99 that he bought in December. Glenn crews for the Doran Race Team so maybe he can be of help at a shadetree event.

The roads to Edgewater were short but amazing. If you haven't been on Buffalo Ridge Rd. you need to. It is a roller coaster.

We met up with 3 other Miata owners at the track. They were surprised to see other Miatas at the track. I am just getting my hearing back today. ;o)

Mikey did good!

Jon Roberto

9/20/2007 - Club Meeting

THANKS to Jon Roberto for hosting the meeting. We rehashed the MMG and discussed upcoming plans for this event in the future. We also talked about adding some drives to the schedule for the remainder of the year. We should have some good driving weather left : )

We are still looking for a host/hostess for the annual Christmas Party. The date is on the schedule and we are looking into some options for where to have it. Any volunteers?

Our annual club Gap trip will be in the Fall next year-Oct 24-26. We will need to get reservations early and John Haas is working on that with Fontana Village. This should be a gorgeous time of year to be down there-combining our Fall Foliage drive with our Gap trip : )

Keep checking the schedule for events.


9/9/2007 - MMG

The 8th MMG is history-and what a good time-especially for us Cincinnati folks who only had to show up and enjoy!!!

CONGRATS to Jon Roberto who won the President's Award for his car and the coolest door prize-an autographed copy of the History of the Miata. Look for it on his coffee table at our September meeting : )

THANKS to the Louisville club for stepping up and providing another opportunity for Miata folks to gather and enjoy this car we all love. There were 129 participants and 80 cars making this year the biggest ever!! Churchhill Downs was wonderful-food, drink, horses, the Museum and of course, Miataphiles. I missed the Makers Mark tour but heard it was lot of fun. The rain held off until Sunday and there was a lot of sun and heat on Sat-especially in the Car Show : ) I went on both drives and really enjoyed them-nice roads and scenery. They were well organized too with their club members interspersed in the group. Check out the pix on our website and the website.

Not sure where the event will be next year but you know we will keep you posted!!!


9/1/2007 - Pre MMG Detail Party

a HUGE thanks to Ken and Chris Bogart for hosting this well attended event. It was a perfect day for it and much "detailing" was accomplished. : ) As always it was great to see everyone. Pictures are in the Photo Gallery.


8/16/2007 - Club Meeting at Quaker Steak and Lube

First time I've dined under a car on a lift!! Thanks to all who came out.

Keep checking the event calendar for upcoming drives. We have a number of them being prepared for the latter part of the driving season. And there are always the impromptu drives-please contact John Watson if you'd like to do something either impromptu or scheduled.

WE NEED SOMEONE TO HOST THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY-please contact me to volunteer. The club helps with the food cost and this is always a great time for everyone.

Club t shirts and hats are available for order through the Resource link here on the website. Anyone who hasn't gotten their new club logo sticker please see myself or John Watson or Jon Roberto at an event or meeting. We also have new club magnets for $5. We hope to have the new club banner for the MMG.

Don't miss the pre MMG shine Party at the Bogart's on 9/1. Be sure to sign up so we can plan for food.

Zoom Zoom


8/11/2007 - Backroads to Waynesville Drive

22 Miatas and 1 BMW gathered in West Chester to take a really nice drive to Waynesville. Lots of curves, sunshine and grins! We had several new and first drive members join us, I heard there was a deer siting up toward the front and no one got lost!! Andy still doesn't have a Miata but managed to keep up in his Buick-oops, BMW : D Of course we had lunch and then split up for shopping or heading back.

Thanks to Ken Bogart for organizing this one-he always does a great job of finding "Miata Roads". And thanks to John Watson's daughter Anna who rode with me and took all the pics!

We are planning a Girl's Drive-just a heads up for the ladies!!!


8/3/2007 - Drive in to Cruise In

Whew it was hot but we had a good turn out at Sonic for some food and socializing! Our newest member showed up on his motorcycle (no Miata yet!)and another potential member joined us to see what we are all about! Dan Mason then led us on a nice little drive to Milford for the Friday Night Cruise In. We lined up in the back of the lot and walked around looking at all the American cars. After we saw some other "foreign" cars we moved our babies to the front!

Ken Bogart's drive is this coming Sat. Ken knows some great roads so don't miss it. See you then!


7/31/2007 - Hot Rod Movie Screening

We had a good time getting together and seeing the movie Hot Rod. The movie was a Will Ferrell style comedy, it had its moments.

Jon Roberto won a prize for best convertible, Rose won a prize for best license plate and Kirk won a prize for best paint job. They all won a cool Hot Rod t-shirt!

Rose even recruited a new memeber that does not even have his Miata yet! See everyone Friday night at Sonic @7 pm in Mainville!

7/28/2007 - MATG XI

11 years, 11 miles was the theme this year. For the second year in a row the weather was hit or miss. We had a good time looking at all the different models from over the years. The Dragon was heavily patrolled because of wreckless driving in previous weeks, but there were plenty other roads just as challenging. Take a look at the pictures and make your plans for next year. The Dayton club had 13 cars attend...we can do better than that! The new lodging arrangements worked out great. We were able to eat in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and still enjoy the NC roads. A special thanks to Bryan & Christie Wyatt for taking down the canopy & table so we could promote the MMG.

7/21/2007 - Vic Nelson's Deliverance to Freudenfest in Oldenburg, IN

On a wonderful Spring day in July we had 11 Miatas wagon train over some deep back roads to Oldenburg, IN. Vic did a wonderful job on his first drive with his navigator John Haas. Rose found a crown and I think almost everyone enjoyed some delicious corn on the cob and other treats. We even ran into a couple from the Indy club and saw a Pink Miata on the way back!

7/19/2007 - Club Meeting

We had a great turnout for our mid-summer meeting. Joe came with his hands full with our new hats, t-shirts and visor hats. All the new gear is very high quality and looks wonderful...thank you Joe!

Our calender is pretty full right now. The National Miata Gap trip is next weekend (July 27,28,29). If you want to go there are rooms available and we could always bunk up of offset gas prices. Please contact John Watson @ 513-604-6353 with any questions.

We also tenatively have 10 free passes (good for 2 people) for the premier of Hot Rod Tuesday, July 31. Please sign up on the web site if you are interested, first come first serve. There will be a car show prior to the movie and then free wings at Quaker Steak and Lube afterwards. The festivities start at 6pm at the theatres off Milford Parkway and 275.

We also discussed our fall driving season. It will kick off with the MMG September 7-9th in Louisville. This is usually the best attended event by the club and if there is one event to attend, this would be it. You can get more info at . We are trying to arrange a detail party the weekend before (Labor Day Weekend). We discussed renting a shelter in Sharon Woods and inviting Mike and Reggie to assist us with detail/ding work. Of course there will be a cook out. I have the event on the web site so please sign up. I will be scouting shelters this week.

We had 2 ideas for fall drives. Gary peacock will lead a drive the the Renaissance Festival and Shirley suggested the Pumpkin Festival. We will coordinate schedules. I have not heard from Andy but I would assume we will also be doing the Valley Vinyards dinner again this year. I will update the site when we get a firm date. I will intermittendly put in some Friday night cruise in's. the first one will be at Sonic in Mainville August 3rd. I will try to coordinate with the Dayton club to do one in Middletown also.

We also will have the First Annual all Ohio Miata (OH-Miata) get together in Marietta Sept 29-30. I will have more detail after I talk to other clubs down at the gap next weekend.

Last but not least, we had a new member Sandy Teasdale join us. Sandy has a Forrest Green NB Special Edition. Welcome Sandy and all other new members. Come join us for an upcoming event.

John Watson

6/23/2007 - MX-5 Summerfest Report

Shirley and I were the only ones from the club who made the trek to Joliet, IL for, what it should have been called, MX-5 Rainfest. This was the first time for Shirley on a track so she got some classroom time. I put myself in intermediate so it was right out to the track for me. I really learned a lot on this outing. Threshold braking, finding the right lines, and if you want to go fast in the rain you need ABS and traction control, neither of which I had.

Everytime Shirley got done with her 20 min session she was all grins. Part of that might been because she had to follow her instructor around the track who was driving a black Lotus Exige. It looked like a mini Batmobile. Total time on the track was 120 mins. That is 40 mins more than last year.

This year this event was not as nice as last year. No marketing presentation, no free t-shirt, no free lunch, no big wig Mazda exec, no autocross, no real use of Mazda factory cars. It was basically tacked on to a lapping event that was being held by a private company called Laps, Inc. Was the event worth the $150? Oh yeah...we had a blast even though I spent most of the day on Sunday cleaning my Miata. There is nothing like the feeling of passing Porsches and Mustangs in your little roadster. Gotta love it!

Check out the pics in the photo gallery.

Jon Roberto

6/16/2007 - Drive-In

We had a caravan of 9 Miatas and chase support vehicles! The weather and movies were perfect. We again was asked if we belong to a car club...ok...we were in Amelia! LOL

6/10/2007 - Concours d' Elegance

Tom Arnold out did himself this year-our parking spot was PERFECT. We had 19 cars from our club and invited any Miata driving by to park with us-gaining us several new members and lots of attention. Hopefully this will be our new permanent spot : D THANKS TOM-and for the continental breakfast and "drooling" towels!

Joe O'Gorman had sample hats and t-shirts with our new logo and they are really NICE!! You'll be able to order them through the website soon. The magnets and decals are on their way too.

It was a beautiful day to walk around and look at the stunning cars-but difficult to make a decision on the People's Car Show choice you wanted. Film at 11 : D

View the Photo Gallery


6/8/2007 - The Root Beer Stand and Rusty Griswolds

The rain held off...sort of. We had some great food and then headed down the road for some deep fried twinkies & cheescake and some good music!

View the Photo Gallery

6/6/2007 - Midwest Miata Gathering

Just got back from Louisville and a meeting with the Bluegrass Miata Club who are hosting this year's event which is still being sponsored by our club. They have a really nice event planned with some different twists!! Friday night at Churchhill Downs looks to be the highlight of the event complete with thoroughbreds. They have some nice drives planned for Saturday as well as some different things for the Annual Car Show. The Saturday dinner sponsored by Mazda will be a Tailgate theme and they pkan to have a DJ at the venue for after dinner. What fun : )

PLEASE send in your registration as soon as possible so they know how many to plan for-and make your reservations-the hotel is really nice. All the rooms are suites, and they will have a car wash set up for us!!!!

Let's really support this event since we have very little to do but just show up and enjoy it : D


5/28/2007 - Blue Ash Parade

We braved the drizzle and made it through the parade top down. 9 Miatas represented the club. In between the drizzle storms we all wiped down our reminded me of the gap trip last July. We all laughed at ourselves until we looked behind us to see the Prowler club doing the same, we stopped, laughed and pointed. We were done by noon and cooking out by 1! John W

View the Photo Gallery

5/20/2007 - Gap Trip Proclaimed "Best In Years"!

We couldn't have asked for better weather-for a change NO RAIN! People arrived on Friday at different times but a group of us went to dinner at Lynn's and then made a stop at the grocery for campfire supplies. We headed back and had S'mores around the fire, accompanied by much hilarity.

John Watson put together a nice little drive for the folks who wanted to get an early start Sat morning, and then the whole group met in Robbinsville late morning. We avoided the Dragon due to an unprecendented number of motorcycles, and even bicycles, as well as Z's. Instead we did the Cherohala Skyway, had a group photo taken, stopped at the Cascades for lunch (how 'bout that BBQ Vic?) and then back on the Skyway. Shirley Bennett proved to be quite the driver, throwing her beautiful Winning Blue NC through the curves with the best of them! Turns out she learned to drive on those kind of roads. We got back to Fontana in time to make dinner reservations at the Lodge for the whole group and then on to another campfire.

It was a very relaxing and fun time with no mishaps, no breakdowns, no lost items-yes, Dave found his cell phone! Tom A, Ginny, John and Teri-we missed you!!

Thanks to John Watson and Jon Roberto for organizing and leading the drives.

View the Photo Gallery

5/15/2007 - Club Meeting

We had the meeting at a new location-Mio's in Anderson, and enjoyed the outside patio, cold beer and good Italian food.

Joe O'Gorman is still pursuing the logo hats and has some new options. There will be a survey through the website to get some feedback on preferred styles and colors and commitment and then we will place an order. Estimated cost will be in the $10 range.

Joe also reported that we have 58 members renewed at this point. We discussed some ways to increase membership and are looking into a "Recruitment Run". The Board also approved a free membership to all new Miata buyers through the local dealerships. John Watson will coordinate with the dealers.

We discussed events for the rest of the year. We have four more potential drive leaders and John will contact them to make arrangements and get them on the schedule. We also will be picking a date for a local Fall Foilage Drive.

Jon Roberto will be taking charge of all club meeting locations. Please coordinate with him if you are hosting a meeting so we can get the info on the schedule.

WE NEED SOMEONE TO HOST THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!!! Contact John Watson to volunteer and set a date.

3 days 'til the Gap-WOOHOO.


5/13/2007 - AutoX results...and a new crowning of the

We had 10 club members plus a new potential member trump the field of 25 on a Sunday drive through the cones...and in some cases, over the cones!

We had 2 new nominees for "Cone Killer". Terri and Shirley both managed to drag a cone around the course. Since Terri really had hers jammed up under her car, I think she wins the title!

On a serious note. Ken Bogart showed what his coldside was capable of. He finished with the best Miata time of the day at 68.47. A very notable second was Tom O'Gorman (69.03). Tom has had his temps for less than a month and even beat dad. I think we are all in trouble here in the near future! Joe, can Tom borrow the car for Prom??? LOL

As for the ladies...Rose had stiff competition and proving the fruit does not fall far from the tree, Mary Beth O'Gorman finished first with a 71.02 second was Terri Frazier, cone and all, with a 74.67. Rose and Shirley Bennet rounded out the field.

We had 4 first timers who learned a lot. I invite Terri, Shirley, Tom and Ryan to share their experience with everyone.


Ken B 68.47 NA
Tom O 69.03 NB
Joe O 69.88 NB
Greg R 72.19 NA
Mike S 70.05 NC
Ryan C 72.44 NA

John W 75.00 Beetle Turbo S

Mary Beth 71.02 NB
Terri 74.67 NA
Rose 74.69 NA
Shirley 76.51 NC

The next AutoX is July 8th. Make your plans early!

View the Photo Gallery

5/12/2007 - Scrub and Grub

Papa John Haas and Teri did it asgain! What a wonderful time-perfect weather, great crowd, food and drink, new members, kids, dog and cats-we had it all-even Birthday Cake! Poppadent was there working his magic and Reggie did the buff and shine to perfection. See the photo gallery for the proof.

Thanks John and Teri for opening your home and getting us ready for THE GAP TRIP!!!

View the Photo Gallery

5/5/2007 - Cinco de Mayo Drive

The rain held off and Joe & Mary Beth O'Gorman led a nice spirited drive on the West Side of town. We had 12 people show and enjoy the twisties and avoid cornholes..oops, potholes! You know you are on the west side when you are asked multiple times if you are in some kind of club or sumthing. Just kidding, no offense to anyone who lives on the west side!.

Gary and Lea Peacock bought along a new potential member, Connie Steger. Connie was driving a beautiful Black Cherry NB. She was already talking about mods at the first break!

We ended up at Aculpucos for lunch which was very good! Note to self, order luch portion next time.

Thanks again to Joe and Mary Beth, excellent drive as always!

Remember next weekend is the shine party at the Haas's house and then Sunday is autocross. Two weeks from now is the annual Spring gap trip. If you want to go and need accomodations please let Rose or I know so we can try to accomadate.

View the Photo Gallery

John Watson
Cruise Director, Cougar Ace

4/22/2007 - Emergency Burger Drive

First real drive of the season and what a turn out.

Twenty three cars caravaned to Lebanon for Ice Cream.

View the Photo Gallery

Thanks to Tom and to all the new members who showed up! Anyone who volunteers to lead a drive will get a $25 gas card for scouting the route and a hat...this is for the first five signed up...I think we have 1 more spot left for the gas card and per member only.

3/29/2007 - Board Meeting

The Board met to appoint Officers for the coming year. They are:

President Rose Gontkovsky (I tried to resign and was told I have to serve until someone steps up to replace me or I sell my car-NOT going to happen!!!)

Vice President Jon Roberto
Treasurer Bruce Fahey
Membership Dir Joe O'Gorman
Drive Director John Watson

We are looking into new decals,magnets etc. AND we are having a new magnet made just for Drive Leaders, which will incorporate the very cool Tachometer logo. Sign up now to lead a drive : )

Thanks to John Haas and Kirk Hodulik for their past service as Officers.


3/15/2007 - And the winner is....

The Skyline Logo!!! The voting was really close but we have declared a winner and will be pursuing new car magnets, window decals and other items. It was a tough decision with such outstanding entries. Thanks to all who participated.

Also winners tonight are your Board members for the next year-effective immediately-Tom Arnold, Bruce Fahey, Rose Gontkovsky, Joe O'Gorman, Chris Reiff and Jon Roberto. The Board will be selecting the Officers for the coming year and announcing them at the April meeting.

Keep checking the website for updates on events. Hope to see you.

3/10/2007 - Cast Your Vote for Our Club Logo

Voting is now closed!

We have 3 designs and need your input!! You may vote until 5pm on Thursday, 3/15. The result will be announced at the Club Meeting that evening.

Each membership will have one vote. Repeat voting will cancel your previous vote. You must be logged into the site to vote.

If a new design is selected the club will provide replacements for your current window cling decal, and your current car magnets.

Once a logo is selected we will be pursuing hats, shirts and other items that may be purchased through Cafe Press and a local source for embroidered items.

Thanks to Sandy Weinstein, Chris Reiff and Marc Louis for the excellent logo designs. Let the voting begin!!!

2/15/2007 - Club Meeting

Thanks to all the diehards who braved the weather to come out.

Please see the event schedule for changes and additions. If you would like to organize a drive please let me know-we are starting to fill up the calendar!

New by-laws have been approved by the Board and will be posted to this website.

It is again time to elect Board Members-please let Bruce Fahey know if you are interested in serving your club in this role.

We have been awarded $1000 from Mazda for the Midwest Miata Gathering, sponsored by our club and hosted by the Bluegrass Miata Club.

We reviewed the logo submissions and have selected 3 possibilities (one of them being the current logo). Final changes are being made and we hope to have them on this website for a vote by the end of the month. We will then announce the winner at the next meeting.

We will be reviewing possibilites for embroidered shirts, hats etc at the March meeting.

Don't forget the Accessories Party at Sweeney's on Sat 2/24-the club will provide pizza and pop so come on out and get ready for Spring and DRIVING!!!


1/18/2007 - Club Meeting

We had a great turnout for the first meeting of the year, including 2 new members!! We are up to almost 100 members now and look forward to seeing all of you at one event or another this year.

The Louisville Miata Club has committed to hosting the Midwest Miata Gathering this year and we expect it to be another great event. We are still waiting to hear from Mazda about our sponsorship application.

Jerry Jaspers reported that the Newsletter will be 4 times a year-Spring,Summer,Fall and Winter. The Board agreed to purchase an external hard drive that will house all the club information and can be passed on as necessary.

Chris Reiff has completed 5 drives to be posted on the website and will be working with Webmaster Ken Bogart to get them posted.

There are a couple of regional events being posted on the schedule-details will follow. One is 3/10 in Columbus and the other is a Fall Foilage trip 9/29-9/30 in Marietta.

The highlight of the meeting was the slide show put together by Tom Arnold. We relived some moments from the past driving season and then moved on to the 10 logo submissions. At the next meeting we will have the final presentations-anyone is welcome to submit one-then the plan is to have a poll on the website where everyone can vote for their favorite. The current logo will be included.

It won't be long 'til the Accessories Party which always seems to kick off our year-hope to see you there!!! And don't forget the next meeting-2/15 at Panera Bread at Union Centre.


11/16/2006 - Club Meeting

Thanks to all who came out on a cold and rainy night-is it Spring yet??? Highlights are:

The Louisville Club is considering hosting the MMG this year in conjunction with our club. We would handle advertising and door prizes. We have submitted the application for Mazda sponsorship and hope to hear soon that we again have their financial support.

We are going to pursue an updated Club Logo!! All you artists and designers (and anyone else who's interested) are asked to bring your design to the January club meeting. We are being given an anonymous donation to defray the costs associated with this change.

Anyone with ideas or suggestions for the newsletter are asked to submit your info or articles to Jerry at [email protected] or to me at [email protected]. We still hope to have the first newsletter sent out by the end of the year.

There is no December club meeting-see you at GoKarting or the Christmas Party!!!


10/18/2006 - Club Meeting

We had a great turnout for the meeting. It was good to see so many new faces!! Some highlights are:

We will be posting our club drives on this website. Anyone who has past drives, or anyone doing new drives, please forward a copy to Chris Reiff. He and Ken will get them on the website.

Be sure to update your member information on this website-we will be using that information for the newsletter which will be sent out quarterly. If you have any articles please forward them to Jerry Jaspers. The first newsletter will be out by the end of the year!!

The MMG was a financial success and we will be donating $750 to Hospice of Cincinnati in memory of Ruth Bowser.

There was a lot of discussion of the '07 MMG but nothing was decided. We are currently working with the Louisville Club to see about hosting a joint event. We'll keep this site updated.


9/18/2006 - MMG Photos are posted

There are several hundred photos posted on the MMG website under the photos link!

The Group Car photos can be viewed at the photographers website at Glutz Photography.

If you have photos to share, please send me an email.

9/8/2006 - Midwest Miata Gathering 2006

September 8-10th 2006

The event-The Wild, Wild (Mid)West, will be held at Steamboat Bend Shelter on the Ohio River. The Saturday night dinner, sponsored by Mazda, was a highlight of last year's event. We have the same caterer and will be doing a Texas BBQ-bring your western attire!!

Please register early to ensure that you receive the full event packet. All forms received by August 1, 2006 will be guaranteed to receive the event packet which includes the souvenir booklet and magnet. We will accept registrations at the pre-registration prices up to September 1, 2006 but cannot guarantee booklets after the August 1 deadline. As soon as we receive your registration we will send an acknowledgement as well as directions to the event hotel and venue.

Access the 2006 Midwest Miata Gathering website at:

9/2/2006 - Poppadent Party a success!

The clubs visit to Mike Harris's Poppadent shop was a big success. we had 25 cars come out and brave the rainy day for an opportunity to remove dents and dings from our beloved Miatas.

Here is a testimonial from a satisfied club member:

I haven�t had my Miata long and since I had purchased it on the �used� market it came with a collection of parking lot dents. Knowing how expensive it was to have these fixed at a body shop I had resigned to live with them. Also, when I went to the GAP with the club I watched another vendor try and remove some dents in a Miata and was very unimpressed with the work that guy did. However, after talking to some of the Cincy club members I decided to go out and see the work Mike Harris did. Last Saturday I was the first to arrive at his shop as I didn�t want to wait too long, behind what I was told was going to be a lot of club members who wanted Mike to work on their cars. Luckily, Mike opened his shop even earlier than he was supposed to. I was still skeptical about being able to get dents out without letting a �real� body shop do them. I told Mike of my experience at the GAP and my doubts. I was really impressed when Mike said that if I could see where a dent had been after he worked on it then he wasn�t doing his job. With that assurance I decided to let Mike do his thing. I am very happy to say that when Mike was done I could not tell where the dents had been. Wow I feel like a got a new car!!! Being so happy with Mike�s work, I had Reggie (detailing guy) buff out the hood and trunk lid � he also did a great job. To top off Mike and Reggie�s work, our club president, Mike Lukey pinstriped my car. What a great day --- thanks to Mike H, Mike L, and Reggie. Also, thanks to Rose who brought breakfast! What a great club!! I have included some pictures of Mike Harris and Reggie doing their thing.

Roger Corrado

The club presented a framed Dragon poster to Mike as a thank you for the fine service he provides the club.

There are some photos of the Poppadent event in the photo gallery.

5/10/2006 - Concours d�Elegance @ Ault Park

June 11, 2006, Concours d�Elegance @ Ault Park

The Cincinnati Miata Club will be afforded prime parking and show space at the 29th Annual Concours d�Elegance Show at Ault Park,
Sunday, June 11, 2006. The web site address for the show is

This will be the fifth year the club will awarded preferred parking and display space for the show, which opens to the public at 10:00 AM. The show runs until 4:00 PM. You can stay as long as you wish, so don�t think you are locked in until 4 o�clock. The entry ticket for our club members will be a reduced price of $15 per person versus the door price of $20. The show is organized for the benefit of The Arthritis Foundation.

You can pay me, Tom Arnold, at the show when you get your tickets.

It is very helpful to send me an email or call (numbers below) with a name and how many tickets you want so I am sure to have enough. My email address is: [email protected]

In years past we had a nice group attend. Although space is somewhat limited, we have space for 10-15 cars and can always squeeze in more if necessary. We plan to meet promptly at Panera Bread Company in Hyde Park Plaza at 3806 Paxton Ave. at 8:30 AM, as we must arrive at Ault Park at or before 9 o�clock. If you over sleep, get up and come on to Ault Park. We will be parking where Principio Ave intersects the circle around the main park and around the pavilion (show main entrance). This location is the center for the show featured car, this year being Italian Beauties.

Bring a chair(s), blanket, cooler or anything else to comfort your position.

Call Tom Arnold with questions/suggestions. 792-1190 (office) 321-9589 (home) 708-3850 (cell) [email protected]

4/2/2006 - Root Beer Drive

Check out the photo's from this impromtu drive in the Photo Galleries. What a great day. A perfect cure for "Cabin Fever".

Photo contributions from John Watson, Teri Haas and Joe O'Gorman.

3/31/2006 - Hard Top Hoist from Racer Chuck

Looking for that DIY project you'll be really proud of......take a look at the terrific Hard Top Hoist from Racer Chuck. Link below:

If anyone in the group attempts this.....send article and pics.

John (Not jon....or johnnymx5)

3/27/2006 - Eric's River Run 2006


SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2006
A Sports Car Driving Tour

Riverrun is a 300+ mile, all-day driving tour using some of Ohio�s most interesting and challenging roads. This year we�ll go southeast to Sistersville WV. After a picnic on the riverbank (recommended) or a meal at Murph�s, we�ll take the Covered Bridge Scenic Byway (SR 26, one of Automobile Magazine�s 20 Best Roads) to Marietta, then SR 555 north to Zanesville and Tom�s Ice Cream Bowl, and on to finish at Clark�s Dining Room in Jacksontown.

Cars leave the Bob Evans at Brice Road & I 70, between 8 and 9 am. We should be at the Ohio River around noon and finish by 6 pm., depending on the time spent sightseeing. There is no fixed schedule nor any assigned speeds. This is a tour rather than a rally.

The Central Ohio British Car Club Council invites all driving enthusiasts, regardless of vehicle make, model or type, to join us on Riverrun 2006.

Call Eric Jones at (740) 363-2203 for more details and to reserve your spot. There is a $5.00 fee. All profit will be donated to Canine Companions.

3/19/2006 - Economy Run 2006

On a bright and sunny Sunday morning, eight cars met at the Shell station on Tylersville Road at Tylers Place Boulevard. The gas tank of each was filled to the first click, and then sealed. The drivers set off on a route approximately 100 miles long that wound west in Ohio into Indiana and south into Kentucky, ending at the Shell station on US 42 just west of I-75 in Florence. The roads were city roads and country roads, some straight, some twisty, some up hill, some down hill (Coasting is economical!), even a stretch of Interstate.

After three hours including a visit to Governor Bebb Preserve in Butler County, the cars arrived at the finishing Shell station where the tanks were unsealed and again filled to the first click. While Bill Bowser�s record set in April, 1998 (on a turbocharged Miata, no less) was neither equaled nor surpassed, the drivers did a good job at proving that you can save gas.

The thriftiest was Rose Gontovsky in her �95 Miata who achieved 39.87 mpg. Al and Ruth Bailer, driving an �04 MINI Cooper S, achieved 39.66 mpg. Gary Peacock, driving his �00 Miata without a navigator, used 2.725 gallons for 35.89 mpg. Ken and Kathy Kubick, having driven their �00 Z3 from New Palestine, IN, achieved 35.85 mpg. Bruce and Scottie Fahey decided to bring their �92 Miata instead of their Z3; they got 35.71 mpg with the new engine. Jane Day and Ruth Himonidis had an extra passenger, Jane�s son Jason came along for the ride. Even with the extra weight, they got 35.56 mpg in Jane�s �05 MINI Cooper S. Michael and Karen Connolly�s �01 M Coupe was a bit thirstier. They got only 29.58 mpg. The thirstiest of the group, however, was the red �04 Viper of Mark Kile. He used 5.35 gallons of gas for a lowly 18.28 mpg. The car looked fast just sitting at the gas station!

Awards were presented at a nice lunch at Smokey Bones on Mall Road. Thanks to all who joined us on a beautiful Sunday. To those who didn�t make it, we�re sorry we missed you � maybe next time!

Tim and Bobbi Ross

2/10/2006 - Sweeney

In their continuing efforts to support the GCMC, Sweeney has offered $50.00 to anyone sending them a customer that results in new car sale! This applies to any product Sweeney sells, not just Mazda. Not only does the person responsible for this sale receive $50.00, the GCMC also will receive $50.00. So, Sweeney, you, and the GCMC all benefit from any new car sale that we are responsible for. Please make sure that when you refer someone to the Sweeney dealerships, that they mention you AND the GCMC so that proper credit is given. Sweeney has helped us for years, let's do our part to help them! I also understand that they are working on special pricing for GCMC members. This is just another perk for keeping your membership current.
Any questions, contact me (Mike Lukey), or Keith Kennedy direct at Sweeney Mazda.

2/7/2006 - Event schedule for 2006

Flip over to the event schedule to check out scheduled upcoming events for this coming season. Some event dates have been scheduled without a venue, so if you would like to plan something, or be involved with someone planning something, please let us know. New, fresh ideas are always welcome!

9/22/2005 - MMG Feedback

Click here for feedback from the 2005 Midwest Miata Gathering

9/9/2005 - 2005 Midwest Miata Gathering

Important Note: 8 Mile Road has a road closure and detour. See MMG site for alternate route information!

Got MMG?

Access the 2005 Midwest Miata Gathering website at:

9/4/2005 - Autocross Results

The sixth and final Ohio Valley Austin-Healey Club autocross of 2005 was a very successful event. On Sept 4th, Labor Day eve, nineteen drivers took the grid and tried their best to drive fast and safe. That reflects or motto: "SAFETY FAST" which demonstrates that safety is first, and speed second. As always, safety was highlighted by our course designer Don Klein. He set a fun yet challenging course for us to enjoy. We experienced beautiful weather and received tremendous crowd support on this final Sunday.

We gave away 9 prizes to drivers from six various classes.

  • The Fastest Lady class winner was Kate Stone with her red 1990 Maxima in at 56.7 seconds.

  • The even quicker Lady Healey Driver was Hazel Klein in her 1960 "Purple Haze" Bugeye A-H Sprite with a time of 54.6 seconds.

  • The S.O.B . (some other British) winner was Dave Barrett in his 72 red Triumph Spitfire with a 53.9 second run.

  • The None of the Above (NOTA) class second best car was Doug Lipski with a 49.1 second pass in his silver 1984 WV GTI.

  • The NOTA overall Champion was Mike Bodnar in his 2003 silver Mitsubishi when he managed a time of 46.7 seconds.

  • The Haulin' Healey winner in his orange 1962 racing A-H Sprite was Mike Spence from Louisville with another time of 46.7 seconds.

  • The second fastest Miata and a mug winner was Sam Thieman in his black 2005 Miata with even another time of 46.7 seconds. He surely made his dad Tom very proud.

  • The Mighty Miata Champ and FTOD title holder was James Scott in his 2000 "Lean Green Motoring Machine" with the overall best run of 46.4 seconds. He got a Safety Fast glass mug and a Safety Fast coffee mug as his reward.

A special "thanks for all your help" goes out to Gary Kestin and Todd Spaulding from the Ohio Valley Alfa Romeo Owners Club. The PA was donated by another Alfa guy, Bob Santoro. Joel Edinburgh from the Alfa Club directed our "driver's school" in April. Thanks also to the many OVAHC members who came out and supported our events. A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated during this year and I hope to see you next year when we hold more fun and action packed sessions. Any questions or comments can be directed to me at [email protected] and the future dates will be posted in the spring on the OVAHC web site early next year.

8/21/2005 - Autocross Result

Sunday August 21st. we held our 5th autocross. It was a beautiful sunny breezy day. We had 31 participants and 6 of them were ladies! We had to turn some away as the 30 drivers or 11 a.m. had already expired.

Fastest LadyRose Gontkovsky46.8294 Miata
Fastest Lady HealeyMaryann Grabow56.52
Fastest HealeyMike Spence41.29
Some other BritishDave Barrett48.23GT6 Triumph
Fastest MiataBret Smit40.08
2nd place MiataKyle Owens43.0090 Miata
Fastest none of the above JapaneseKeith Owen40.58Subaru Legacy
Fastest none of the above GermanTerry Weiss41.9077 Porsche 911
Fastest Time of the DayBud Henthorn39.6594 Miata

7/10/2005 - July Autocross Results

The Ohio Valley Austin - Healey Club drivers' training session held on Sunday, July 10 was a fun event for all. Everything went smoothly and the competition between the twenty-one drivers was close as usual. The weather was great and the variety of automotive iron was also. Since we had five Porsche drivers on the grid we created a class just for them. Several spectators got into the act by riding along throughout the afternoon. Hazel Klein had Cindy Loos grinning from ear to ear as they wove between the cones. The two Mazda Miatas both had riders and so did the Corvette. The two Triumphs each carried a passenger and I had one in my Healey as well. Hope to see you on August 21st.

ClassWinning DriverCarTime
Dynamic Lady HealeyHazel Klein60 Bugeye Sprite64.49
SOB (some other British)Billy Baldwin63 Triumph Spitfire58.27
Haulin' HealeyDale Ballinger55 Healey 100-854.40
Mighty Miata Ken Bogart 9696 Mazda Miata53.01
Powerful PorscheTerry Weiss77 91151.99
2nd NOTA (none above)Doug Lipski84 VW GTI51.98
NOTA & FTODMike Bodnar03 Mitsubishi EVO 50.36

7/5/2005 - Sponsors Page Added

We have added a sponsors page to the website to highlight those vendors that support the Cincinnati Miata Club. Some vendors contribute money or services that permit our club to host the Midest Miata Gathering.

Some of the vendors offer discounts to club members.

It is important to recognize their support by patronizing their businesses. Without our sponsors, we would not be able to host the events.

5/29/2005 - Autocross Results

The Ohio Valley Austin - Healey Club proudly hosted the third driving session of 2005 on Sunday, May 29 at Live Oaks Campus. Of the twenty-one drivers, eight were in Mazda Miatas and four were ladies. The course was set up in a manner which allowed us to do two laps on each of our six runs. Everyone had a real good time and enjoyed the wonderful weather on this beautiful day. All was great... until Dales' right front axle broke. Thanks to everyone to helping out and also for being patient. The proud OVAHC "safety fast" champion mugs winners were as follows.

Hazel KleinLady Healey54.5560 Bugeye Sprite
David BarrettSOB(some other British)52.4267 Triumph GT6
Rose GontkovskyFastest Lady51.2095 Mazda Miata
Charlie LownsdaleHaulin' Healey48.0562 Racing Sprite
Bryan WyattThird Miata49.4297 Miata
Tim RossSecond Miata48.9890 Miata
Ken BogartMighty Miata47.6096 Miata
Terry WeissFTOD / None of the above class champion47.2177 Porsche 968

5/8/2005 - Mother's Day Autocross Report

The Ohio Valley Austin - Healey Club proudly hosted the second driving session of 2005 on Sunday, May 8 at Live Oaks Campus. We thanked all mothers for allowing their mates to attend. Of the twenty drivers, ten were in Mazda Miatas and two wereladies. We were pleasantly surprised to have such a large contingent of enthusiastic Miata drivers. They always provide close and fierce, but friendly competition. The course was set up in a manner which allowed us to do two laps on each of our six runs.It was a wicked, snakelike layout entirely in the main parking lot. Everyone had a real good time on this beautiful eighty degree day. The nine OVAHC "safety fast" champion mugs winners were as follows.

Pat DuffyLady Healey79.3061 Bugeye Sprite
Kate StoneFastest Lady62.53Mazda Miata
Charlie LownsdaleStock Healey60.1765 A-H Sprite
Dale BallingerHaulin' Healey57.7055 Healey
Ken Bogart Fourth Miata56.2196 Miata
James Scott Third Miata56.102004 Mazdaspeed Miata
Tom Thieman Second Miata54.272004 Miata
Mike WardNone of the above52.60 94 Porsche
Bud HenthornMighty Miata/FTOD51.0194 Miata

4/26/2005 - Driving Weather Forecast Now Available

Wonder how the weekend weather is looking for an upcoming drive? Wonder no more... The local weather forecast is now available on the left navigation menu.

4/23/2005 - April OVAHC Drivers' Training Session Report

The annual "drivers school" session was hosted by the Ohio Valley Austin-Healey Club on Sunday, April 10. We were fortunate to have an incredibly warm and beautiful day with abundant sunshine. Twenty - three drivers took to the course whichour rally master, Don Klein set up in the main lot. Joel Edinburgh from the Ohio Valley Alfa-Romeo Owners Club provided the motivational and educational talk to rookies and experienced drivers alike. Fellow members, Todd Spaulding and Gary Kestin manned the timing equipment very capably. It was evident that everyone enjoyed themselves and the close competition. The following drivers received one of our new blue marbleized OVAHC Safety Fast Champion coffee mugs for their efforts.

ROSE GONTKOVSKYFastest Female37.34 seconds95 Miata
HAZEL KLEINDynamic Healey Lady38.4260 Bugeye Sprite
PHIL SCHWARTZAwesome Alfa42.6187 Alfa- Romeo
BILL BALDWINSOB (some other British)36.9362 Triumph Spitfire
DON KLEINHaulin' Healey34.9662 3000 Tri-carb
KEN BOGARTHonorable Mention Miata(stock)34.6096 Miata
JASON BLAHANOTA(none of the above)33.3865 Cobra
TOM THIEMANMighty Miata30.322004 Miata

Tom also was the FTOD (fastest time of the day) title holder.

Be sure to check out the photo gallery for pictures of this event!

4/19/2005 - Register for the 2005 Midwest Miata Gathering

The registration form is available for the 2005 Midwest Miata Gathering. Please open and print the linked form. Pre-registering guarantees you all the goodies AND helps us plan for food, drive leaders, photos etc. We are very excited about this year's event and want to see YOU there!!!!!

Registration Form

3/18/2005 - New Website Goes Live!

Welcome to the new Greater Cincinnati Miata Club Website.

As you can see the format has changed and there is now an option for login and registration. Look for the next Topless Maneuvers newsletter for instructions on how to obtain your registration code and update your profile information.

Please use the Contact Us page if you have any questions or comments on the site.

3/1/2005 - Mid-West Miata Gathering 2005

This years MMG should be the best one yet. It is scheduled the weekend of September 9-10-11 and will be held at the scenic riverside park in Woodland Mound Park-Steamboat Bend.

If you are interested in assisting with any aspect of the MMG planning, please contact Rose Gontkovsky, 513-258-6601 or Email Rose.

2/18/2005 - To All Our Members

The GCMC would like to welcome all the new members to the club. New members bring enthusiasm and ideas to the club. Long time members still get a thrill as new Miata owners learn about their cars and share their experiences.

We all know what a wonderful car the Miata is and the joy it brings each each one of us. Share your enthusiasm with others who feel the same way. This club is about our common Miata interests.

This year promises to be an exciting year, and we hope to involve ALL the club members in events this year. We challenge every member to try something new this year. Make this YOUR club by participating.

Here are some of the exciting things happening in 2005.

2/17/2005 - GCMC Website

New for 2005 is a redesign of the website. This site has been designed to be a two-way communication medium for all our members. You are encouraged to explore the site and contribute your own content to make this site a dynamic part of the club. Members will be permitted to post information about events, photos, links and other resources for others to share.

1/1/2005 - This Years Events

Event planning is well underway and this year will have numerous events that will appeal to every type of Miataphile: Scenic drives, Weekend Getaways, Racing and Autocrosses, Club Dinners and Social Gatherings, Parades and Car Shows, and more...

Please see the Events Schedule for details about all the upcoming events. And be sure to use the GCMC 24hr Hotline (513) 333-6875 for last minute changes...